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The BWA is always breaking the rules so we finally decided to make up some rules to actually break.

1. Respect the staff. That includes Krazy Kyle. Trust me we all know how difficult that is. Don’t take out your aggressions on the rp board. And when you express an opinion on the OOC board, don’t bash our staff.

2. Here in the BWA we have a mass amount of talented roleplayers and we expect certain things out of everyone. We have one show a week so we ask that each character post at least 2 times a week for that show. That is not a requirement but a request. If you do not post at least once for your match then it will be recorded and the next time serious actions will be taken. If you can’t post for any reason then let us know. There are enough days in between shows to tell us when you can’t post.

3. You may NOT under ANY circumstances use another handlers character in your roleplays unless you receive permission from them beforehand.

4. We give much freedom in your roleplays besides rules number 3, but please do not get personal or offend anyone in any way. As always any amount of foul language is permittable and damn well welcomed.

5. We don’t have line requirements for our roleplays. We try to put quality over quantity. But just be known that the amount of time and effort that you put into your roleplays will be the factor in the time and effort we put forth with your match. In other words, you don’t roleplay, you get squashed by your opponent.

6. We do however have two roleplay limitations. On the last day that roleplays are due, only two roleplays are allowed. This is to ensure no last minute rush to roleplay and it forces everyone to roleplay at an earlier date. Roleplays are at least 20 lines or more, anything less is considered a reply and would not be considered a roleplay. Therefore replies do not count in the 2 rp last day limit. Also, roleplays do not count in the last day rule unless they mention the persons opponent. Even one sentence that mentions them in the rp would make that rp part of the 2 rp limit.

7. The second RP limitation we have is that in a given week, a wrestler can roleplay only 5 times. Any roleplays after that amount will be not be counted. If you AND your opponent agree to a number other than that, you can tell the staff and it will be accepted for the match.

8. We don’t have set times that certain belts are to be defended. We do however make sure that all 5 of our champions defend their belts at least 2 to 3 times monthly.

9. If you’ve read up to rule 9 then we are damn proud to have you as a member of the best damn efed on the internet. If you haven’t well, it doesn’t matter because you wouldn’t have read this anyway but whatever the case we are proud to have you. Just not as proud as we are of the people that have read this. And that about does it.