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The dictionary defines "witch" as "a male or female given to the black arts, and worships the devil and evil spirits" This is only the typical definition of the word through projections of witches in movies or books. In reality, a witch is simply the term used to describe someone who practices Wicca. (Wicca comes from the Anglo Saxon word for witch) Many myths have been created against neo-pagan religions. One is that Witches, Wiccans, and other Pagans worhship the devil. Neo-pagans do not believe in the devil, therefore they can not worship him. In fact, the Chirstians probably developed ideas from the devil based off the Horned God of Pagan texts to discourage the practice of Paganism and turn there Dieties into demons (this was during the time when the Catholic Church conquered and converted many Pagan lands). Another belief is that Neo-pagans often use sacrifices, child molestation, and grave desecration in their rituals. This is also not true. These actions go directly against the Wiccan Rede, and the principles of Wicca. These rumors were created by someone who has no tolerance for faiths other than their own. So what is Wicca? Wicca is a pagan religion centered around the belief of a Goddess, God, and spirits. All nature is alive, and deserves our respect. All animals and plants have a spirit, and are thus considered sacred. It can be practiced in a large group of people called a coven, or by yourself as a solitary. There are two principles of Wicca. The first is a line taken from the Wiccan Rede, "An ye harm none, do as ye will". This means, that there is no strict boundaries in Wicca, as long as you harm no one (this includes yourself). The Threefold Law, is the second principle of Wicca. "Ever mind the rule of three, three times your acts return to thee. This lesson well, thou must learn, thou only gets what thou dost earn". This can be interpretted in two ways. One, that your actions, good or bad will return to you three times. Or two, that your action will return to you three times greater than that which you first performed it. The Goddess and God reprisent the cosmic balance of feminine and masculine.The Goddess is linked to the Moon, and can be referred to as Mother Nautre. She puts life into the world, and takes it out of the world. The God is usually shown as the sun. He provides life with energy and emotions, as well as fertility. Together, they balance the universe. Under the Goddess and God there are the five elements. Elements are the energies that are present throughout the universe. They are Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit. Each element is governed by an elemental. For example Earth is governed by Gnomes, Air by Sylphs, Fire by Salamanders, and Water by Undines. The Elements also have correspondences with the four directions: Earth is North, Air is East, Fire is South, and Water is West. This is a brief outline describing the key ideas behind the Wiccan faith. Please visit other pages on this site for further information. I would also recommend reading: The Everything Paganism Book - Selene Silverwind Solitary Witch - Silver RavenWolf Wicca - Scott Cunningham Living Wicca - Scott Cunningham