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The Parking Lot Club
Sunday, 16 November 2003
1. Best place to have sex?
2. Who do you want to take a shower with the most?
3. Sexiest item of clothing you own?
4. Who would you want to see strip to music the most?
5. Who do you want to see naked?
6. Accesory of choice during mad makeout session
(wipcream...chocolate sauce.. blindfolds)
7. Give a sex name to the guy of your choice.
8. Biggest turn on?

thanx to kristin for this fab fab quiz..

Posted by wizard2/the_parking_lot_club at 7:03 PM
Updated: Sunday, 16 November 2003 7:04 PM
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Sunday, 16 November 2003 - 7:11 PM

Name: kelsey (sex on the beacher)

1. ok so you know how there are caves behind waterfalls, like in movies, that is #1 on my list. (hmm wouldn't mind getting fucked UP like sex on an airplane -- its a line from a song)
2. shower -- alex and wiley (alex has that steam shower contraption)
3. hmm black lace thong (i like my purple flower one too)
4. wiley, although i would request he not remove the black hightop converse
5. naked -- alex, wiley, and joey(joey's bod is AHHH)
6. uhmm i'd have to say nothing. my motto is no shirt, no shoes, ALL SERVICE
7. alex - Cordoroy Delight (it hit me like a freight train guys)

Sunday, 16 November 2003 - 7:14 PM


8. about the turn on....(katie and alexis you know one: GOING IN) and smart guys and rebels

Monday, 17 November 2003 - 11:49 AM

Name: molly

1. Best place to have sex? I really like that waterfall one. But i guess also in a forest and... a deserted island.
2. Who do you want to take a shower with the most? ahh, this is hard. ok, i guess itd hav to be sam grucky(since ive always had a crush on the kid in grade school),mitch or anthony crombie.
3. Sexiest item of clothing you own? haha- a pink lace thong with a little butterfly on the back.
4. Who would you want to see strip to music the most? hav to say david hughes, just becasue it would be funny.
5. Who do you want to see naked? Patrick luther, just to see if all of his muscles r trying to compensate for something
6. Accesory of choice during mad makeout session
(wipcream...chocolate sauce.. blindfolds) Id hav to go with those really yummy kind of cheeries and whip cream.
7. Give a sex name to the guy of your choice. Hmm...ill try giving one to chaz...what about noodles? or batman? ok, im really bad at this, its like naming a fricking baby, not that he is one or anything- its just hard to give a guy a sex name, ok, what about mr. fireman!?!wait...thatd be for charles, since he drives the firetruck apperently.
8. Biggest turn on? Guys with nice cars. Like suv's i mean. And also guys who r kind of punk, hehe.

Monday, 17 November 2003 - 1:17 PM

Name: medicine man tanti

i think we now know why kristin is KINKY (if anyone was confused before that is)

1. Best place to have sex? on a table
2. Who do you want to take a shower with the most? ak ahhhh so hot
3. Sexiest item of clothing you own? blace (black lace) thongoley
4. Who would you want to see strip to music the most? thomas martinez (kelsey, you know hes hot)
5. Who do you want to see naked? well obviously if they are stripping they are gonna end up naked... (see above)
6. Accesory of choice during mad makeout session
(wipcream...chocolate sauce.. blindfolds) whips and chains most likely (you all know you are trying to restrain your inner dominatrix)
7. Give a sex name to the guy of your choice. Matt G: One-Balled Wonder (he is not the guy of my choice, but the guy of my choice for making fun of..)
8. Biggest turn on? LONG HAIR (brown duh), going in, and funny

Monday, 17 November 2003 - 2:17 PM

Name: foppy

dude thomas martinez stripping. ow ow. dude we have the same scandalous underpanties. and the same glottal effect or wahtever. damn you.

Monday, 17 November 2003 - 3:30 PM

Name: kinks

1. alright so best place to do the deed, on the beach please. or what about a hot tub? yes a hot tub. a hot tup at my sexxi partner in crime's mountain abode deep in a winter wonderland.
2. shower with: mitch ryan. something about him would just make that so hot.
3. most scandalous, and dare i say sexiest item of clothing i own:
my new peacoat.
4. strip to the music: Micheal from Rich Girls. also, i have to
give it to mitchy again. oh dear. if jake did it...that would
be a night to remember.
5. naked: jonny converse wins #1 Bod.
6. Accesory of Choice during mad make out session: blindfold.
whips. chains. badminton racket.
7. sex name: chris ruckel- Rambo.
8. Turn Ons: Hot stomache. Long Brown Hair. Texas accents and

Monday, 17 November 2003 - 3:32 PM

Name: Morgan Brice

okay....on this one, i have many places that i think would be AWESOME, but i would have to say..when you are hiking you take a break in this forest or whatever and get it on....also..ofcouse there is the no brainer of the beach....ohhh, on top of the washing machine..that'd be great!!!
haha, well these would be people you guys dont know..but brandon or blake.
well..lets see..probably alex, just to see him dance to the music.not to see him naked.
dude, any hot guy
I dont know if this is really and accesory, but being in the hot tub while making out would be cool..or more and..blindfolds would definitly be interesting
haha, ok this is a joke between brette and I..but I would give a name to Pass the soap boy
Ok..i have many turns on, but when a guy kisses your neck, it is just the best thing..

Monday, 17 November 2003 - 3:33 PM


dude..dont know why i put my last name:-)

Monday, 17 November 2003 - 3:38 PM

Name: mo

haha- u guys, thank god the guys dont acually see this. And i also wanted to add guys with english accents r so fricking hot!

Monday, 17 November 2003 - 3:54 PM

Name: kinks

i agree morgan. neck kissing...bestestestestest thing. so hot.

Monday, 17 November 2003 - 5:59 PM

Name: kels

so i forgot about the easy access boxers!! those are by far way sexy.

Tuesday, 18 November 2003 - 5:10 PM

Name: sad kelsey

IRideANimbus2000 (8:41:01 PM): hey,i kinda need to tlak to you about like the us thing
KhEoLiSdEaYl (8:41:21 PM): oh i see...
IRideANimbus2000 (8:41:52 PM): i know that you like me and stuff, and i just wanted to like clarify the way i feel so your not led on or anything, like i think your really attractive and whatnot, like i phsycally like you, but i just dont feel like i oculd confide in you in a relationship way
KhEoLiSdEaYl (8:42:46 PM): hmm i see
IRideANimbus2000 (8:42:56 PM): do you see what im trying to say?
KhEoLiSdEaYl (8:43:07 PM): i do.
IRideANimbus2000 (8:43:34 PM): dont get me wrong, your still a really fun person to hang out with and chat with
KhEoLiSdEaYl (8:43:51 PM): this confiding thing...what gives you that idea
IRideANimbus2000 (8:43:56 PM): and your quite good looking, i just dont get that bond type situation
KhEoLiSdEaYl (8:43:58 PM): well thanks
IRideANimbus2000 (8:43:59 PM): i dont know
IRideANimbus2000 (8:44:54 PM): i just dont feel a easy ability to talk about stuff that bothers me
KhEoLiSdEaYl (8:45:58 PM): yeah
IRideANimbus2000 (8:50:40 PM): i jsut dont want you to get any false ideas but i had a hard time with this all because you are good looking and stuff and i would want to hookup type hting but i thought about it and a hookup isnt really what i woudl feel good doing
KhEoLiSdEaYl (8:52:13 PM): i see

Tuesday, 18 November 2003 - 5:11 PM


and that is that. whateva

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