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Veritas HP
About Us
Student Life
Acceptance Letter
Sorting Hat
Great Hall
School Supply List
Student List
Student Trunks
Student Profiles
Teacher Signup
Teachers Lounge
Prefects Lounge
Quidditch Signups
Quidditch Rules
House Cup
Points Scored
Student Awards
Teacher Awards
Common Rooms
Gryffindor CR
Hufflepuff CR
Slytherin CR
Ravenclaw CR
Wizardry Shopping
Diagon Alley
Harry Potter Trivia
Ultimate Challenge
Forbidden Forest
Through the Trapdoor

Welcome visitors to Veritas HP: Online School for Witchcraft and Wizardry! We hope you will enjoy our site. Please feel free to look around as long as you like and sign the guestbook before you leave. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail Webmasters Headmistress Rose or Asst. Headmistress Dawn. Thanks!!

Headmistress Rose~ or
Asst. Headmistress Dawn~


Visitors please take note that this site will be under construction starting Wednesday, September 8th. Due to that, not all pages will be working properly or showing all available links. The site will be back in full order in a week or two. Thanks for your cooperation!

ATTENTION EVERYONE!! Veritas HP has been officially shut down as an online virtual school. However, this site will remain open as a virtual online museum. We hope to show future webmasters and visitors just what a virtual school looks like. We encourage those visiting to take a look around and see how things were run while this site was still open. While you are here, you can also go on a virtual shopping tour, take one of three challenges, answer Harry Potter trivia and also look at information from the Harry Potter books and 2nd movie. Webmasters Headmistress Rose and Asst. Headmistress Dawn would like all visitors to keep in mind that everything on here is copyrighted. If you would like to use one of our ideas, we ask that you e-mail us for permission and not just take what isn’t yours. Thanks for visiting and we hope you enjoyed your stay here at Veritas HP: Online School for Witchcraft and Wizardry!

Nothing on this page is afflicted in any way with Scholastic books or J.K. Rowling Copyright © 2001 by Laura and Melissa Copyright © 2003 by Laura and Susie All Rights Reserved. HARRY POTTER, characters, names, and related indicia and Warner Bros., shield logos and related indicia are trademarks of Warner Bros. ™ & © 2001. All pictures are from the American version of the Harry Potter books along with pictures from the internet.