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Vespera's Place

A young woman with short, blue-black hair, lightly tanned skin, crystal blue eyes and wearing a Renaissance gown approaches you with a cheerful smile.

"Hello there."

She holds in her hand a long, metallic staff that looks too big for her. She takes the staff and waves it slowly.

"Welcome to my apartment. I don't get visitors often, so please don't mind the untidy state."

She laughs, her crystal eyes dancing merrily.

"Come in and have a seat, provided you can find one."

She clears a few clothes off a nearby chair and tucks them under a table with a coy smile.

"My name's Vespera, by the way. It's nice to meet you."

As you look around the sparsely decorated and furnished room, for that's really all her apparentment consists room, you notice many Gilderoy Lockhart pictures on the walls. All of them smiling and winking from every possible direction. You wrinkle your nose and look up to the ceiling, but can't escape the torture. An autographed photo of the Wizard is stuck there too.

Vespera giggles and sits down in a chair, without removing the pile of dresses from it, and glances around.

"Isn't he lovely?"

Her eyes glaze over and twinkle as she looks at the picture on the ceiling.

"If only all men looked like him.", she mentions with a sigh, nearly making you gag.

If you'd like to find out more about this charming and energetic little Witch, feel free to learn about her here...

Vespera's Profile