ECW Anarchy Rulz

Match #1:Lance Storm(with Dawn Marie) vs. Jerry Lynn

Lynn hits flying head scissors after a great series of moves. Lynn dropicks Storm out of the ring. Storm hit a hotshot. Storm hit a cartwheel corner splash. Lynn ducked a corner splash and hit a sunset flip. Lynn hits a Plancha on Storm. Lynn sunset flip 1.2. Lance on top 1.2. Lynn on top 1.2. Lance on top. Lance rolls through Lynn bridges and gets a backslide 1.2. Storm clothesline misses Lynn full nelson Storm drops down 1.2. Lynn on top 1.2. Storm waistlock reversal German Suplex by Lynn 1.2 Storm hits a superkick. Storm hits a inverted DDT. Storm wedges a chair in the corner. lynn throws him into it. Lynn hits a sunset flip into a powerbomb. Lynn DDT storm into a chair. Storm puts on a backbreaker on Lynn injured ribs. Lynn hit a inverted DDT into a Stunner. Lynn hit a Leaping Rana from the second rope. Storm puts on a three quarter nelson for the win.Grade:A

Match #2:Simon Diamond & Tom Marquez & Tony Devito vs. Jazz & Nova & Chris Chetti

Marquez hit a fall forward slam on Jazz. Jazz locked on the testicular claw. Jazz hit the jazz stinger on Marquez. Nova and Chetti hit a double hip toss on Diamond. Then Chetti hit a elbow drop. Nova hit a slingshot senton. Chetti then hit a quebrada. Nova hit a pescada on Devito & Simon. Devito hit a powerbomb on Nova. Simon hit the Simon Series. Devito hit a Uranachy on Nova. Roadkill and Doring come out. Doring hit a Danaconda Legdrop on Simon. Doring and Roadkill hit a Lancaster Lariat of Lust on Jazz. Whole bunch of wrestlers come out. New Jack then came ot with a basket full of weapons. Jack hits Spanish Angel with a keyboard. Nova hit a plancha on C.W. Anderson. Jack stapled Rod Price 3 times then hits him with the guitar.Grade:B

Match #3:Yoshiro Tajiri vs. Super Crazy vs. Little Guido(with Big Sal)

Crazy hits a high crossbody on Guido. Tajiri dropkicks the knees of both Crazy and Guido. Tajiri hits a tilt-a-whirl flying headscissors on Crazy. Crazy hits a springboard missle dropkick on Tajri. Guido hits a springboard crossbody on Crazy. Guido locks on the camel clutch on Crazy snd Tajiri dropkicks Crazy to the face. Tajiri then dropkicks Guido into the face. Tajiri hits a Asai moonsault from the second rope on to Crazy and Guido. Big Sal powerslams Tajiri. Big Sal powerbombs Crazy. Guido hit the leaping rocket dropper on Tajri. Tajiri hits a German Suplex on Guido. Crazy hit a Asai Moonsault from the top rope into the crowd on Tajiri and Guido. Crazy dropkicks Sal threw a table. Tajiri locked the Tarantula on Crazy. Crazy put on a rolling inverted surfboard on Tajiri and locks on a dragon sleeper. Crazy locks on the Camel Clutch, while Guido on the Sicilian Crab on Tajiri. Guido hit a tomakazi on Crazy. Tajiri hit the Tree of woe baseball slide on guido. Then Crazy hits a Moonsault on Guido for the win on Guido. Crazy hit a vaulted moonsault on Tajiri. Crazy hit the ten punches in the corner. Tajiri hit the back handspring elbow. Crazy hit a spinning sitdown powerbomb. Tajiri turned a crazy Powerbomb into a DDT. Crazy hit a Tornado Inverted DDT. Crazy hit a first rope moonsault then Tajiri put his knee up for the second one. Tajiri then hit his vicious kicks to the head. Tajiri finished him off with a brainbuster. Grade:A

Match #4:Justin Credible(with Jason)vs. Sabu(with Bill Alfonso)

Credible canes the ring announcer for announcing Sabu. Sabu hit a slingshot sidekick. Sabu got a Arabian Press. Sabu locked on the Camel Clutch. Sabu hit him with a chairshot outside. Credible hit a side Russian Leg Sweep. Credible put Sabu on a table on the rampway then hit a splash off the top. Sabu hit anohter slingshot sidekick. Sabu hit a baseball slide then a Triple Jump Somersault Plancha Sabu draped Credible in the rope and hit a Leg Drop frm the Top. Sabu put Credible on a table on the guardrail. Then hit a Reverse Triple Jump Leg Drop on to him. Sabu did another Reverse Triple Jump Moonsault, but missed. Sabu locks on a Camel Clutch and hits legdrop. Credible hit a sidekick. Credible locks on a Camel Clutch. Sabu hit a kneecap dropkick and locked on another camel clutch. Jason missed a enziguri and got hit with a legdrop. Credible hit Sabu with the cane. Credible dropkicks a chair into sabu's face. Sabu hit a slingshot DDT. They fought over the cane. Credible got it and caned Sabu. Credible hit a stunner. Then using a chair as a vault put Sabu face first throgh a table in the corner. Sabu hit a triple Jump Moonsault then a triple jump Legdrop. Credible drove Sabu into chair. Credible and Sabu did tombstone reversals then Jason hit Sabu with the cane. Credible hit That's Incredible. Sabu hit a kneecap dropkick and missed a Arabian facebuster. They did Tombstone reversals. Finally Credible hit That's Incredible on the chair for the win.Grade:A-

Match #5:Taz vs. Masato Tanaka vs. Mike Awesome(with Jeff Jones)(Heavyweight Title)

Awesome and Tanaka pounded on each other. Taz hit a T-Bone Tazplex on Tanaka. Taz hit a german release tazplex on Awesome. Tanaka and Awesome hit corner splashes on Taz. Taz hit the Angry Man's Clothesline on Awesome. Taz nailed a Overhead Head and arm Tazplex. Awesome hit a Awesome Bomb on Tanaka. Taz hit a Front Head and Arm Tazplex from the top. Tanaka hit a Roaring Elbow on Taz then Awesome hit a Awesome Splash on Taz to eliminate him. Awesome hit a Top`e on Tanaka. Awesome hit a clothesline from the Top.Awesome hit a Sit Down Awesome Bomb. Tanaka hit a rope vault clothesline. Tanaka hit a running chairshot. Tanaka hit a Tornado DDT off the chair on the rampway. Tanaka hit a missle dropkick to Awesome's back. Tanaka hit a Tornado DDT on a chair. Tanaka put a chair on Awesome's face the hit a elbow drop with another chair from the top. Tanaka gets a powerbomb. Awesome Awesome bomb Tanaka to the outside through a table. Awesome hit a Leg Powerbomb then a awesome splash for a two. Awesome hit tanaka with some huge chair shots, but Tanaka kept getting up. Tanaka hit Diamond dust. Awesome hit a German suplex and a spear. Awesome hit a chairshot off the top. Awesome hit a Awesome Bomb off the top through a table for the win. Grade:A+

Match #6:Tommy Dreamer & Raven(with Francine) vs. Steve Corino & Rhino(with Jack Victory)

Dreamer hit his corner hangmans neckbreaker on Rhino. Dreamer threw Victory right into a Francine chairshot. Dreamer hit a chairshot on Rhino then a slingshot splash. Rhino hit a spinebuster on Dreamer. Dreamer threw Rhino into a ladder. Rhino hit Francine with a Michinoku Driver. Raven came out and Evenflowed DDT Rhino. Raven and Dreamer hit Double DDTs on Victory and Corino.Grade:C

*Axl Rotten asked to vs. Mike Awesome. The impact Players came out, but got beat. Spike Dudley even hit a Acid Drop on Dawn Marie!! Axl told us Balls would take on RVD instead of Johnny Smith.

Match #7:Rob Van Dam(with Bill Alfonso) vs. Balls Mahoney

RVD got some punches and kicks. Balls hit a Belly2back suplex. Balls hit a clothesline for a two. Balls hit RVD with some punches in the corner. RVD hit a leaping sidekick. RVD then hit a high cross body for a two. RVD got bodyscissors for a two. RVD dropicked Balls to the outside. Balls punches and throws him into the guardrail. RVD did a moonsault press off the guardrail, but Balls caught him. RVD slipped off and through Balls into the crowd. Balls threw a chair at RVD. Back in the ring Balls gets a 2 count. Balls hit a succesion of punches for a two. RVD hit a load of kicks. Balls hit a belly2belly suplex for a two. Balls spinning heel kick RVD out of the ring. RVD hit a Vandaminator in the crowd. RVD then hit Super Air Van Dam into the crowd!! RVD pined himin the ring for a two. RVD hit a dropkick. Balls hit a powerslam for a two. Balls went up top and RVD kicked him. Balls tossed him off and hit a new jersey jam. Balls hit the Ball breaker then hit a frogsplash for a two. RVD hit a huge superplex. RVD did a backflip and dropkicked a chair into Ball's face. RVD hit a tumbling senton with a chair for a two. RVD hit a monkey flip. Balls sit down powrbombed RVD on a chair for a two. Balls hit a DDT for a two. Balls hit a nice piledriver for a two. Balls hit a superkick. Balls killed RVD with a huge chairshot. Alfonso made the save. Alfonso threw a chair at Balls. Balls missed Alfonso with the chair. RVD did a Vandaminator off the top for a two. RVD hit the five star frog splash for the win.Grade:A

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