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Ron/Seamus: Muggle Clubbing by Bekah Title: Clubbing With Muggles

Author: Bekah

Pairing: Ron/Seamus

Disclaimer: Not JK Rowling, obviously, so I don’t own them. I just borrowed them for a short while :)

Rating: PG-13

Fest: This fic was written for the Rare Pairings Fuh-Q-Fest
**, challenge pairing: Ron/Seamus

Ron walked across his flat toward the door, looked through the peephole, and opened it.

“Hey, Harry, how’s it going?” Ron stood aside, letting Harry in.

“Are you ready?” Harry looked him up and down. Ron had on a black tight fitting sleeveless shirt and a pair of black pants with black boots. “What are you wearing?” Harry asked, looking at Ron’s eyes.

“It’s called eyeliner, Harry. I saw some guy wearing it once and thought he looked brilliant. What do you think?”

“I think you look very…. um, odd.” Harry said, trying to stifle a laugh.

“Oh, shut up Harry. I think I look sexy.” Ron looked indignantly at him.

“Whatever you say, Ron. Let’s go.”


“So Ron, what do you think?” Harry asked as they made their way from the bar over to a booth.

“I think it’s brilliant,” Ron said as they both sat down in a corner booth. “It was a great idea to come to this muggle club. I’ve heard stories about them and have always wanted to go to one.”

“Well, Hermione said she came here before and thought we’d like it.”

Harry sipped on his beer and surveyed the room. He noticed a cute red-head in the middle of the dance floor and caught eyes with her.

“I think I’m going out there,” Harry said, eyes never leaving the girl.

Ron watched as Harry disappeared into the crowd on the dance floor. He looked around, just taking in the atmosphere.

“Damn, I need another beer. These ‘Guiness’s’ aren’t bad, but wizarding beer is better.” Ron said to himself. “Why in the hell am I talking to myself? These muggles are going to think I’m nutters,” Ron muttered, getting up and walking toward the bar.

“I’ll have another Guiness,” Ron said, reaching into his pocket to get some money.

“Seamus?” Ron said as the bartender handed him his beer.

“Ron?” Seamus looked at him closely.

“Bloody hell, I haven’t seen you in ages. It’s good to see you again,” Ron said, sitting down on a bar stool.

“It’s good to see you again, too, mate. How long has it been? Three, four years?” Seamus asked. “Graduation was the last time, right?”

“Has it really been that long, then?” Ron took a swig of his beer.

“Yeah. So what have you been up to?” Seamus asked, wiping off the counter in front of him.

“Not much. My dad got me a job at the ministry. It isn’t a big job, but hey, it’s a job.” Ron laughed softly. “What about you? How’d you end up here?”

“Well, right after graduation I moved down here to London. I was looking for a job and was walking down the street one day when I saw a help wanted sign in the window of this place. Decided I would give it a try. Found out I’m quite good at being a bartender. I’ve been doing it ever since,” Seamus explained.

“Brilliant,” Ron said, taking another swig of his beer. “So, you still in touch with anyone from Hogwarts?”

“Dean and I went out for a while after graduation, but we broke up when he moved over to the States. He said he just wanted to get away from everything for a while,” Seamus said. “How about you?”

“Well, still mates with Harry and Hermione. I actually came here with Harry tonight. I mean, I came to the club along with Harry. Not actually *with* Harry.” Ron blushed slightly as Seamus laughed. “Haven’t really hung out with many others, except my brothers, of course,” Ron said, changing the subject. “So, you dated Dean, then?” Ron suddenly became interested in his bottle of beer.

“Yeah. Always thought he was cute during school but never really went after him. Didn’t know how everyone would react at Hogwarts, you know?” Seamus watched closely, noticing Ron’s behavior.

“Well, that’s cool. Sorry it didn’t work out,” Ron said, looking back up at Seamus.

“Don’t worry about it, mate. We never would’ve worked anyway. Dean was way too boring for me. Never wanted to have any fun and go out to clubs with me. Plus, he didn’t like to dance.” Seamus handed Ron another beer when he noticed his was empty.

“Dating anyone now?” Ron asked, another blush creeping across his face.

“Ron, are you hitting on me?” Seamus leaned closer to Ron with a grin.

“Maybe. Maybe not. So, are you?” Ron asked, a little more confident now.

“No, as a matter of fact, I’m not. You?” Seamus laid his hand on top of Ron’s, rubbing the top slightly with his thumb.

“No. Haven’t really dated much recently. Haven’t found anything that I liked. But I think my luck is changing.” Ron smiled down at their hands and took a drink of his beer.

“Is that so, mate?” Seamus said, winking at him.

“Hey, you going to take all day?” a man down the bar yelled at Seamus.

“Shit, I gotta go,” Seamus said to Ron, motioning to the man that he would be there in just a minute.

“Oh, sure mate. It was great talking to you again.” Ron got up from the bar stool, mildly disappointed.

“You too. Hey Ron, I get off in about 30 minutes. You going to be around then?” Seamus asked as Ron was about to walk away.

“Yeah. Harry and I have a booth in the back. Just come over when you get off.” Ron turned back toward Seamus. “Maybe we can find you someone to dance with.” Ron said, winking.

“I’m sure we can, mate. See you then.”

Seamus grinned and walked to the other side of the bar. Ron pushed his way through the crowd over to the booth and sat down. Harry made his way over shortly after.

“You’ll never guess who I just saw at the bar,” Ron said as soon as Harry sat down.

“Who?” Harry asked, taking a drink of Ron’s beer.

“Seamus.” Ron swatted at Harry’s hand.

“Finnigan? What in the bloody hell is he doing here?” Harry asked.

“He moved here after graduation. Fantastic, isn’t it?” Ron asked, grinning.

“If I didn’t know better, Ron Weasley, I’d think you had a crush on our little Irish friend,” Harry said, trying to stifle a laugh.

“And what if I do? There’s nothing wrong with that. I happen to know for a fact that he isn’t dating anyone,” Ron said indignantly.

“Whatever you say, mate.” Harry‘s gaze traveled to the crowd of people on the floor.

“Find something you liked out there?” Ron asked, looking over at Harry.

“She was great. She had these brilliant green eyes and fantastic red hair,” Harry said, smiling.

“So, why aren’t you out there with her now?”

“She had to go home. She brought her little sister along with her, and her sister had a curfew. Damn muggle girls. They’re all teases,” Harry complained, stealing Ron’s beer again.

“Seamus said he would be over after he got off.” Ron grabbed his beer back from Harry and finished it off.

“I know you’ll like that. Plus, I haven’t talked to him in ages. I’d liked to ask him if any of these muggle chicks ever put out.” Harry grinned.

“I’m not sure if he is the right person to ask about the muggle girls,” Ron said, laughing.

“Damn, you’re probably right. I’ll just have to keep trying girls till I find one who’ll want to sleep with me. Too bad I can’t use the line that usually gets me laid. ‘Hi, I’m Harry Potter, and I defeated the evil dark lord. Wanna shag?’” Harry said, irritated. “Cause, you know, these damn muggle girls have no clue who the dark lord is.”

“You’re hopeless, Harry. Is the only reason you came here was to get laid?” Ron rolled his eyes and laughed harder at Harry.

“Pretty much.”

“Well, I’m not going to sleep with you, so you might want to go back on the floor,” Ron said.

“Fine, I’ll just leave you alone, then,” Harry said in mock-offense. “Or you could join me. You haven’t even danced since we got here.”

“Sure, why not. I ran out of beer anyway, no thanks to you.”

Ron followed Harry onto the dance floor and made his way to the middle of the crowd. Swaying to the beat of the music, Ron found a nice brown-headed girl and started dancing with her.

Right as the song changed, Ron felt someone move up behind him. Ron turned away from the brunette and saw Seamus at his back.

“Saw you come out here. Thought I would join you,” Seamus said into Ron’s ear. “Is it ok if I dance with you, or did you have someone else in mind?” Seamus’s breath tickled Ron’s earlobe, making him shiver.

“Not really,” Ron said, completely forgetting about the girl.


Seamus moved his hips to the erotic beat and moved closer to Ron. Ron put his arm around Seamus’s neck, staring at each other as they grinded their hips along with the music. Ron moved his hand from Seamus’s neck and buried it in his hair, pulling his head close enough to feel his erratic breath brushing across his face. Seamus licked his lips and closed the small space between their mouths, kissing Ron forcefully. His tongue found its way into Ron’s mouth, tasting the remnants of beer. Ron sucked lightly on Seamus’s tongue, causing him to moan quietly into Ron’s mouth. Breathlessly, Ron pulled back from the kiss.

“So I hear the bathrooms in muggle clubs are nice and spacious. Is it true?” Ron asked looking lustfully at Seamus.

“Wanna find out?”


Comments? E-mail Bekah