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The Official Rules of the Tuesday Night MSN Club


Just do what your heart tells you.

0. ?

2. Every time someone leaves, it is obligatory for at least one person to say something along the lines of, “Finally that D-bag left.” Unless that person is Aana Mae Bendson.

3. I before O.

4. Albert Lea are tigers, and therefore, can’t speak count.

5. Jackie is allowed to put translucent eye shadow on Hannah. However, if this translucent eye shadow resembles dead skin more than three times, this rule shall be removed.

6. Just offer them kindness.

7. Siekibleekies!

8. In the event of one of the four founding members (that is, Recorder – not like the secretary, like the instrument – Hannah Burchill, Beef/Steak Expert Kali Gardner, Indian Teritry Jackie Lentz, or President of the Cantaloupes Nate Lucas) does not arrive by the time of 9:36 pm Central Standard Time (or Daylight Saving Time, whichever is current) they will be named D-bag of the Week. In the event that all four members arrive and peace is restored in the universe, the title shall be given to the Token Stupid Kid Anthony Mehr.

9. Every member of the Tuesday Night MSN Club must have a designated position. It doesn’t matter what it is, but they have to hold some position of hierarchy.

10. The only way to become a member is to answer what your favorite bridge is, and the Poppy, Harry, Otto and Deaja dilemma. If this question is not answered, and you come to the Tuesday Night MSN Club, then you are just an “honorary guest.”

11. Don’t underestimate yourself.

12. Just loe it.

13. E before all proper nouns, or regular nouns.

14. Obligatory

15. Kali’s Mac sucks. Let’s make sure she knows it.

16. Open grudges are encouraged (especially against Pequot Lakes).

17. Never stop in Bloomington or Richfeild (unless picking up Alex from school) and never ever ever take the Shakopee exit.

18. Six Scott’s are better than one. However, one Scott is better than Pequot or breaker of rule number one, and one real Scott is better than one imposter Scott.


20. More rules is better.

21. Nate Lucas is always wrong.

22. The TNMSNC is the ultimate.

23. John Cooper is the official club BOY.

24. Hannah is a space nazi and will not allow the rule about Maya here.

25. No ID's.

26. Rap/Wraps are encouraged.