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"My daughter was tutored once a week by Ms Nielsen and raised her math grade from B- to A. She looked forward to her tutoring sessions and was sad when Ms. Nielsen left the classroom."

                            --Middle school parent

    "Thank you for using your math skills to help my classmates and me learn what was needed.  You were always patient and understanding. You were a great teacher and inspired me to continue to learn extended math over this summer vacation."

              --Jonathan Mak, 6th grade student


"Sylvia has enjoyed sharing project-based units such her geometric house construction project which challenged the students to use skills in math as well as their creativity....She brought enrichment beyond the textbook with extra materials."

           --Jan Lovette, principal, St Rita School


"Ms Nielsen was my favorite teacher in 8th grade.  All her old students seem to get A's in math and our high school teachers are so surprised."

                --former Lagunitas student
