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Vortex Magus' High Fantasy Site
Super Nintendo Games Gamefaqs
Games for the PC Digital Blasphemy Final Fantasy Music Online
Online Games Currently Playing

Notes and Updates

Hrmph. Writing decent stories and editing them takes a lot longer than it should... oog... Anyways, it'll be awhile before another story comes up... I is proofreading mah current story too... please be patient...-

The current song that's playing on this site is Aria di Mezzio Caratrere (FF3). For all you people who've played it before: It's the opera house scenario with Celes.

Brief note for now. It'll take me at least a year to remember, list, and find pics for all the games I've played... be patient, guys!

No popups... I hate popups. I really hate popups... Goddang it! I-HATE-POPUPS.

I judge games by the standards of other games during their era. For example: I won't be comparing FF2 to Diablo 2.

Online Games Currently Playing

Current Game Reviews Available

Super Nintendo Games
Games for the PC

My Stories

Submit stories to me at please! (SINCE this is a FANTASY site, I'll only post fiction I feel is adequate for this category)


Digital Blasphemy for having all those cool wallpapers! I loved it so much I used one for my webpage. Forgive me. It is the coolest site ever Digital Blasphemy. The wallpapers "Singularity (background) and spellcraft (top) are from Dig Blasph! Can't thank you enough

All my friends for... well... being my friends. (Too lazy to write them all out :-P)

All those companies who produced the cool RPG and Strategy games that I could play...(Again, too lazy to write them out ;) You know who you are! )

All those people who wrote guides at Gamefaqs. They really helped me find things in RPGs that I missed before...

Final Fantasy Music Online for the sweet final fantasy music. I used it in my page. So I'm gonna link it like I promised.

My HTML class for teaching me how to make this webpage. And giving me the spare time to do it.