Wrestlepalooza 98'

Match#1:Super Nova & Blue Meanie vs. FBI

Nova and Guido tie up. Slam by Guido for a two on Nova. Nova dropkicks Smothers to the floor and rollups Guido for a two count. Nova hit a chokeslam into a Inverted Atomic Drop then hit a slidekick. Meanie came in and slammed Smothers. Nova hit a Bulldog/Leg drop on Smothers and Guido. Tommy rich asks for a dance contest. Meanie wins it. then referee John Finnegan even dances. Tracy Smothers hit Meanie. Meanie has Smothers in a Full Nelson. Guido accidentally dropkicks Smothers. Guido accidentally elbow drops Smothers. Meanie & Guido hit a Pisan Elbow Drop on Smothers. Guido seems to be confused on who his partner is. Finnegan slams Smothers then slams Guido and pins him. Smothers accidentally splashes Guido. Nova hits a missle dropkick on Smothers. Smothers rolls out of the ring. Nova backdrops guido to the outside on to Smothers. Nova hits a Corkscrew Somersault Plancha. Guido Inverted Atomic Drops Nova then smothers front kicks Nova for a two count. The FBI hit a Italian Leg Sweep/Sidekick Combo on Nova for a two. Smothers hits a slam then Guido hits a Leg Drop off the top on Nova for a two. The FBI hit a double side Italian leg sweep on Nova then Pisan Elbow Drop. Smothers hits some forearms then a sidekick on Nova for a near fall. Smothers tags guido. Guido gets caught on the top rope and Nova hits his Scream Machine. Meanie is tagged in and clothesline both of the FBI. Meanie hit a slam on Guido and fights off Rich. Meanie misses a Meaniesault. Guido hits Meanie with the Italian Flag. Nova hits Novacaine " One shot and you feel nothing" on Guido for the win. A+ Hilarious

Match #2:Mikey Whipwreck vs. Justin Credible(with Chasity & Jason)

Whipwreck spears Credible. Whipwreck throws credible to the outside. After some brawling Whipwreck Russian Leg Sweeped Credible on the guardrail. Credible puts Whipwreck's face straight into a chair. Credible put Whipwreck in the corner and drove his knee into his face, while Jason held the chair to his face. Credible then powerbombed Mikey out the corner on to a chair for a two. Credible blocked a Whippersnapper with a inverted DDT. Credible throws Mikey outside and Jason puts him on a table. Whipwreck gets up and suplexes Credible off the guardrail through a table. Mikey takes out Credible with a huge chairshot back in the ring. mikey hits a swinging neckbreaker for a two. mikey puts a chair in the corner and slingshots credible into it and rollups him for a near fall. Whipwreck hits a Top Rope FrankenMikey for a two. Whipwreck hit a WhipperSnapper. Jason came in and missed a enziguri and Whipwreck Whippersnapper him. Mikey hit a Super Whippersnapper on Chasity. Mikey went for a Tombstone Piledriver , but Credible reversed it into That's Incredible on to the chair for the win.B+

Match #3:Lance Storm & Chris Candido vs. Axl Rotten & Balls Mahoney

Rotten and Candido did some arm sequences. Axl hits a waistlock take down. Storm is tagged in and beaten in and beaten by Axl. Balls comes and chops Storm's arms. Storm dropkicks Balls. Balls and Axl hit a Backbreaker/Clothesline Combo. Storm hit a spinning heel kick on Axl. Candido tags himself in. Axl armdrags Candido. Axl droptoeholds Candido and Balls legdrops him. Balls destroys Candido with punches. Balls hip tosses and dropkicks Candido. Balls misses a heel kick and flys to the outside. Balls catches Candido doing a pescada and drops him on the guardrail. Balls drops Storm on the guardrail. Axl hits a Somersault Pescada on to them! Storm sidekicks Axl. Candido tags Storm and throws him out of the ring. Candido hits a hanging vertical suplex on on Axl. Then Candido tags Storm. Rotten chops Storm. Storm superkicks Axl for a two. Storm & Candido elbow smash Axl for a two. Rotten sunset flips Rotten for a two. Candido hits a Top Rope Rana, but is clotheslined by Balls for a two. Axl low blows Candido. Sorm & Candido went for a double flapjack on Axl, but Axl DDTs them. Balls is tagged and cleans house. Balls slams Storm then Candido. Balls powerslams Storm, but Candido makes the save. Sunny comes in and slaps Balls. balls picks her up, but Storm stops Balls. Storm throws Axl outside and hits a Springboard Plancha. Balls Nutcracker Suites Candido. Storm sprngboard dropkicks a chair into Bslls face and pins him, but Candido hits Storm with a chair and pins Balls himself for the win. A-

*Stlyes introduces the hardcore legends.

*Stlyes interviews Douglas, but Taz interupts and attacks him.

Match #4:New Jack vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

New Jack comes out with his can of weapons. Bigelow isolates Jack from the weapons. BBB misses with a guitar, and New Jack hits him with a plastic sheet. New Jack breaks a crutch over his head. jack hits BBB with a metal pan. New Jack hits BBB with a hockey stick low blow. BBB chairshots New Jack. They brawl in the bleachers. BBB throws New Jack to some trashcans. BBB misses a splash on the guardrail. New Jack goes on the balcony and drops down with a guitar shot!! New Jack is out though. BBB brings New Jack back to the ring and hits Greetings from Asbury Park for the win. C+

Match #5:Tommy Dreamer & Sandman(with Beulah) vs. Dudley Boyz

Dudleys pound on Dreamer and Sandman. Dreamer and Sandman hit double hip tosses and clotheslines. They brawl outside. Sandman throws a table at Bubba. Dreamer puts both Dudleys on the guardrail with a chair on their backs. Sandman legdrops both of them. Dreamer hits a hangman's neckbreaker with D-Von on the top rope. Sandman brings in a length of guardrail. Dreamer & Sandman hit a slingshot legdrop/splash combo on Bubba Ray. Dreamer throws D-Von into the guardrail in the corner. Bubba Ray throws Sandman upside down into the guardrail. Paramedics take Sandman to the back? Dudleys backdrop Dreamer. Dudleys double suplex Dreamer. The Dudleys double elbow drop and double headbutt Dreamer. D-Von hit a spinning back elbow on Dreamer. D-Von hits a side slam. Dreamer superplexes Bubba for a two. Bubba hit a huge Belly2Back Suplex. Bubba clotheslines Dreamer. D-Von is tagged. Sign Guy accidentally throws powder in the eyes of D-Von and Dreamer rolls him up, but Bubba Ray breaks it up. Dudleys hit a Belly2Back/Neckbreaker Combo. Big Dick puts the guardrail back in. Dudleys crotch Dreamer on the guardrail and miss with the chairs. Spike comes and missle dropkicks the guardrail into the Dudleys' faces. Spike splashes on them with the guardrail. Spike hits a swinging bulldog oon D-Von. Spike hits a Acid Drop on Bubba Ray on to the guardrail. Spike pescadas on to all the Dudleys, but is caught. Dreamer pescadas to get the Dudleys down. Dreamer puts D-Von in the tree of woe with a chair. Big Dick hits Total penetration on Dreamer. Spike low blows Bubba. Then vaults off Dreamer & Bubba and dropkicks D-Von in the tree of woe. Big dick its the big dick driver on Spike dudley. Beulah low blows Sign Guy and DDTs him. The dudleys hit 3D on Spike. Sandman comes back and canes everybody. Bubba and D-Von are setup on the ropes. Sandman and Dreamer cane and chairshot them. Sandman and Dreamer then hit double DDTs for the win. A-

Match #6:Rob Van Dam vs. Sabu(both with Bill Alfonso)

They stalemate a little. They duck each others moves. They have a great series of moves. RVD tells us that sabu and him were not really going to wrestle. Sabu turns on RVD. Sabu hits a slingshot sidekick for a two count. Sabu hits a slingshot somersault legdrop for a two. RVD rolls out and Sabu hits a somersault pescada on to him. Sabu throws RVD into the guardrail then rolls him back into the ring. Sabu locks on the camel clutch. Sabu kneecap dropkicks RVD. RVD kneecap dropkicks Sabu. RVD hits a corkscrew leg drop for a 2count. RVD locks on the Inverted surfboard. RVD lays Sabu on the apron and hits a guollotine legdrop! RVD locks on a half crab and pounds on his knee. RVD hit a sidekick. RVD bridges the table outside, but Sabu hits a top`e on him. sabu put RVD on the table. Sabu Triple Jump on to the table then jumped onto RVD in the crowd who had moved. RVD puts Sabu back in the ring and climbs to the top rope. Sabu knocks him to the outside with a chair. RVD crotches Sabu on the guardrail and hits a guardrail sidekick. RVD suplexes Sabu on the guardrail and legdrops him. Sabu crotches RVD on the guardrail aand Asai Moonsaulted on to him!! Sabu pinned RVD for a two in the ring. Sabu missed a Triple Jump Moonsault. RVD throws a chair at Sabu for a two. RVD crotches Sabu on the rope and hits a slingshot sidekick. Sabu falls to the outside. RVD hits Air Van Dam over a chair!! Sabu drapes RVD in the ropes and hits a Arabian Crest. Sabu bridges the table outside. Sabu puts RVD on the table. Sabu DDTs RVD on the table, but the tble didn't break so they fall to the floor. RVD hits a legsweep. Sabu hits a top Rope Hurricarana on to a table. Sabu starts to throw up. RVD lays Sabu on the apron and puts a chair on him and hits a Top Rope Leg drop!! RVD spinkicks sabu outside now. Sabu crotches RVD on the corner of the guardrail. Sabu hurricanrana him from the guardrail to the floor!! RVD hits a Van Daminator for a 2 count. RVd hits a twisting frog splash for a two count. Sabu hit a Triple jump legdrop for a 2count. RVD monkey flips Sabu on to a chair for a 2 count. Sabu hit a kneecap dropkick and a Arabian facebuster. Sabu brings in a dude table and RVD sidekicks and legdrops him. RVD brings in another table. Sabu kills RVD with a chair. RVD puts Sabu on the table after hitting a leaping sidekick. RVD eventually frog splashed Sabu through the table for another 2 count. RVD hits a Double Underhook Piledriver for a two count. Sabu hit a slingshot knee lift for a two. Sabu hit a slingshot somersault legdrop. Sabu hit a german suplex for a 2 count. RVD hit a slam and a split-legged moonsault for a two. Sabu hit a Arabian Press for a 2. Then the bell rang for the 30 minute time limit draw. Man!!! Match gets A+ could have had A++ if somebody won.

Match #7:Al Snow(with head) vs. Shane Douglas(with Francine)

Lots of punching and chops. Arm bar on Douglas's bad arm. Douglas hits a forearm. More punching. Francine crotches Snow on the turnbuckle. They brawl outside. Snow crotches Douglas on the guardrail then the ringpost. Snow hits some sholderblocks. Douglas suplexes Snow on the rope and dropkicks him to the outside. Doulas beats on Snow. Douglas hits a Plancha on to Snow in the crowd!! They get back to the ring. Douglas hits a clothesline and locks on a rear chinlock. Douglas hits a inverted rolling neck snap. four chairs and inverted atomic dropped Snow on to them. Douglas powerbombs Snow between two of the chairs. Snow hits a DDT. Snow takes out candido who came out. Douglas hit his Belly2Belly Suplex on Snow for a two. Snow Asai moonsault on to Bigelow & Candido(Triple Threat). Lots of wrestlers come out to watch. Snow hits a high crossbody, Douglas rolls through for a two. Snow hits his Snow Plow for a 2 count. Snow hits a Snow Plow on Francine. Snow hits Candido with head. Snow goes for a sunset flip, but douglas hooks his legs in the middle of it for the win. B-

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