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Welcome to my page!

Hey welcome to my little slice of the internet. Sit back, relax, read some of the crap I've posted on here. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Philosophy: "School prepares you for the real world, which also sucks." Happy Bunny __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Crap about me: I'm Silas. I write a lot. I also like to read (Stephen King). My favorite bands are the White Stripes, The strokes, The hives, and jet. I do not eat green eggs and ham. Pink is not my favorite color. I'm not adic, adicted to you. I am not blue aba dee aba die. I am not a dirty mexican. I am not psychotic in any manner that is unhealthy. I am not going to kill anyone. I am quite bored. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Writing: You are nothing and you always will be. Your life is dirt and there's nothing you can do about it, why don't you just crawl into a dark corner and die all alone, just as you are now. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for coming to my page, if I could I'd hug you but sadly even the great and powerful internet has it's limits. Comments? If you are worthy enought to know me contact me by: word of mouth, AIM, or email. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


My Favorite Web Sites

Full of lovely backgrounds
White Stripes
Everybody! Everybody!
One of my older sisters friends' site
Angel fire