Extreme Fantasy Wrestling News and Updates

4.22.03- Battle Royal results have been posted for RAW. Check them out if you havn't read them yet. Also, the Smackdown card has been posted for this Thursday. Get roleplaying for that. Most importantly, Backlash is April 28, and the card is set for that. Check the PPV section to get the card for that. The card is solid all the way down, and should be an awesome show. I have updated a lot of the sections including the roster, stables, champions, and a few other little things. We still need to get more people to join the league, so try to spread the word. Roleplays are improving a lot. Good job fellas. Alright, just get roleplaying for the upcoming events. Take it easy.. PeAcE oUt! -Kerry

4.20.03- HAPPY 4:20 EVERYBODY! I hope that everyone is celebrating the same way that I am... haha!!

4.02.03- Wrestle Mania results are up. Sorry they were a few days late. I've been really busy lately. Hope you guys like them. Also, tomorrow I will be posting the following wrestlers who have been fired. I also am using new pics to represent wrestlers. Alright, thats all for now. PeAcE oUt fellas!!! -Kerry

3.20.03- SMACKDOWN results for tonight are up now! Check them out ASAP. They were done by our Vice president. After tonight, the 2nd round of the heavyweight title tournament well be set to go. I will post the new brackets, and new stipulations for each match. Also, I fired some people tonight. The following people were The Rock, Ultimate Warrior, Trish Stratus, and Rob Van Dam. They are now free agents so people can sign up as them now. You cant change guys, so dont ask me too. I hate when people do that. Along with the 2nd round, I will post the card for RAW this Monday. Im sorry about that guy who messes around on our message board. He's a fagget, and he wont leave the board alone. So just try to deal with his homosexualism. Also, the tag titles wont be on the line this week or next week. They will be on the line, on March 30 at.... WRESTLE-MANIA!!! I will post the Wrestle Mania card soon. So challeneg people for that if you would like soon. Alright, take it easy.. PeAcE oUt!-Kerry

3.13.03- Howdy-hoe Winslow! Back again, with a daily update. I posted the World Heavyweight Title Tournament Brackets on the message board, or you can click here to view them. Also, Our first show will be this Monday, March 17. The card is posted under the RAW Card section where all of the options are on this very homepage. Today, we added a few more wrestlers. We added Big Show, HHH, and Rob Van Dam. We are getting people by the day, and it's looking great. Myself or Vice President, Cody will post the Smackdown card for the following Thursday in the next couple days. Thank you all for being patient. I will update again soon, PeAcE oUt!!! -Kerry

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