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Basic Bio:

Name: Suna Elizabeth Myre
Nickname/s: Sunie, Lizzie
Race: Elven/Siren Suna calls herself a pure Elf, but she is also part Siren. Her father was an Elf, her mother, a Siren.
Occupation: Bartendress, Assassin for the Dark Kaiser.
Element: Earth/Shadow
Weapon/s: A jade-hilted dagger hidden within her dress
Relic/s: A jade pendant, hanging on a gold chain. On the pendant is a good luck dragon bearing the Kaiser's mark.

Special Abilities/Spells:

Siren's songs: Suna knows, by heart, several songs her mother taught her. Depending on the melody depends on the effect. Some of her songs will put you to sleep, while others paralyze you. Others are just plain nice to listen too ^.^

Madien's Kiss: This is a level 10 (Maximum level) healing spell. Name pretty much describes it... Obviously only is used on males =P

Transform: An ability given to her by the Kaiser. Suna can transform into a common house cat. This transformation can last for up to 24 hours.


Suna is a very pretty girl, with hip-length red hair. The tips of her hair are forest green, as are the streaks throughout her hair. She wears a rather skimpy green dress, with matching books that come up to her knees. Her eyes are bright green.
When she transforms into a cat, her fur is red, and her eyes are bright green. (Which isn't that noticable, considering all cats' eyes are green x.X)

Brief History:

Suna's parents were killed when she was still an infant, no more then two. The murderers were two of the Kaiser's assassins, one of which took Suna home to his wife. The woman raised Suna in the "Twilight Tavern" she owned, and Suna became one of the Kaiser's best assassins, due to her ability to influence men so well.