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Draco/Percy : Dreaming In Ice by Damian Spire Title: Dreaming In Ice

Author: Damian Spire

Rating: R

Pairing: Percy Weasley/Draco Malfoy; Draco/Charlie implied.

Disclaimer: Story based on characters and situations created by the esteemed JK Rowling. I don't own them.

Percy Weasley lay on his back on his bed, sheets folded neatly over his chest and his hands clasped over the hem of the blanket.

Everything was perfect, his pillows fluffed precisely the way he liked them (doubled; lower one fatter, upper one thinner), his coverings aligned perpendicular to his collarbones...yet sleep remained quite elusive.

Probably, Percy thought, because I can't stop thinking.

The more he tried to shut out his roiling thoughts the more they travelled. Percy was dodging hexes of thought, curses of thought, Unforgivably large bombs of thoughts that threatened to explode his being.

So I have trouble with my sexuality, he thought defencively to himself. Seems to be fairly common, after all. Yet why did his stomach quake and nausea overtake him when he tried to approach his mum and da and tell them clearly and simply, "Penelope and I haven't been together for almost two years now. Sorry I forgot to tell you, but we shan't be getting married and settling down in a countryside cottage and raising a horde of red-haired little babies."

That just wouldn't go over well at all, Percy thought, surprised at his own sarcasm and bitterness. It just wasn't fair! If Bill and Charlie could be, then Percy could be --- could be ---

He shoved off the careful arrangement of blankets, flopped onto his side, dragged the fatter pillow over his face, and screamed into it.

* * *

It was the last Quidditch game of the year; the contest was between Gryffindor and Slytherin. Percy leaned forward in his seat, watching intently as his brothers, twins Fred and George in the company of their old school friend Lee Jordan, bellowed profanity at the field. The Quaffle leapt from hand to hand --- the Beaters flew frantically between Bludgers and the Keepers were on their toes every second of the game. It was intense. It was vicious. It was desperate. If Slytherin couldn't achieve this win, what would those seven years have been worth? If Gryffindor wouldn't win, well, Percy would have to listen to Ron bitch all summer.

"Bleedin' HELL, Ron Weasley, move your ---"

"SHIT! No! You can't let him DO that ---" the twins were shouting. Percy tuned it out and watched the field. Suddenly a new development brought a surging cry of awe from the crowd. The score, locked 230 to 220 with Slytherin in the lead, had flipped to a tie of 230 to 230. Now Percy sweated, scanning the sky for the green and red robed Seekers of the respective teams.

Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy were jammed shoulder to shoulder, diving fiercely for what all observers had to assume was the Snitch. Harry shoved Draco. Draco shoved Harry. Percy bit his lower lip and hated himself for getting so wrapped up in this silly game ---

Draco suddenly broke free of Harry's cyclone dive and swept left in a casual loop, gloved hand outstretched. Harry flew under him. Draco snarled something at him and Percy was left to suppose the Snitch had gotten away. Harry was off, though, so he must see it.

"By thunder, quite an exciting game, isn't it?" asked Charlie as he squeezed back into his seat between the rowdy twins and Percy. Percy scooted to the right to give him more room.

"Yes. Malfoy and Harry are after the Snitch now, though. It should end soon."

"Blast, and I just got this thing from that Colin Creevey boy down there. A moving picture camera, Da'll love it. Here, get some of the game for Mum," said Charlie, passing the camera to Percy.

"Uh, no, I'm no good with those things. I can't even tell which one's Ron," said Percy.

"Gracious, Perce. I'll do it," Charlie said. He took the camera. Percy didn't want to have that thing. How any moving pictures would come out, he didn't know; it was dark but for the moonlight and the magic beacons conjured above the stands. The game had been going on for more hours than he cared to count. Another reason Percy decided he shouldn't have the camera was because he knew he'd focus it exclusively on those battling Seekers and never let it off them for a second. He also knew that'd get Ron in a right fury, not being recorded at all. Best to let Charlie handle it. He returned his attention to the game.

Harry was speeding ahead of Draco, sweeping round the other players and leaning forward hard. Malfoy was right behind him. Harry feinted left but Draco kept going, cutting Harry off with a vicious sideswipe of the broom that had the Gryffindor Seeker struggling to stay on course. He was so close, Percy could feel it.

But Draco was closer. Percy's heart soared as the blonde Slytherin's hand swept through the air, the gong sounded, and the victory --- and the House Cup --- went to Slytherin.

"NOOO!" howled Fred and George in unison. They wrang the rail in front of them in a blind disbelieving panic. "That stupid little git CAN'T have just done that! He beat Harry! That's not possible!" Lee Jordan joined the wailing.

Percy felt obliged to defend the Slytherin victor. "Statistically speaking, it was quite possible indeed that ---"

"Shut up, Perce, don't you get it? We're never going to hear the end of this from Ron! Never! Gryffindor lost to Slytherin!" George spat. "Might be a good idea to be quiet, Perce," seconded Charlie in a whisper. The air rushing into Percy's ear made him shiver. He hid it well. "They're looking murderous."

"I wouldn't mind being murdered," Percy muttered.

"What was that?" Charlie said. He was scarcely audible over the noise of cheering, booing, and general mayhem.

"Nothing," Percy shouted. "Nothing important." He watched the whooping Slytherins hoist Draco above their shoulders. The Seeker's gloves lay on the ground and he held the Snitch aloft bare-handed, proclaiming his victory for all.

"Oliver would just weep," said Fred.

"Yep," sighed George. "I'm half tempted myself, you know, just imagining what Ron's going to be like..."

"He'll get over. You two should as well," Percy said irritably. He got up, slid out between the narrow benches, climbed down from the stand and made a very swift exit from the spectator's area. He struggled even then to find a spectator's detachment from a sport he could never play or win and couldn't even bring himself to acknowledge.

Love is war on the soul, he thought as he slipped behind the player's huts, listening to the commotion inside. He stood listening, waiting, hoping to pick out that one clear cool voice. Finally it came, and Percy nearly panicked himself into an early grave as his heart pounded mercilessly against his chest wall. He gripped the wood tightly. "--- Left my gloves out on the field, I'll be right in, just give me half a moment ---" Draco Malfoy said. He hurried out of the hut to a few teases, more congratulations, and heaps of praise from his fellow Slytherins.

Draco passed right under Percy's watchful eyes. He even paused, looked round, and was caught in the moonlight, dissheveled white hair gleaming like his attentive eyes. He was dressed simply in black slacks and a white shirt, mostly unbuttoned. His Hogwarts robes were slung over his arm in anticipation of the feast to come. His broom was also in hand.

"Hullo?" Draco called.

Malfoy, thought Percy. He couldn't say it. Couldn't move. He was as good as Petrified.

Malfoy frowned at the darkness behind the hut, then turned and swaggered off toward the field to recover the gloves he had left there. Percy stood behind the shack and trembled, waiting for Malfoy to return, vague sketches of a plan drawing and erasing themselves in his mind as rapidly as seedlings fell. Like seedlings fallen on stone, however, most of these sketches refused to come to completion and sprout any indication of success.

Statistically speaking, Percy mused angrily, I am worse than bloody useless when it comes to these things.

The other players soon departed in a merry throng, no one even noting Percy's presence. Draco was returning to the hut, then, but avoiding being seen by the great many-legged and many-armed cluster of ecstatic joy that was the Slytherin team.

Why, Percy wondered, would he do that? He hogs the spotlight. He likes it. He likes praise, popularity, having people pay homage and tribute to him. I want to pay homage and tribute to him, the pale Slytherin boy-god who catches Snitches from the gloves of the Boy Who Lived and whom everyone hates for his beauty.

Percy made up his mind. He definitely didn't hate Draco. He uttered a summoning charm and Draco's broom leapt out of his hands, spilling his gloves and robes to the ground. Draco stumbled and swore, stooping to pick his things up.

"Whoever did that, you're about to have tentacles growing out of your posterior," Malfoy growled. Percy wasn't really afraid of being hexed by Draco. He was too afraid to be afraid, actually, so afraid he was feeling confident, even a little brazen.

"Take your best shot," said Percy. He edged into the scant light of the three-quarter moon and held up Draco's broom. "This is yours." "Weasley," Draco spat. He yanked his robes on, shrugged his shoulders to settle the long train of black fabric, and then glared at Percy. He stepped forward and stretched out a hand for his broom. "Give it to me."

"Take it from me," said Percy.

Malfoy snorted with derision. "This is unbelievable. I'm trying to avoid people and here I get my broom lifted by an antiquated Weasel. Which one are you, anyway?" Draco's eyes, stormy like hailing clouds under the biased hands of Thor and Zeus, bored into Percy and made his knees weak. There was certainly no way to inform Draco of his feelings, so he settled for the least.

"Percy. I was Head Boy and ..."

"I remember," Draco said. He stuffed his want into his pocket, gripped his broom, and yanked it out of Percy's hand. Percy hadn't thought there was that much strength in the wiry little body, but apparently Draco had gotten older, too. He was as tall as Percy, though better proportioned; he did not look like a gangling puppet on jerky strings. The pale moonlit hair was longish, perhaps longer than Percy liked it on Draco, and was partially tied back from his face. The rest had escaped during the long game and flitted freely in the breeze round Draco's features.

"Don't stare at me, you idiot. Tell me what you want. I'm in a tolerant mood," Malfoy said, but softly. Dangerously. "I watched you play today. Tonight. It was a wonderful catch," Percy complimented him.

Malfoy made another derisive sound and tossed his head. He had to transfer his broom into the hand holding the gloves in order to brush his flying hair from his eyes. While he was doing this, Percy reached out and touched his shoulder.

"Kindly remove your paw from my person." Draco shrugged his hand off. "I want to touch you."

"I don't want to be touched, Percy Weasley, so you'd better want something else or I will hex you into next week." Draco glared. Seeing eye to eye with this mystical creature that had fascinated Percy secretly for years, he was taken by more of the suicidal bravery that sheer terror could put into him. He seized Draco by the collar of his open shirt and, with a twist of his arm, flung the Slytherin into the wall of the hut.

Draco snarled at Percy. "How dare you!"

"I don't know," Percy said. He kissed Draco, who promptly kicked him in the shin.

"Bleah!" Draco spat, rubbing at his lips furiously.

"Gah!" yelped Percy, hopping and holding his bruised shin that felt more like it was broken. He eyed Draco's booted feet warily. "What the hell do you think you're doing, Weasley?" asked Draco quietly.

"Well, I was trying to ---"

"I know what you were trying to do. You did it. I feel the urge to go to the infirmary and have myself bodily disinfected now, thank you. What I asked is what you think you're doing. Do you think you're seducing me?"

Percy stared incredulously at Draco, the casual stance, the lazily spoken words, the wrath buried just under the surface. It occured to Percy that Draco must have a lot of issues at home or else he wouldn't be neary so nasty.

"I'm not good at seducing," Percy stammered eventually, after Draco raised first one and then both eyebrows expectantly. "Brilliant deduction. I must say, you might yet make a decent Sherlock Holmes, Weasley."

"Oh, stuff your sarcasm, Malfoy!" Percy yelled at him. "Get stuffed," Draco replied calmly.

Percy seethed, turned away, crossed his arms, and struggled to hold in an explosive rage that wasn't like him. He was acting worse than Malfoy, or so it seemed to him.

"You know, I'm actually rather fond of red hair," Draco said. Percy was startled to feel deft hands sliding his robes off his shoulders, then tugging at the light shirt he wore beneath to keep from smothering in the summer heat. He turned to stare at Draco. The Slytherin had dropped his own robes onto the ground and stood like an erotic young god, hair untied and streaming down across his perfect collarbones, the moon's reflection framed in his alabaster chest by the white shirt --- it seemed grey in comparison.

"What are you doing?" Percy whispered. He was aroused, definitely aroused, definitely --- oh dear, was Malfoy going to depants and mock him? Percy had panicked thoughts about Malfoy yanking his trousers down and running away with all Percy's clothing, leaving him naked on the Hogwarts grounds but for his pennyloafers and unable to Apparate home.

"Seduction one-oh-one," Draco said. "I'm giving you an helpful lesson."

Percy started to ask another question, but Draco bit his ear. Percy squeaked and squirmed, leaning hard against Draco and forcing them both down onto the grass. Draco slithered on top of him and bit Percy's lower lip.


"Shut it," said Malfoy gently. Percy wrenched Draco's shirt off and threw it away. The prickly grass vanished as Percy rolled over Draco --- kept rolling --- and wound up beneath him again atop their piled robes.

Holy thunder, Percy thought, I'm going to embarass myself. "Awfully hard for foreplay," remarked Draco. He kissed Percy again, hands with unnaturally sharp nails clawing down the freckled skin, rending some a few of the curling hairs from Percy's chest. "Oh well," said Percy. He wasn't sure he cared.

Draco kissed his mouth and Percy kissed back. It was hot, wet, burning, and almost uncomfortably full of their clashing tongues; full of dominance, exploration, hunger; full of curiosity and vindictive force that had attracted Percy to Draco even in Draco's first year at Hogwarts: Percy remembered the pale little candle in the dark robes with the scornful mouth and knowledgable crystalline eyes.

Draco's skin was as fluid as any ocean Percy had seen. It was pure as mountain springs. It was hot with simple desires yet colder than winter frost. More often cold than warm, Percy gave in to the embrace, every touch a discovery, each tracery of fingertips and palms an expedition to an unknown of ecstasy Percy had never believed possible this side of some Paradise meant for Good Boys.

Percy moaned as Draco's teeth cut his lips and gouged his chin. This wasn't a boy, this wasn't a man, this was a supernatural monster more at home with someone like Charlie, who could hold these things captive, could keep them safe, could keep them from killing him. You'll be the death of me, Draco Malfoy, Percy thought, one way or the other. He closed his eyes and let the monster have him, was swallowed up in the desire he finally let free, and the mysteriously savage scent that accompanied the strange struggling contract of passion enacted on the pair of spread robes under the glowing moon.

* * *

I'm addicted, Percy thought. He removed the pillow from his face and pitched himself onto his stomach. His throat was raw from crying and screaming at intervals into the fatter pillow. It was a rather soggy pillow. He pushed it onto the floor where it landed with a soft sound, soggy-side-down, most likely.

I'm so weak. I'm a miserable excuse for a wizard. I don't even know what I want. Nothing happened after that night behind the hut. I can't even tell Mum and Da I like boys and have one I want to marry; I just like boys. But which is worse?

And why is it okay for Bill and Charlie? It's so very easy for them to be self-assured and know who they are. Who am I? A nerdy wizard who works a shit job for the Ministry, that's who, and I'm sick of this rot.

...But that's why Bill and Charlie never brought girlfriends over for dinner. In fact, I remember distinctly a while ago that when Bill wanted them to meet and approve his "significant other" that he took Mum and Da out to dinner...

Percy moaned and felt an headache coming on. His heart was breaking, his head was splitting apart, and he was guessing his liver would soon be shot if he kept havings nights like this where the only solution apparent was to get so drunk he met Lady Unconsciousness and had a dreamless sleep.

What can I do? he thought hopelessly. I'm in love with Draco Malfoy or at the very least obsessed with him. Unhealthily obsessed, I might add. Gods and monsters, I'm a pathetic bastard.

Another thought: Then do something about it.

Percy lay on his bed, facedown, frowning. That hadn't occurred to him before. Not at all. He sat up suddenly and was struck immediately with a familiar smell, one he would need eternity and tomorrow to forget; a sweet musk, animal and culture, sophistication comingling with the wilder nature of every beast, marrying the bitter with the aromatic. He stared at the table at the foot of his bed. There was a stick of incense burning. He got up and approached it, taking the bottle of bourbon from his desk as he went. He took a drink from the bottle and gripped the neck like a security spell as he leant down and carefully sniffed the incense.

It was Draco's smell.

Accompanying the smell came the sensory memories, the cold-as-ice and scalding-as-magma essence of that sweet, swift embrace. With a moan, Percy sat down and held his head with his free hand, wondering if he was now hallucinating. He was startled as Ron slammed his door open and stared there, glaring at him and then at the bottle.

"Drunk again?"


"I said, are you DRUNK again, Percy Weasley?" Ron roared. He took the bottle and stuffed it into an upright desk compartment, then stood and glared at Percy.

"Not drunk," Percy protested.

"This is the last night I'm going to listen to you tossing and turning. You've been at it since you moved back in. I'm beginning to think you're a pathetic loser, abandoning your apartment and half-forgetting your job in order to lay about and drink yourself into an early grave!" Ron continued. "What the bloody fucking hell is wrong with you?"

Percy stared at Ron. He blinked. Ron's nostrils flared and he kept his fists on his hips, staring down at Percy and managing to somehow look imposing in his pale blue nightrobe.

"Can I have Harry's floo address, Ron?" asked Percy.

"What? You want to talk to my best friend in the middle of the night, THAT is what has you in a bind like this?" Ron started to yell. "Yes!" Percy snarled, getting up and clapping his hand over Ron's mouth. "Now don't wake the whole house. Just Floo me there and I'll shut up and leave you alone!"

"He won't like being woken..."

"Like he sleeps, after what happened."

"Well, yeah. We all have nightmares. You having nightmares, big bro?" Ron said.

Percy pondered. "Yeah. I think I am..."

A short time later, Percy and Ron stood in the foyer of Sirius Black's house where Harry Potter resided. Both were undergoing wizarding sociotherapy and recovering from post-traumatic stress, the result of lengthy torture at the hands of You-Know-Who. Percy felt sorry for bothering Harry, but he had to ask. It would eat him up if he didn't. Something gnawed him and he had to go, had to know, had to begin discovering.

"Harry?" Ron said tentatively to the hellish-looking specter that was dragged from bed, knuckling his eyes before putting his round glasses in front of them.

"'Lo Ron," said Harry. "What's going on?"

"Talk to Perce," said Ron, jabbing his thumb in Percy's direction. Harry looked at Percy with mild astonishment. "Oh, g'day, Percy. Nice to see you."

"I need to know where I can find your friend, Draco Malfoy," said Percy urgently.

"Ah, Malfoy," said Harry Potter. "Well you see, we aren't really GOOD friends, just MODERATE friends and all, not right chummy like he is with some of the other fellows that survived. I only just know where he is. Is that all right?"

"That's what I want to know, Harry. Where can I find Draco Malfoy?" Percy said through gritted teeth. Harry just wasn't the same these days.

"Oh...last I heard from him, he was in India. That was a few months ago. He's writing a book, you see, on various polytheistic religions, and he wanted very much to see the Hindus practise in person. I told him to learn a sunblocking charm so he doesn't turn red," Harry said proudly, smiling a vacant smile.

Ron whispered into Percy's ear, "He's not what he used to be. Try to understand and be patient, Perce..."

"I am," Percy whispered back.

Sirius Black appeared, clad in a house robe as dark as his dark tangled hair, and put his hand on Harry's shoulder. "What's going on, Harry? What are these people doing here?"

"Oh, it's just Ron and Percy. You know them," said Harry reassuringly.

"Of course I do. Just asking. For our safety. Hate to have to hex your friends," said Sirius. He glared quite darkly at Percy and Ron. Percy whispered to Ron, "I think they're both a stone's throw from sanity."

"You're probably right," Ron whispered back, eyes downcast.

"Yes, I'm sure Draco's still in India," Harry confirmed, his eyes focusing for a moment. It seemed as though he suffered a moment of pain, thinking, being lucid and seeing what was before him. He eyed Ron for a long time before simply nodding and shrugging his shoulders. "That's all. Hope I've been an help to you," he said. His green eyes reclaimed their mist, his face its slight smile of disassociative inattention. Harry glanced at Sirius.

"That's it?" said Sirius.

"Yes. Yes, thank you. So sorry to bother you," said Percy hurriedly. He backed toward the filthy fireplace that had spat them out and dragged Ron in with him.

"Back to bed then, Papa," said Harry sweetly to Sirius Black, taking him by the arm and leading him out of the room.

They Flooed back to the Burrow and Percy noticed Ron still had not looked up. Percy prodded him lightly, his elation at having a clue sinking slightly as he noticed his brother's posture and mood. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"You're right, you know," Ron said quietly. He strode to the sitting room and lost himself in a great comfortable chair, worn by years of embracing happy and sad occupants both. Ron's fingers roved the patches. Wet spots appeared on his legs where the light blue nightrobe covered them.

"They're both mad?"

"Yes. I don't like...realising I've lost my best friend," Ron croaked. Percy knelt by the chair and, each aware of his uncharacteristic behaviour, Ron flung himself into Percy's arms and cried on his shoulder well into the dark, strangely-scented night. When he was empty of tears, Percy helped him to his feet and ushered him upstairs and back into bed and then returned to his.

He tossed and turned and struggled with himself. India. Draco was in India. Something ached in him deeply, his heart, his mind, his spirit, perhaps. He felt an emptiness that struck echoing tones down to his very core, if he could consider himself to have such a thing as one imagined it; he no longer lacked conviction. Shortly before dawn, he fell into an uneasy sleep and woke several hours later to a day stricken with stormclouds and heavy with the promise of inclement weather.

Percy dressed. Percy packed. Percy put away the various bottles of bourbon, whiskey, gin, and the infamous tequila he and Bill had enjoyed many years ago, beyond the rainbows, before tragedy and before love.

His white Oxford shirt buttoned up to his nervously jogging Adam's apple, Percy pulled on his best Ministry robes and took his suitcases, wandering downstairs carefully and into the aroma of hotcakes and strong tea.

He greeted his parents with smiles, grim though they were, and accepted breakfast. They eyed his suitcases but did not ask questions; Percy often left on strange business for the Ministry since his transfer to the Department of Anomalies.

Yet...something was noticably different about Percy this morning, which prompted Molly Weasley at length to ask, "Where are you going today, Percy? Somewhere interesting?" as she poured tea for herself. Arthur passed the cream.

Percy stood, excusing himself, and finished his tea quickly. "I'm going to India," he said.

Ron coughed something into his teacup and Percy pretended not to notice, smiling inside and out. The emptiness was filling already. "Ah, that's nice, dear," said Molly. She smiled.

"Will you bring me back some jewellery like the Indian women wear?" Ginny asked, eyes alight with visions of such a fantastic land.

Percy said, "I'll try to remember." He pushed in his chair, picked up his bags, said his goodbyes quickly to his siblings and parents, and left.

India, he thought with relish. Draco, he thought also, and with greater joy.

Percy arrived in style; elephant-back, crashing through the rukh to what he imagined would have been a fanfare if he weren't in such a state. As it was, getting to Draco's remote "last address" in India hadn't been easy. Percy hadn't bathed in days; he was sweaty, tired, hungry, and certain he had been as mad as Harry Potter to attempt to scour this country for his love.

Then the palace. The palace made it worth it, Ganesh propped before it and Shiva in glorious dance. The Wheel of Indra rolled in a state of stillness above the other idols. Was this it, then? It must be. Polytheistic indeed, Percy remarked silently to himself as he disembarked his elephant and let it return with the dark native wizards who had guided him thus far. The Indian wizards were nice fellows, but Percy was rather sick of choking down scalding curry. He couldn't really imagine fair Draco liking it here much; the spice of air, jungle, and food would wash the icy creature away.

"Percy?" exclaimed a voice.

Percy rounded to see his own brother Charlie, standing atop the palace like one of the deities. Percy frowned but waved.

"Ho, Charlie!" he shouted back. "What are you doing here?"

"I might ask the same!" Charlie called, hopping tier to tier and lighting on the ground before Percy, whom he scooped into a hearty hug complete with a thump on the back. Percy set down his two bags, all he had brought, and shrugged.

"I'm looking for someone. Draco Malfoy."

"Well damn, old boy, he's gone," Charlie said, rubbing his chin. He drew Percy to him again, taking one bag up from the ground. Percy took the other and followed, brows knitted in confusion and unhappiness.

"But he was here?" Percy said.

"Oy!" said Charlie upon sniffing his brother. "Here, you get a cold bath first, then we'll talk."

"No! You say Malfoy was here? How long ago? Is he all right?" Percy demanded, clutching Charlie's light vest with curled claw-fingers, animalistic in his need.

"Is this Ministry business or something personal?" said Charlie warily, detaching Percy.

"Personal. Highly," spat Percy.

"Ah. Well, Draco and I had...something of a nasty muck-up over our relationship, you see. It wasn't even a relationship at all as far as I'm concerned, more me going to him when I needed him and getting sex as consolation for ---"

"WHAT?!" Percy snarled.

Charlie stared at him in frank shock, a look on his face that would otherwise have been comical if Percy were not so furious.

"I say, what's got you so furious? It's not as though ---"

Percy shoved Charlie against the nearest wall in a running charge, teeth ground together and bared. "It IS as though. You don't know. It IS!"

"...Oh," said Charlie. "Fancy him yourself, do you?"

Percy's panting breath slowed and he let go Charlie's vest, which he hadn't realised he had been clutching with a maniacal grip. He stepped back and took a deep breath, chest heaving in misery. "Can't believe you violated him."

"Actually, it was the other way round, if you want the truth," said Charlie quietly. "He's rather dominant and I spend my days taming the wild beasts..."

"So you'll spend your nights being ravaged by one," Percy muttered bitterly, unable to keep the jealousy from his voice and eyes as he glared at Charlie.

After a pause, Charlie said softly, "I'm sorry, if it means anything." "It means enough. Where is he now?"

"Said something about Iceland, Finland, somewhere north. More pagan gods to put into his book, you know. He writes very well."

"I...think I'll take you up on that cold bath now, Charlie," Percy said. Charlie nodded. "All right."

Soon enough Percy lay in a long shallow tub of chilly water, breathing in the scent of a pale lotus flower that lay near his head in a golden bowl of water. It reminded him of Draco's scent; the spice was all about him. The cold bath that would normally have abated his passion aroused him; Percy's wandering hand found himself --- Hot.

The water ---


He sucked in his breath and sank beneath the water, masturbating as bubbles issued from his nose and he became dizzier and dizzier, hotter, colder, hotter, colder. The threshold was so close, he had but to step over and give himself into the arms of a lover more complete than his fleeting ghost of Draco Malfoy could be.

Percy sat up with a gasp, choking in the lotus-and-spice air. He ejaculated moments later in an uneventful climax.

I thought it would mean more, he mused as he washed himself again. Maybe the ice will be different than the fire. Maybe I'll find love there. Maybe I'll just feel nothing. I'm used to feeling nothing now.

Perhaps I'm learning to live more, or perhaps I'm just teaching myself how to slowly die, wasting away for want of a virus that once sent me a lucid dream but has been evasive ever since...

He got out of the long tub, dried himself, dressed in clean clothes that felt heavenly, and went to find Charlie.

* * *

The ice was different but the same. Percy felt unfulfilled, trekking across the northern vistas of first Iceland, then Finland, Sweden and Norway and Denmark. He was at last in Greenland, approaching a residence a Danish wizard had directed him to. Malfoy had left his forwarding address --- at last.

Percy wasn't sure what to feel. His heart pounded now, so close to what he could call a home, since they said the feeling of love was like coming home to the last serenade and the arms of a great warm hearth. Percy lifted his head. He smelled it --- the wild scent. The incense and flashing eyes and grinning needle-like teeth. He smelled Draco.

He hurried his step and reached the cabin, eyeing the lake outside it with its thin screen of ice, small shoots of hardy yellowish grass emerging tentatively beneath and round it. Percy stared at the door. Runes were carved in it and, if he recollected correctly from his Runes classes in Hogwarts, they spelled Draco Malfoy's name. Percy tried to summon bravery and failed. Instead he summoned his terror, let it bolster him. It raised his hand, curled his gloved fingers into a fist, and knocked.

A long moment passed where Percy considered running away. Then he heard footsteps, light and rhythmic, and a hoarse voice called, "Who is it?"

"Draco?" Percy said.

"Who the hell is it?" The door opened and there he stood, Percy's item of desire and dreams.

Draco seemed to be made of crystals of the very same snow that lay round the cottage. His skin was pearlescent and had an unearthly sheen; his hair was a white so vibrant it glistened silver. It was very long. Percy had to wonder, seeing that hair in a loose braid pulled forward over Draco's left shoulder with tendrils drifting about the quiet stormy eyes, if it was still as fine and soft as it was five years ago.

"Oh," said Draco casually. "It's you." He shook back his hair, fingertips brushing his forehead. He opened the door wider. "Don't just stand there. Get inside, the warming charm's not a sophisticated one."

"Ah, yes," Percy said awkwardly. He hastened in, heat swamping him immediately. He wouldn't have expected the dwelling of an ice spectre to be so warm and comfortable, piled with books and parchment and used (and abused) quills and filled only with thickly padded furniture.

Draco gestured for Percy to have a seat in one of the cleaner armchairs not already occupied by clutter. Percy had never imagined that Draco would be a "clutter" sort of person.

"I've sort of been half expecting you," said Draco. "Would you like some tea? You can take that blanket there to get warm in." Percy stared at him. "Um. Tea would be lovely," he said as he eased his heavy parka off his shoulders and replaced it with a soft quilt that his own mother would have been proud to own.

"All right," Draco said. He poured hot water into two mugs from a kettle that sat over a small fire, applying sugar to one. "How do you take it?"

Percy tried not to deliberatly misinterpret the question. He was still terrified, but fear was abating to curiosity, pleasure, enjoyment and contentment. "Cream, please," said Percy. He hoped that would not be taken improperly.

No. Draco wouldn't. He added a drop of cream from the icebox to Percy's tea and stirred it lightly, setting the spoon on the lip of a porcelain sink that seemed incongruous to Percy.

"Here you are," Draco said. He handed Percy the mug, teabag still floating in the pale brown liquid, and folded himself into the chair opposite. "Thank you," Percy said. He tried very hard to keep inflection from his tone. There was a hammer beating nails into a coffin where his heart should have been.

Silence, then. The occasionally noisome dance of the fire was all that interfered as Draco and Percy stared at one another over their raised tea mugs, intermittently blowing on the liquid and attempting to sip it. Percy's terror began to fade again, and with its cessation came the nerves. He shifted in the comfortable chair, unable to imagine what it must contain that it could still manage to make him fidget when he ordinarily would have curled up happily in it.

"Now you've found me," Draco said abruptly.


"What do you intend to do?" Draco levelled his eyes upon Percy, who forgot to squirm and lost himself in them, stormy ripples of expression just beneath the cold surface.

"You know, now that I'm that I've finally found you, I'm really not sure what I intended to do at all. Maybe...perhaps --- perhaps I mean to tell you I fell in love with you that day. It wasn't much, but it was passion when my world was a bland bowl of grits."

Percy forced a chuckle to follow his easy smile.

Draco returned the smile, but minimally. His lips curled and he said, "Don't hope too much. I'm flattered, Percy, I truly am, but I've been betrayed by two of your kind already. Weasleys. Me and my weakness for red hair. Fire."

Lurking metallically in Draco's eyes was everything Percy had denied himself for years. He felt a catch in his throat, a wrench in his chest as he resisted the urge to cry. It was difficult. He rankled against it and his eyes pricked. He drank the tea enthusiastically and it burned his throat and all the tubing below before encasing his stomach in a fire he couldn't stoke for himself.

"My fire is burning out," he said.

"Is it?" said Draco. There was something light and bemused in his tone that was incongruous with the amount of feeling Percy had conveyed.

"It needs you. I need you. I didn't realise until recently, but I've been missing something and that something is you." Percy felt redundant; he wanted to retract it as soon as he'd said it. He felt like a moonstruck teenaged boy shyly offering daisies to the demure lady who towered above him, accustomed to roses and lilies and birds of paradise soaring on tall stems but who would accept his gift for the novelty it presented and think nothing of it.

"Hm," said Draco. He sipped his tea.

"Was I...a novelty to you?" asked Percy.

"Oh no. I think of the three, you were the one I cared for the most.

You're restraining yourself, Percy, you really are. The things you showed me that night, passive responses though most of them were, truly impressed me. We could have been great lovers, you and I." Percy stared at Draco, flattered, his heart skipping an exotic dance.

"Can we not still?"

Melting ice from the chimney dripped into the fire with a sizzle. "Heh," said Draco. "There's a storm coming. You can stay the night."

He got up and walked to the fire, his back to Percy and one arm wrapped round his reed-thin waist. The other held his warm mug to his cheek. Percy had uncomfortable images of that fine ice sculpture of a face melting.

"Can we not still?" Percy demanded loudly.

Draco turned slowly and stared at him.

"Why? We could still be great lovers now."

"No," Draco said. "We couldn't. I've been hurt too much by your idiotic brothers. First Ron, curious little creature with Roman hands and Russian fingers who learned his lessons all too well. He taught me my own. When Harry --- well, you know what happened to Harry --- Ron went to him. He never looked back to comfort me. Don't suppose you've seen these." Draco lifted his black sweater casually to reveal his back.

"Oh," said Percy softly. Scars crossed it in the distinctive abstract patterns of dedicated whippings. "Who did that?"

"Everyone." Draco said. The words were as colourless as he was. He shook his head again, the feminine gesture infected with his bold, arrogant masculinity even as his hair was chased back with his frail hand. "Voldemort, for disappointing my father. My father, for disappointing me. My mother Narcissa, for the sheer thrill of seeing me bleed prettier than daddy. The invisible ones haven't healed, though, Percy. No.

"What you see here, these old wounds, they're not festering because everyone inflicting them is dead. They've been cauterised. But Ron abandoned me, and that still hurts. Charlie couldn't handle my nature, that integral parts of me are more at home with his monsters than with his sensibilities. For all that he has a somewhat insane career, your brother Charlie is painfully sane and remarkably logical." Draco smiled then, perfect white teeth almost grimacing with the pain of secret memories.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for what they did to you, but --- I'm not like that. You said it yourself, I have passion of a sort. After a fashion," Percy faltered. The ice spectre gazed at him almost fondly. "That you do. I don't feel like talking right now. Make yourself comfortable. You don't want to go out in this storm."

Percy felt denied, abused, and a bit like his very own whore. I feel fucked, he mused. He stood up and put his mug aside and followed Draco past a partition into a tiny candlelit bedroom. Draco had stripped his sweater.

"Fuck the storm," said Percy.

"Excuse me?" Draco replied, turning. The scar tissue on his back flashed several colours of pellucid and vulnerable abalone. "I don't want much," Percy said. "I just want to hold you, or to have you hold me. I can be strong for you, if that's what you want, or you can take care of me, if YOU need to feel strong. Anything. Please. Because I love you."

Draco sensed, somewhere behind his inscrutably grey and saturnine eyes, that Percy had never poured himself out quite so completely for anyone else in his entire life. Troubled, Draco found his resolve was near to wavering. He stared at Percy.

"I need nothing," he said finally, an hint of his former derision in his voice.

Percy raised a sceptical eyebrow. "I know you must." "I need nothing. But I want to be alone," Draco said firmly and scathingly. He turned his back on Percy again and began turning down the blankets of his bed.

Percy threw off his own blanket and wrenched off his sweater, then his shirt, dropping each to the floor. Draco ignored him until, in several quick steps, Percy stepped up to him and caught him from behind in a very light embrace.

He waited.

Draco was very still, but Percy could feel his heart fluttering, straining. Draco coughed suddenly and Percy saw dark spots on the sheets. Stains of some sort. Draco coughed again, shaking violently in Percy's arms. Percy held him closer, massaged the vibrating chest, free of coarse hairs.

The spasms ceased. Draco wiped blood on the back of his hand. "Let me go," he said. The voice was danger. Every instinct screamed at Percy to get out, let go, run away, this was not an animal to be disturbed in its den.

"I won't," he whispered foolishly.

"Can't you see I hate you all, fiery little wretches, hot bodies, volcanic freckles, stupid faces?" Draco snarled. He wrenched free of Percy and clawed him across the face with curled fingers.

Percy reeled backwards, stunned. "What was that for?"

"For knowing what I need," Draco sneered through bared teeth. He seized Percy by the front of his pants and tugged him against them, a smashing collision of pale skin, one snowy, one snow-decked with freckles at the shoulders and along the back.

"I don't." Percy couldn't manage more than a whisper as surges of desire whipped through him. Draco's teeth were at his shoulder, then over his left nipple, clamping, biting, wrenching at the flesh until it bled.

"I need you to hate me," Draco whispered urgently.

"Everyone hates me in the end. I need it now. I asked every god I came across what it means to be in love, what it is to love someone unwillingly and against your soul, but none of them have answers --- so I HATE --- and I need you to hate me or I can't love you!"

Stunned, Percy held Draco at an arm's length. "What are you saying?"

"That you aren't welcome here," Draco panted, shoving Percy away and wiping blood from his mouth again; this time Percy's red life landed on the white linens.

"I don't care."

"Get out," said Draco, "or I'll make you hate me."

Percy understood, then, staring into those closed, bitter, aching eyes. The ice always reached for the fire and was always consumed.

The ice sculpture face would melt. The body wither under his hot, needing touch. Draco didn't need. He hated. He was a force that could grip, squeeze, infect, and even kill in quantities --- but Percy's power was greater.

"I can't," Percy admitted freely, "but I can let you hate me." Draco howled something incomprehensible at Percy. Percy turned his back on Draco.

"I hate you," Draco whimpered. Percy looked over his shoulder. Draco had folded in on himself, settled on the edge of the blood-spattered bed, and had begun coughing violently again.

He's sick and probably dying, Percy realised. The fire has burned out his ice inside, deep in his vibrant crystal core, and he's coughing it out in bloody drops, a little at a time. Maybe without me he will live. Or maybe he will remember and die.

"I love you," said Percy as he picked his clothing up off the floor, soothed his desire with the shock that tears would seem to fall forever from his benumbed eyes, and exited. He shut the bedroom door quietly behind him and redressed. He pulled on his coat and drank the last of Draco's sweetened tea from Draco's cup, tasting the bittersweet stolen kisses that lingered on the mug where Draco's perfect, beautiful lips must have rested.

I love him, Percy thought to himself, but it was a murmur, grief swelling and a surge of revolting despair pummeling his imagination from the inside out. He also, damn him, damn Draco Malfoy, was beginning to hate him.

Fear washed away. Percy hated himself. He was terrified of the world that yawned as he opened the door of Draco's cabin. Percy loathed the pitiful state of love that had brought him here, and that he was so afraid of it. His heart shattered as he heard Draco's sobs. Percy ran out into the icy world beyond the cabin, letting the rising wind guide him until he tripped, blinded by his tears, and tumbled into a bank of snow and ice that felt unbelievably soft. So close, love and hate, he thought distantly.

Percy lay where he fell, the snow his cushion, the snowdrifts his blankets; he lay, dreaming of ice, drowning in fire, and torn between each and neither --- the part of existence hinged somewhere among love, life, hate, and fear.

* * *

An aeon later, when Percy's thoughts had dwindled to the repetition of the word "cold", something touched him. Indeed, someone was rolling him over off his face, picking him up, carrying him out of his half-grave and into an obscene warmth Percy wasn't sure he wanted. The ice shield round his brain began to melt and he was forced to think, to crack his iced eyelids and stare at the fireplace before which he had been set. He could smell a familiar body.

Draco stood there above him, silhouetted and naked. "You're alive," he said.

Percy made a noncommittal noise and shuddered. Draco knelt and hefted another blanket round Percy. Percy noted that he was drying, the melted snow absorbed by the many layers of fabric.

"You should've left me," said Percy. "I can probably figure out a way to hate you for saving me."

"That's all right. I've come to the conclusion that we are dying of one anothers' illnesses. I've got your fire, you've got my cold. Maybe I'll breathe fire and you'll freeze rooms with a glare," Draco said.

He lifted the kettle and poured boiling water into two mugs. He stirred in brown sugar and then poured generous amounts of rum into each.

"Hot toddy," said Draco to Percy's expression, which must have been incredulous. Draco leaned forward and held one of the hot mugs to Percy's lips.

Percy drank, wondering if he should be grateful or spit it into Draco's face.

"Thank you," he found himself saying.

"You're welcome," Draco replied. "And for what little comfort it offers, I'm sorry for being the way I am. I think that loving you is going to kill me, but I'm going to try."

Percy stared at Draco. Draco stared back, then pulled his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms round them.

"Why aren't you wearing any clothing?" asked Percy. "It got soaked by the storm. It's hanging to dry. So is yours, you know," said Draco.

Percy didn't remember Draco undressing him, and he was disappointed; that would have been a daydream worth keeping and nourshing for ages. Percy pulled the blankets from his chest and looked at his bare skin, then refolded the blankets, pleased that feeling was coming back to his hands. He took the mug from Draco and sipped again. It scalded but was welcoming.

"So why did you save me? I was ready to die out there," Percy said.

"It really wouldn't have bothered me."

Draco peeked up at Percy sideways through his dissheveled blonde hair. "Well, I wasn't ready to die in here. Alone. Before you came I would have been able to, but now I suppose I'm remembering what it felt like to have another's hands on my body without trying to hurt it."

"I don't want to hurt it or you," Percy said, "unless love is meant to hurt."

"I think it is. Maybe that's how you know you're giving something to someone that truly means more than you do." Draco's lips parted, breathing in the same air Percy had just breathed. The moment was intimate and comfortable, warm without being stifling.

Percy pushed aside part of his coverings and placed his trembling palm on Draco's knee. His fingers dared to steal up and brush away the stray locks, caressing his cheek as he stared into the overcast eyes. "Do you think we'll ever understand?" Percy asked.

"Perhaps," said Draco.

Percy kissed him. Sweetly, then needily, the redhead was surprised at his own audacity as he launched himself onto Draco, spilling both mugs of sweetened hot rum. They narrowly missed the fireplace and Draco grinned, pulling away and getting to his feet.

"Should we continue this someplace softer? After all, we have more than our robes to lie on this time."

The thought of Draco's bed and Draco in it, holding him, knowing him, got Percy up off the floor faster than any other incentive one could think to give him. He stumbled in the many blankets he wore and Draco helped pull him along through the stacks of books and desks and chairs and other mazelike obstructions leading to the bedroom. Draco pulled him in.

"You don't really hate me, do you," said Percy. It was not a question but a statement of fact.

Draco was hard-put to deny this. He said, "I think I hate love," and took the blankets surprisingly gently from Percy, leading the cold but happy man into the bed.

"Don't," pleaded Percy as he held his ice to him, knowing this wasn't a dream but wishing that, like the most beautiful of dreams, the air of unreality could linger forever.

"I'm not sure I can help it, Percy," Draco said. "It's very much a part of me."

"Then I'll love it, too. There isn't enough hate in you to crawl out and find me and make me stop loving you." He sighed in happiness as Draco held him, viselike arms gripping his body with silent admissions and prayers he understood Draco was incapable of voicing aloud.

Love is war on the soul, but this battle has ended in a stalemate. Maybe we're both leaning toward a mutual victory. I don't know. But I'll never let you go again, Draco, thought Percy. The arms locked round his torso squeezed him close; Percy thought, ...And nor will you me.


Comments? E-mail Damian Spire