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  • - - IMPORTANT NOTE - -

    It is our pleasure to be of service to the EW and Harry Potter online communities. We welcome everyone to the information we have on the site and message board. Sometimes, with perseverance and luck, we are able to obtain information that isn’t public knowledge yet and we’re happy to share that info with you. All we ask is that credit be given especially when using information like that from our site. We try very hard to give proper credit to the sources of our news and images. It is our hope that you’d afford us the same courtesy. Thank you! (thanks to for the idea!)

    - - November 19th, 2003 - -

    Just to say Spell Binder has moved to they provide more space and better facilties. So if there is not anything working please inform us.

    Also some emma news, Emma Watson was interviewed by Sci-FiWire she said about HP3 director Alfonso Cuaron

    "Especially for me as someone who hadn't acted in anything else before, it was great working with a new director and doing something different, seeing different techniques, different ideas, all that kind of stuff," Watson said in an interview. She added, "I think there's definitely a difference in style by just looking at the two. I've only seen a few clips of this third one that's coming out, but Alfonso's done some amazing things with camera angles and camera shots. And this one is much more flowy. I don't know. You can just tell the difference. Especially with the director, a lot of himself goes into what he's doing, and you can definitely tell the difference."

    - - November 18th, 2003 - -

    We updated our image galleries with some interview photos. We also got news that Emma Watson attending the film premiere for Lord of the Rings 3 since HP and LOTR are big competitiors we doubt it.

    - - November 13th, 2003 - -

    Great news!!!!! The PoA trailer has gone online. Just click here and then click on the link to the right to get to the right page.You can choose from Windows MEdia PLayer, Quick time and Real time player !!! Have fun!!!

    Laura and I are also working on a fanfiction part for the site. Then you can send your own Harry Potter stories

    - - November 8th, 2003 - -

    I have many updates for you,these include adding more photos to the image galleries and check out our new links database add send us your links! I found loads of interviews and changed lots of other things however is still not working. So please be patient.

    We also won Celebrity Site of the Day at CSOTD.Com we will be on that site on the 10th November.

    - - November 4th, 2003 - -

    Quick update on Let's Make An HP Book and a new interactive piece Caption It

    - - November 2nd, 2003 - -

        Welcome to the new and improved Spell Binder! The renovation is over more content and goodies are made along with little xtra tid bits! Better graphics are now made also. Please submit to our interaction section, but also be considerate and limit your submissions because the staff can't always be here to updates and our inboxes might end up being too full for us too handle! Thank you for coming! More updates and information will be made later.

    - - SB staff - -

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