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Snape/Neville: Combustible by Lillian Title: Combustible

Author: Lillian

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: Neville/Severus

Disclaimer: Not owned by me. No infringement intended. No money made *sigh *.

Archive: Please ask first.

Summary: A drunken Neville finds the courage to finally tell Snape off, but things don't go exactly as he'd planned.

Author's Notes: Part of the HPrarepairings Fest at Challenge Pairing: Neville/Snape.


"Open up, Snape!" Neville shouted as he leaned against the portrait entry to Professor Snape's rooms. Why was the corridor spinning so? He giggled.


"Snapeey…come on, open the bloody door," he crooned loudly.


Neville found himself face first on the floor. How'd that happen? Oh, nice. He'd just rest here a while.

"Mr. Longbottom," came a voice of sheer ice, "what in Merlin's name are you caterwauling about?"

Neville forced his head up a bit. Aw. Snape.

Severus Snape glared at the drunken lout on the floor. Every damn year the same thing, the graduating class would sneak liquor into their House party while the faculty would turn a blind eye in a one time only unspoken agreement. Poppy traditionally had Severus prepare enough hangover remedy for the entire seventh year class.

But this, to be faced with the one student who'd nearly driven him mad. Well, this was too much to be borne.

Neville started to flail around a bit in an effort to stand. His feet and legs, though, seemed to have disengaged from his brain's commands.

He giggled and flopped back down.

Severus grabbed Neville's legs and dragged him away from the door. He then slammed the door shut.

"Sleep it off here. Then go back to your dorm. I won't have you weaving about in the corridors where the first years could see such a disgusting display," Snape said glaring down at him.

"You're in your nightshirt…" Neville slurred in some surprise. He'd never seen Professor Snape in anything save his teaching robes. He looked…well, good was the only word for it.

"It's two a.m. Of course I am, you twit," Snape growled.

Neville finally managed to totter to his feet but swayed a bit in place as though he were on a ship rolling on the open sea.

"Came to talk to you," said Neville, jabbing his finger towards Snape's chest.

"Longbottom, you're incapable of putting two sentences together when sober, I highly doubt you'll accomplish that act now that you're totally pissed," Snape said with his all-purpose sneer.

Beneath the fuzzy happy feeling anger started to leak upwards and out. Neville took a step forward and took a deep breath.

"You're a bastard!" he spat out. "I came to tell you that," Neville said as he started to shake with rage.

"No doubt," Snape said dryly. "Wait here," he commanded.

Neville stood gob smacked. He'd at least expected Snape to punch him.

Snape walked back into his bedroom and opened the linen closet. He grabbed a quilt and returned to his living room. Neville was sprawled on his sofa.

"If you throw up on that, I'll turn you into a newt and stuff you into one of my supply jars," Snape said equably.

"I said," Neville began loudly as only the truly rat-arsed can, "I hate you…you greasy bastard," he spat out.

"I heard you," said Snape, shaking out the quilt and putting it over Neville.

"Well, alright then," said Neville, mollified that Snape had acknowledged the insult.

"You know I'm to be Professor Spout's apprentice after I graduate, right?" Neville said with a grin. "Thought you'd get rid of me, eh? Well, hard cheese!" said Neville, falling over on his side while snorting with laughter.

"I am well aware of the apprentice list that was posted today," Snape replied. "I consider it one of the most cruel ironies of fate," Snape said dryly.

Snape sighed. Maybe he could get a few hour's sleep. He started to leave the room.

"I'm thirsty," Neville whined from his face down position on the sofa.

"Bloody marvellous," Snape said as he stomped off to the bathroom. He quickly filled a glass and returned to his sitting room.

"Drink all of this," Snape said, shoving the class at his soon-to-be former student.

Neville happily gulped down the water.

Snape took the glass from him.

"Now, get some sleep," he said shortly and turned to leave.

"I've got to pee….." came the jarring voice of Neville.

Snape stopped midstride.

"Second door on your left," he growled out.

"Kay," said Neville and, dragging his quilt with him, lumbered into the bathroom.

Snape waited impatiently for a few minutes. He heard the door open but Neville didn't return.

"Bloody hell," said Snape under his breath. He stomped after him.

Snape poked his head around the bathroom. Not passed out on the floor. That was promising.

He walked into his bedroom.

"Longbottom!" he roared. "Get out of my bed," bellowed Snape.

Neville just murmured something inaudible and clutched his quilt tighter.

Snape reached over, shaking Neville's shoulder none too gently.

"Get up, you oaf," he hissed.

Finally, Snape walked over to his dresser and grabbed his wand. One spell and he could get rid of Longbottom once and for all. No one would notice. He could bury the body parts in his supply jars.

Neville sighed and squirmed around a bit on the bed. Snape squinted a bit at Neville. The boy actually looked---rather appealing.

`God, it's been too long since I've been laid if Longbottom is starting to look good,' Snape thought in gloominess.

"Mobilicorpus," commanded Snape. Neville's body gently floated up from the bed and out the door. Snape followed it and watched as he was deposited on the sofa. Neville started to gently snore.

Snape rubbed his tired eyes. Time for bed.

Several hours later ~~

Severus snuggled deeper into the arms that held him and his unshaven face rasped across a smooth chest.

`Mmmph…have I brought someone home last night?' Snape thought as he struggled back towards consciousness.

Severus' eyes felt pasty but he forced them open…face to chest with… Longbottom.

"Bloody buggering hell!" Severus said, struggling to free himself from the stranglehold that Neville had on him.

Finally, in desperation, he bit down Neville's shoulder.

"Ow!" grunted Neville.

Severus jumped out of bed and shook himself like a ruffled bird.

"Why'd you do that?" Neville said in a snuffling, tired voice.

"What do you think you are doing?" Snape bawled.

"Sleeping. Oh, I see. The couch was uncomfortable and, well, you do have this large bed. I thought you wouldn't mind." Neville said with a yawn.

"Well, I bloody well do mind," snapped Snape.

Neville had the beginnings of a hangover and wasn't inclined to be kind.

"Stop acting like some hysterical maiden aunt. I wasn't attacking your virtue, I was sleeping," and with that flashy repartee Neville flopped back on the pillows.

Severus fumed. He hated it when other people were right.

"Scoot over," Severus said grumblingly.

Neville pulled back the comforter.

Snape struggled to maintain his dignity as he pulled the covers over himself.

"Don't be such a cover hog," Neville complained, pulling them back.

"My bed and my covers," said Severus irately yanking the covers back again.


Neville stared at Snape in horror, still holding the pillow. Feathers floated in the air around Snape's head.

Neville started to giggle, then, before he knew it, he was rolling with laughter on the bed.



Neville stilled momentarily, dumfounded by Snape's attack. Then he let out a battle yell. The fight was on.

For several minutes, Neville poured his heart and soul into hammering his opponent, trying, on some level, to achieve retribution of some sort. He would make Snape pay for every hurled insult, humiliation and detention he'd ever suffered at Snape's hands.

All of Neville's pain and anger floated to the surface as he continued to try and pound his opponent into the ground, or rather, bed. A steady flow of increasingly foul curses poured out of his mouth.

Neville continued wildly swinging his pillow until he was exhausted. Finally, he fell backwards on the bed panting, dropping his now torn and tattered pillow.

Snape swatted Neville several more times but, getting no further reaction, Snape finally collapsed alongside his former student.

All was silent in the room save for their heavy breathing which gradually slowed.

"Feeling better?" Snape asked.

Neville turned his head on the bed.

"I am rather," he said with a small smirk.

Neville shifted slightly on the bed. There was a delicious scent rising off of Snape. Part of it Snape's own masculine musk and some herbal sent---either his shampoo or soap. Neville tried to surreptitiously inch closer.

"Longbottom, are you gay?" said Snape in a husky drawl.

Neville flushed to the roots of his hair.

"Why would you ask that?" he said nervously.

"It's been a while for me, I admit, but I think I can still recognize an erection when I see one," Snape said dryly, his beady eyes taking in the bulge in Neville's trousers.

Neville turned his face away towards the wall.

"I don't know," he said shortly.

"You don't….oh, for mercy's sake. You're seventeen years old, Longbottom. Haven't you gotten laid yet?" Snape said with derision.

Neville snapped up into sitting position and started to scramble off the bed.

"I'm going now," he mumbled.

Snape grabbed his arm to prevent him from leaving.

"Answer the question," Snape commanded.

Neville turned his face towards Snape, his eyes suspiciously bright.

"No,I haven't," he said bitterly. "I'm a failure at that as well. No one wants to be seen dating poor, pathetic Neville. And who can blame them really?"

Snape was a bit taken aback. Longbottom was quite improved over the last year or so. His face had cleared up, and most of the baby fat he'd carried for years was now gone. With his longer hair-style and his creamy, alabaster skin he'd become quite a pretty boy.

"Longbottom, believe me, I've gotten my leg over worse in my time," said Snape, eyeing Neville thoughtfully.

"Really?" Neville asked hopefully.

"Yes, really," said Snape, his mouth twitching a bit as if a smile were trying to escape.

"You're a…" tentatively began Neville.

Snape stretched and yawned.

"Shirtlifter, queer, bent, yes, Longbottom, I am," said Snape in a matter-of-fact manner.

Neville licked his lips. He looked down at Snape, who was studying him quite intently.

Neville felt like he was moving in slow motion as he reached out and touched Snape on his chest. His fingertips ran over the nightshirt, looking for Snape's nipples. He found one of the small nubs and brushed the tips of his fingers against it. Snape said nothing but shifted restlessly.

Emboldened, Neville unbuttoned the front of the nightshirt, his hands trembling as he did so. He then slid one of his hands into the nightshirt, touching skin at last. His fingers rubbed one nipple to hardness and then reached over to give the same treatment to its fellow.

Snape swatted away Neville's hand.

Neville quickly removed his hand, embarrassed by the rejection.

Snape sat up and pulled his nightshirt up and over his head and threw it over the side of the bed.

Neville stopped breathing. Professor Snape was naked---in bed---with him.

Snape lay back down and put one arm under his head. Neville glanced down and saw that Snape was already half-hard. He gasped softly.

Snape was all lean, hard muscle. He had very little body hair except what was on his head and at his groin. The cock nestled in the black hair surrounding it made Neville's own cock throb. His pants were beginning to feel uncomfortably tight.

Neville reached out more boldly and ran his hand from Snape's chest to his flat stomach and paused there. Snape said nothing but his black eyes glittered.

Neville stroked Snape's cock and it soon filled and lengthened under his attentions. Snape arched into his touches. Neville smiled and scooted closer.

Snape's hand came up and circled Neville's as he pumped Snape's erection several times.

"Clothes. Off. Now." Snape hissed at Neville.

Neville didn't need a second invitation. This was like his best wet dream. His fingers felt clumsy as he sent buttons spraying off of his shirt. His pants tangled on his legs as he grunted and tore at them to get them off. He pulled off his socks and then finally when his hands reached his boxers he paused---suddenly shy.

Snape sat up and reached over.

"Lift up," he instructed.

Neville lifted his hips and Snape pulled off his boxers and threw them over the side of the bed.

Neville sat there trembling; his cock hard and leaking.

"Nice," Snape said and Neville's heart almost exploded with excitement.

Snape started to run his hands over Neville's body, leaving no curve or surface untouched save for the pulsing cock. Snape's hands went to either side of Neville's head, grasping his hair none too gently, and pulled him in for a kiss.

Neville had been kissed several times in his life but nothing like this aggressive and possessive attack of Snape's.

Snape's tongue snaked into Neville's mouth, demanding and hot. Neville responded by opening his mouth further, taking everything Snape could give him. Snape withdrew and bit lightly at Neville's lower lip. Neville moaned and then shoved Snape back down onto the mattress.

Neville needed this now. He straddled Snape's body and began to hump his left leg. Snape grunted and re-aligned Neville so that they were cock to cock.

"If you're attempting frottage, Longbottom, do it properly or not at all," Snape said in a smoky voice, gripping Neville's shoulders hard.

Neville was beyond words by this point; their leaking cocks were creating a lovely sensation that drove everything else from his mind. His hips started a thrusting rhythm that Snape echoed.

Snape grabbed Neville's buttocks to pull him in more closely. Neville let out an agonized yowl of pleasure. Snape laughed.

The headboard of the bed started to smack against the wall with the strength of Neville's thrusts and Snape's counter thrusts.

Neville felt like the top of his head was about to blow off. Wanking couldn't hold a candle to this sweating, writhing maelstrom of pleasure.

Snape started to bite Neville's neck and shoulders when he could reach him. Neville growled---the small pain helped to focus him. On his next thrust he bit into Snape's neck hard enough to draw blood.

The sound coming out of Snape only got louder. He was now moaning, screaming and scratching at Neville's back and blood was already flowing from multiple deep scratches.

Neville's balls started to tighten and he knew he was close.

"I'm going to come," gasped Neville.

Taking that as a signal Snape suddenly stilled and his cock erupted over their chests and bellies. One, two, three painfully delicious spurts. Snape screeched, digging his nails into Neville's buttocks. That was enough to send Neville rocketing over the edge himself.

Semen shot out of Neville for what seemed like forever but was in reality only seconds. Neville's face as he came was a mixture of pain and pleasure and he collapsed on top of Snape as soon as he'd finished.

Snape's arms were wrapped around Neville but neither man seemed inclined to move. Their breathing finally settled down and Snape shifted and Neville, recognizing the non-verbal cue, rolled off of his lover to let him breathe.

"Accio Wand" came the hoarse voice of Snape. He'd screamed himself raw. His wand flew over to the bed, where Snape did a quick cleaning charm of himself and Neville. Then he placed the wand on the night table.

Neville felt groggy and sleepy. He should really say something, shouldn't he? With that thought he sank into sleep with Snape cuddled up against him.

Next morning~~~

Neville awoke to a blinding headache and an empty bed. The bedroom reeked of sex from the night before. His eyes hurt as he cautiously opened them. Bless him. Snape had left an anti-hangover potion beside the bed. Neville swallowed down the vile concoction and felt almost immediately better.

A note sat on the night table with his name on it. Neville cautiously reached over to see what it would say, afraid that Snape was already regretting his indiscretion. The least Snape could have done was tell him face to face. Neville felt sick to his stomach and it wasn't from the hangover. He left the note unread as he scrambled around looking for his clothes.

He pulled on his clothes and found his shoes underneath the bed. He couldn't put off reading the note any longer. He opened it with trembling hands.

It read:

Longbottom, if you're interested in pursuing this, the password to my rooms is `chimera'. Sober, if you can manage it.

Severus Snape

Neville whooped and ran out of the room.

Part Two

All of the students were rushing to finish up their packing in order to catch the Hogwarts Express by the time Neville managed to reach the Gryffindor Dorms. He ran into Ron Weasley as he tried, unsuccessfully, to quietly get changed before any of his mates could see him looking so dishevelled.

"God, Nevvy, you look a bit worse for wear. Where'd you end up last night?" said Ron with a slight grimace. Hermione had already scolded him about his `overindulgence' the previous evening and he wanted to share the pain a bit.

"Ron, you aren't taking those shoes, are you?" Hermione asked in aggrieved tones. "They'll never fit," she said in a frustrated voice.

Neville peeked over at Hermione.

"I'll just pull the curtains so I can get changed," he murmured. He could hardly blame Hermione for her irritation; she'd begged Ron to get an early start in his packing but, of course, Ron had put it off in order to attend the most graduation parties he could find before leaving Hogwarts that day.

"So where'd you end up?" Ron continued to press.

Behind the curtainsm Neville wasn't quite sure what to say. The truth wouldn't be believed, or if it was, Ron would be appalled---he hated Snape. Well, truth be told, he wasn't fond of any of the Slytherins, but Snape especially.

"I, err… I ended up in one of the deserted classrooms and slept it off there," Neville replied.

"Gods, you must have an awful crick in your neck," Ron muttered.

"Where's Harry?" Neville asked. He didn't want to miss saying goodbye to any of his friends.

"He'll be along. He's meeting with Dumbledore again. You'd think Harry was going around the world instead of into the Auror program. I'm sure the owls will fly thick and fast between them," Ron said complacently.

The recruiters from the Ministry Department of Auror training had tapped both Ron and Harry for the Auror program. Ron had barely scraped by the academic standards but he'd made it in the end. He and Harry would train together over the next year and a half. Both were delighted.

Hermione had chosen to go into the Medi-witch program, taking emergency field medicine as her specialty. As the war with Voldemort escalated there was a huge demand for trained medics that could handle battle conditions. Only the best were accepted into the program as they had to qualify both in the medical end and the DADA training. No one could be allowed in the field if they couldn't defend themselves as well as their patients. All of the Gryffindors had been enormously pleased for Hermione as she'd worked incredibly hard to have the chance to participate in the program.

Neville was a part of the Hogwarts apprenticeship program, which stretched back almost five hundred years. Each graduating year, the most talented students were given the opportunity to apprentice to a Hogwarts Professor in an area of their specialty with an eye towards teaching the subject someday.

Neville had been given the Herbology apprenticeship, Mandy Brocklehurst and Padma Patil, both from Ravenclaw, were chosen respectively for Charms and Arithmancy while Ernie McMillan from Hufflepuff was selected for transfiguration.

To achieve an apprenticeship, the seventh years were required to take an advanced course in their particular area of interest during their seventh year as well as enduring additional exams on that subject during the NEWTS. The Herbology exam that Neville had taken with four other students had been three hours long and Neville had felt wrung out at the end.

Neville had been thrilled beyond his wildest dreams less than a week before, when the apprenticeships had been posted. He'd had to pinch himself. He'd been chosen. His Gryffindor mates had cheered and screamed and stamped their feet for him.

An apprentice level was somewhere between being a student and a Professor. They were adults and treated as such. Their study was independent to a great degree but guided by their mentors. They were regularly tested and given further direction as needed. All of the apprentices lived in---on the sixth floor in a small area that the Headmaster had converted to dorms for them.

Rules were strict, however, despite their adult status. They were in no way to set a bad example for the students. No alcohol, drugs or visitors of either sex were permitted within the school grounds. They could, however, escape to Hogsmeade for some `adult' company.

As Neville pulled on his clean shirt and neatly pressed set of robes he thought how strange he had felt this morning. He was straddling two worlds: that of his childhood with his friends that he was leaving behind while stepping into adult shoes and responsibilities when the rest of the students left today.

"Neville, hurry up if you want to see us off at the train station," called out Hermione.

Neville snapped back the curtains and quickly ran his fingers through his hair, trying to restore a little order to the mess.

"Am I alright?" he said breathlessly to Hermione, with Ron sniffing suspiciously beside her. Ron claimed it was `allergies' but Neville was sure that this parting was bringing out Ron's emotional side, loathe as he was to admit it.

"Let's go find Harry," said Ron and put an arm through Neville's. Hermione did the same on his other side.

"I expect you'll write to me every week," Hermione scolded very gently.

The three friends walked out of the dorm room, their lives separating forever.


4 Weeks Later ~

Severus sat beside the fire, nose buried in his potions journal. `The fool couldn't possibly be publishing that…the premise was shaky, the research blatantly shoddy...' thought Snape.

"Here's your tea, Severus," Neville said.

Severus reached out blindly and took the proffered cup and saucer. The aroma of his favourite ginger tea wafting up to his nose, he glanced up and nodded thanks.

"I've bought some biscuits, too, the kind you like from Honeydukes," Neville continued.

Snape didn't reply but Neville didn't expect him to. He just gently deposited a plate of cookies within Severus' easy reach on the side table.

`Bah, I'll have to write a lengthy rebuttal on that fool's work for the next issue,' he thought as he contentedly chewed on his biscuit.

The summer had been most productive. His research work was ahead of schedule, no little blighters to manage and bawl out and, best of all, he was getting laid regularly.

His eyes snapped over quickly to the young man writing quietly in his Herbology Journal.

Longbottom had been a bit of a revelation. What had started as a little slap and tickle had proved to be more durable than he'd assumed at first. Longbottom actually proved to be quite a good companion: undemanding, quiet and accommodating.

Snape had been a bit startled when Longbottom had taken to spending his free time with him. The sex he could understand. It was hot, it was good and it was plentiful. But Longbottom seemed just as happy to help Snape with his research or to do a laborious reference search so long as it was with his lover.

`Must be the novelty of it,' Snape thought with a snort. `That'll soon wear off.'

"I'll be gone next week," Neville said, interrupting Snape's thoughts.

"Gone? Gone where?" Severus snapped. Longbottom had been helping him with the Ricktus Potion Research, now they'd surely fall behind…how damnably inconvenient.

"Professor Sprout…Elvira, that is, has assigned me a research project on the milk flowers of the Forbidden Forest. I'm to study their week-long life cycle, and bring back as many species as I can find. I'll be camping out during that time," Neville said calmly.

Snape sputtered. "Of all the idiotic…"

"I was hoping you'd accompany me, Severus," Neville said with a wistful expression.

Snape's eyes narrowed.

"And why would I?" Snape said in a silky voice.

"Oh, I don't know. The fresh air…"

"Fresh air is highly over rated," Severus snapped.

"I have a lovely tent for two," Neville continued.

"The dungeons are far more comfortable," countered Snape.

"We could cook over an open fire…" Neville breathed out.

"Ridiculous," Snape said shortly.

"At night, there'd be millions of stars to look at," Neville said, plugging away.

"If I want stars I'll go to the Astronomy Tower," Snape said sourly.

Neville looked down at his robes, picking off one of Snape's long black hairs that had clung to it. Neville sighed.

"Well, I can't go alone, and Professor Sprout will be at a conference…so I guess I'll ask Ernie if he wants to go," Neville said tiredly.

Snape's teacup clattered into the saucer.

"McMillian? That pillock?" Snape said with a sneer.

"Don't be so hard on him. He's quite nice once you get to know him. I'm sure he'd go with me if I asked," Neville said, pushing back his hair out of his eyes with one hand.

Neville began to nibble on his thumb, staring into the flickering fire.

Severus fumed. He'd caught handsome blonde McMillan on more than one occasion trying to `chat up' Neville during the last few weeks. Snape hated the little sod.

"Of course, I could use that as an opportunity to restock some of my more esoteric needs," Severus began.

"Oh, I'm sure Ernie and I could do that for you, you needn't trouble yourself, Severus," said Neville with just a small twitch of his lips.

Severus glared at him.

"Two incompetents are not better than one, Mr. Longbottom," Severus said in a chilly tone."

"Well, of course, if you say so, Sev," Neville said meekly.

part Three

Six Months Later ~

"Here are you're reading spectacles, Severus," said Neville as he triumphantly presented them. It had taken almost two hours to find them in the chaos of Snape's rooms.

"Longbottom, I told you I will be using the sight enhancement charm while I'm at the conference. I refuse to have these spectacles sliding around on my nose while I'm speaking," Snape growled.

"Vanity," muttered Neville.

Snape's sharp ears picked that up.

"What, what did you say?" Snape stomped towards Neville.

"I said, Sev, you know those spells are self-limiting, and tiring to your eyes at that. At least keep these with you in case you need them," said Neville.

Severus snatched them out of Neville's hand and stuffed them into his robes.

Severus continued to growl and snap until Neville had everything packed away and had cast a minimizing charm on his luggage.

"There's really no need to see me off at the station, Longbottom, I'm perfectly capable of managing on my own," Snape reminded him.

As Neville bustled him out the door, he replied, "I know, Severus. I want to see you off. I'm just sorry that I couldn't go with you," Neville said.

As they walked upstairs and out the front entrance of Hogwarts, Snape turned to Neville.

"And make sure that idiot Melville, doesn't blow up my classroom while I'm gone," Snape added.

"You'll only miss two classes, Sev, I'm sure they'll manage," Neville said soothingly.

Neville and Snape walked towards Hogsmeade in companionable silence.

"Will you be able to finish your work with the wood elf plant this weekend?" said Snape, startling Neville a bit. He hadn't been aware that Severus had followed his work that closely.

Snape grunted.

"I saw Elvira yesterday morning," he said as he continued to stalk down the road.

Neville felt a small smile begin to show on his face.

"Of course. Yes, it looks like the wood elves will be in full bloom this weekend, and we should be able to extract the healing sap without difficulty," said Neville modestly.

"Well done," said Snape.

Neville stumbled a little.

"Thanks," he said with a grin.

Snape grunted again.

As they approached the station, Snape pulled his ticket out of his robe pocket.

"No need to wait with me," he said briskly.

"But I want to," said Neville, looking a bit hurt. "Don't you want me to stay?" he asked. This was the first time they'd be spending time apart since they'd become lovers.

Snape glared at him.

"Do I look like a first year, Longbottom?" Snape snarled. "I do not need you to hold my hand," he said sharply.

Neville winced a bit. During the day he was Longbottom---only at night when they were alone, did he become Neville. Severus never allowed his private life to bleed into his public persona.

"Still, it's a nice day. I'll just stay here for a few minutes to enjoy the sunshine," said Neville a bit stubbornly.

Neville walked over to the bench near the waiting room and sat down.

The wind teased Severus' robes and he irritably shook them back into order.

`There was no need for that woebegone expression on Longbottom's face' he thought savagely. `I've told him not to come.'

The boy needed a firm hand, direction; otherwise, he tended to mope.

"Longbottom, who will help you with the harvesting this weekend?" he rapped out.

Neville's head came up and his eyes lit up.

"Elvira, of course," Neville said as he rose and walked over to where Snape stood near the tracks.

"I tried asking Ernie but he said he was tied up," said Neville with a small frown crossing his forehead.

Snape smirked inwardly.

Indeed, Mr. McMillan, having suffered through several severe bouts of `wizards revenge', had finally had the wit to cease his attentions to Neville.

"But I was able to get two seventh years, Little and Bronstein, to help me. They're taking the advanced courses this year," Neville said happily.

Neville itched to take Severus' hand in his and give him a kiss goodbye but he knew Sev would have been horrified by the idea.

The whistle of the Hogwarts Express could be heard faintly in the distance.

Severus pulled out his wizard's pocket watch.

"Humph, two minutes late," he said as he snapped the watch closed and pocketed it again.

"Don't forget to owl me when you get there, Severus," Neville reminded him.

"Yes, yes, don't fuss, Longbottom. I'm sure I can get to London and back in one piece," said Snape sharply. "The Hogwarts Express is well guarded against Death Eater attacks," he snorted.

Albus had insisted upon this method of travel for all his faculty members after an attack upon Professor Flitwick earlier in the year. `Ridiculous' thought Snape. Still, after Flitwick's near disaster while apparating by himself and the disappearance of a high ministry official within the Floo Network---travel via the Express had become the recommended form of transport.

"Well then," said Neville, shuffling his feet.

The clatter of the train as it pulled in drowned out what Neville had been about to say.

As they awaited the appearance of the conductor to issue the `all aboard call', Snape caught Neville's arm.

Neville looked at Snape in inquiry.

"There may be a small favor you can assist me with while I'm away, Longbottom," Snape said.

Neville simply nodded.

"I would prefer that we drop the fiction that is being maintained that you spend any time of consequence in your dormitory. You will please accommodate me by finishing the transfer process this weekend," said Snape, avoiding Neville's eye.

"Severus, are you asking me to move in with you?" Neville asked, his heart thumping excitedly.

"Isn't that what I just said?" asked Snape, irritated at having to repeat himself.

"But…but what about the Headmaster? Wouldn't he object to us…living together?" said Neville, still too stunned to believe it.

"I've already spoken to Albus and, as we are two consenting adults, he has no issue with us co-habitating, other than to ask us to use discretion. As if we'd be swinging naked from the chandeliers," Snape snorted.

"All aboard," came the call from the bewhiskered conductor.

Severus turned to go, his luggage clicking and clacking in his robe pocket.

He reached up for the handrail but, before he could grab it, he was twisted around to face his young lover.

"Severus Snape, you are such a fraud," said Neville as he grasped both sides of Severus head and yanked him down by the air into a quick kiss.

Severus yanked himself away quickly.

"Cheeky bastard," Severus growled to Neville and then marched up the steps and slammed the train door behind him.

"I'll miss you too," Neville said softly as the train began to pull out.

Neville watched the back of the train disappear into the hills before he started back towards Hogwarts.

Part Four

One Year Later ~

Neville sat by Severus at the staff table pouring himself some tea and buttering his toast when the owls arrived with the morning post.

A large eagle owl dropped lightly in front of Neville, politely sticking his leg out.

Neville, surprised, carefully took the parchment off the leg of the large bird and then fed it a little bacon from Severus' plate.

Severus frowned but said nothing and, as usual, picked up Neville's copy of the Daily Prophet to read it. He rattled the paper. None of his business really…

Neville opened the parchment carefully; it was from the Headmaster of Durmstrang. His Herbology Professor was giving notice and would be leaving at the end of the school semester.

He had communicated with his good friend, Elvira Sprout, who'd recommended Neville for the upcoming vacancy. Would Mr. Longbottom like to interview for the position?

Neville was stunned and excited. His first position---and with a well known wizarding school! It was a dream come true.

The paper rattled again and Neville looked over at Severus.

"It's from Durmstrang," he said quietly. "They have a position coming open and Elvira has recommended me."

Snape peered over his paper. He watched Neville give the owl instructions to wait in the owlery until Neville finished his reply. The bird flew off on silent wings to rest and wait.

A week later ~

"I'll be gone only a few days," Neville said breathlessly as he packed up his best set of robes for the interview the next afternoon.

"I'm sure I can manage, Longbottom," Severus said dryly, not looking up from his grading of third year Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw papers.

"Don't forget the cactus plant in our bedroom, it's to receive two small plant food stakes tomorrow, and the Lolly Fern in the bathroom just needs a little misting…" Neville continued to chatter away.

Severus coughed.

Snape stared moodily at Neville. So. Longbottom was going to move on. Past time, too, if he was any judge. The boy was spreading like a fungus all over his life. There were plants in every room, his Herbology Texts were lining the shelves and littering the floor…and every morning Severus would wake to find that Longbottom was plastered against him in bed.

Snape had never been a cuddler---ever. Yet, each night after sex, Longbottom always managed somehow to squirm into his arms at some point during the night. Annoying really.

Well, he'd soon have his dungeons to himself and his life back once again in perfect order. It had been a pleasant interlude---nothing more.

"I'll see you the day after tomorrow, Severus," said Neville as he lightly kissed Severus' forehead.

"Don't fuss, Longbottom, it isn't as if you're marching off to war." Snape snapped irritably.

Neville cast the minimizing charm with his wand and his luggage shrank to pocket size. Neville placed both his luggage and wand into his robe pocket and reached for the portkey that the Headmaster of Durmstrang had sent him.

Neville watched the wizarding clock on the wall carefully until it started to strike the hour and then he felt the unique pulling sensation of the portkey at work.

His last impression of his lover was that of Snape scowling fiercely.

Two Hours Later ~

The last of the papers was graded with a slash of red and Severus stared at the fire in an unblinking fashion.

It was quiet at last. No Longbottom. No chatter.

Longbottom usually inveigled him into bed with,what did Longbottom call it? Ah, yes, a lap-dance. Severus snorted. Long gone were the days of Neville being shy; he'd become quite a sensualist over the last six months.

Severus frowned.

No doubt he'd take on a younger lover as well, once he assumed his new position. He'd shake Severus' hand and bugger off without a backward glance.

Well, that was life. He'd expected no more from himself or Longbottom. It wasn't anything that he couldn't cope with---he'd suffered far worse in his time.

Snape got up from behind his desk and marched into the bathroom. He glared at the Lolly Fern but carefully filled the misting bottle and sprayed the plant.

"There, you insipid thing, you won't be seen to diminish on my watch," Snape growled as he switched off the light.

~ Durmstrang

Neville let loose a sigh of relief. The interview portion was completed and he was now preparing to join the Headmaster at the Staff Table for dinner.

He'd been taken off on a tour before the private interview and had been suitably impressed by what he'd seen. Durmstrang had changed quite a bit. The curriculum no longer taught the `dark arts' as a matter of course but only to senior level students doing important research.

Voldemort's complete and utter madness over the last few years had provided one invaluable service---most wizards with any sanity refused to follow him anymore. He'd become more of a standard nuisance than a worldwide threat.

Dumbledore, leading the Order of the Phoenix, had won several important battles against the Dark Lord over the last year and had all but broken the back of the Death Eater Organization. Without his followers, Voldemort could not hope to overtake the wizarding society as a whole.

As Neville pulled on his set of second best robes in the guest room, the words of the Headmaster echoed in his head.

`Three years, Mr. Longbottom. That is our standard contract for an assistant Professor.'

Neville hadn't been disappointed---he couldn't hope to attain a full Professor's level until he'd taught for three years, he knew that. The salary, therefore, wouldn't be as large but, if he did a good job in the three-year probationary period, he would surely advance. It was a golden opportunity that wouldn't present itself again.

Up until now, the excitement of the communiqué from Durmstrang and resulting trip had driven all other thoughts from his mind. Only now did he realize that his success would have a price. He would have to leave Hogwarts---and Severus.

As a cool breeze blew through the open casement, Neville sighed and his forehead touched the cool stone by the window. He missed Severus and was sure he wouldn't sleep a wink tonight without the long, lean body wrapped around him.

Potions Classroom ~

"Miss Chauncy, Mr. Logan, if you fail to see the need for attentiveness in this classroom, I'm sure a week's detention can clear up that little misapprehension," snarled Snape.

"Merlin, what's crawled up his butt and died?" whispered an angry Ravenclaw.

Snape whirled and, striking a dramatic pose, hissed "Ten points from Ravenclaw," and, with that, stomped back up to the front of the classroom.

`Little brats,' he thought angrily.

"Finish your potions and then clean up after yourselves and get out," Snape sniffed as he yanked back the chair and sat down to start grading.

The classroom maintained its decorum for the rest of the quarter hour and then, as the students started filing out, whispers broke out again.

Snape's highly developed sense of hearing picked up the usual grumbling and complaints until…

"Oi, he's worse than ever," complained the Ravenclaw who'd lost the ten points for his house.

"He's just missing Mr. Longbottom, that's all," said a first year Hufflepuff.

Severus' head snapped up at that. What? What utter tripe. He was the same as he always was. The presence or absence of Longbottom was inconsequential to his mood.

Just then a knock came at the door.

Severus whirled preparing to deal with one of the little brats only to find a smiling Longbottom walking in the door.

Severus stood up and began to shuffle his papers.

"You're back," Severus said calmly.

"Yes, and glad of it, too," Neville said and tried to reach for Severus.

Severus yanked his arm back.

"Not here, you fool," he snarled at Neville.

Neville's bright smile dimmed a bit.

"Alright then."

Severus cleared his throat.

"Well, how did the interview go?" he rapped out.

Neville looked down at his work-hardened calloused fingers.

"Not well, I'm afraid. I'm not really what they're looking for," said Neville with a small grimace.

"Ah," said Snape, not knowing what else to say. Comfort was beyond him.

"I misted your fern," Snape said apropos of nothing.

"I knew I could count on you," Neville said with a small smile.

Part Five


A small ceremony consisting of the graduate apprentices, their families and friends gathered in the large third floor classroom turned ballroom for the night. The house elves had been busy laying down a buffet style meal that was to be enjoyed after the official part of the ceremonies were completed.

Neville was exultant; Harry, Hermione & Ron had all made it back for his ceremony. Neville had gone up to London to see Harry & Ron being handed their Auror emblems a little more than three months ago. He barely recognized them at that point; they'd looked so well adult and responsible. Even Ron Weasley carried an air of responsibility about him now.

Harry was posted to London and the Ministry while Ron had been posted fairly close to home in the Highlands of Scotland.

Hermione was still in her medi-witch training and was on a rigorous schedule at St. Mungo's, where she was doing her internship. She seemed happily overwhelmed by the amount of study and work.

Neville's grandmother sat with the former Hogwarts students while Snape sat with Elvira Sprout in the row behind them.

Dumbledore was currently nattering on about the `special' students that had graced the apprenticeship program and the opportunities that awaited them.

Neville had been the last of the apprentices to find his position. Neville had happily accepted the Herbology position in a small wizarding day school in Edinburgh. The Mendin School for Young Wizards and Witches took children from ages six to ten, and tried to prepare them scholastically for application to Hogwarts when they were of age for consideration.

The position suited Neville exactly. It was a day school so the Professors weren't required to live in with the students and it was within apparating distance from Hogwarts.

Snape had been pleased in his Snapeish way---he'd even allowed Neville to move another plant into their rooms.

Severus Snape sat rigidly listening to the gossip and giggles going on behind him. The Gryffindor trio had changed little and not, apparently, to the better.

Snape stared at a calm and very collected Neville patiently sitting on the dais waiting for the endless speech to conclude. The boy had more patience than he did. By this point he'd have hexed Albus into silence.

Elvira leaned over and murmured something into his ear.

"Pardon?" said Snape.

"I said I hope Neville is happy with his new position," whispered Professor Sprout.

"I'm sure he will be, Neville's wants are small," Snape replied.

"I'll never understand it," Elvira said quietly.

"Understand what?" Snape asked, his head curving around to focus more intently on the Herbology Professor.

"Why he turned down the Durmstrang offer," she said. "The Headmaster was quite put out when Neville refused it," said Sprout.

Severus blinked several times.

"Indeed," he said in a flat voice.

"Oh, well, I'm sure Neville had his reasons," Elvira said with an impish grin directed at her younger colleague.

Severus sleep-walked throughout the rest of the ceremony and made his way through the crowd to Neville's side once the party began.

Neville was chatting away happily to his friends when Severus approached them. He knew better than to wrap his arms around Severus, although the temptation was always strong.

Snape's expression resembled a thundercloud. Neville sighed mentally. He knew his lover hated these public ceremonies. Ah, well, he'd soon have him sorted out once they were back in their rooms for the night.

"Professor Snape, how good to see you again," Hermione said brightly.

She extended her hand towards Severus fully expecting a rebuff but was startled by his accepting the gesture.

"You look well, Ms. Granger," Snape said. "The work suits you," he said gruffly.

Ron and Harry exchanged looks.

Severus looked over at the two young men.

"I understand that your first assignments are within country?" he said in a leading fashion.

Ron just continued to stare at the unexpected phenomenon of a friendly Snape while Hermione gently nudged Harry with her elbow.

"Yes, sir. I've been working with Arthur Weasley in the Ministry Office of Muggle Relations…" and Harry continued to answer Snape's questions readily enough.

Neville goggled at his lover. He'd never seen him so social… pleasant, even.

The rest of the event passed in a happy daze for Neville. He ate, he drank, he talked and Severus never left his side. Neville was glowing with pride and happiness.

As Hermione, Harry and Ron were leaving the Hogwarts front gate, Ron tugged a bit on Hermione's arm.

"And what do you make of that, then?" he said.

"What?" Hermione replied.

"Snape. Neville," Ron said in an exasperated voice.

Harry grinned.

"I told you they were…together, Ron," Hermione said softly. "Neville owled me about it almost a year ago," she said.

"Yes, but" said Ron, shaking his head. "It just seems so wrong."

"It is a bit odd, Hermione. Considering how they felt about one another while he was in school," Harry interjected.

"You don't think that they, back then…ewww," said Ron wrinkling his nose.

"No, I do not, Ronald Weasley. And please take your mind out of the gutter," she said sharply.

Hermione stopped abruptly.

"You just don't see, do you?" she said to the two of them.

Both Harry and Ron stared blankly at her.

"You're both hopeless," she said with a giggle and continued on her way.

Harry and Ron shrugged at each other and followed her off into the darkness.

In the Dungeons ~

Severus lay curled around Neville's body, replete from the passionate lovemaking that had just concluded. He felt boneless and complete.

"Thank you for tonight, Sev, I know how you hate those things," Neville murmured sleepily.

Severus arms tightened incrementally.

"I was practicing, Neville" Snape said. "Testing my endurance, if you will," he said more testily.

"Practicing?" Neville said as he twisted around in Severus' arms to see his face.

Severus scowled but allowed Neville to run his fingers over his chest.

"Expecting to attend many more of these, are you?" said Neville with a sleepy smile.

Neville looked up at Snape's stony expression.

"What's wrong, Sev?" Neville said starting to get seriously alarmed, becoming more wakeful with each second.

"There's nothing wrong, Neville," Snape said grouchily. "It's just past due, that's all," Severus bit out.

"Past due for what?" said Neville with his voice starting to rise.

Severus mumbled something indistinctly.

"What? Sev, I can't hear a word you're saying…stop talking to your pillow," Neville said, pulling Snape's chin up with his fingers.

"I said our bonding," Severus grumbled like an irritated bear.

Neville felt as if all the oxygen in the room had been sucked out in mere seconds.

"You want us to get married," Neville said faintly.

"I wouldn't have said so if I didn't," Severus said crossly.

"Why?" Neville continued, still wary. Testing this new reality with words.

Snape glowered down at him as his pushed himself up on his arms.

"Because I don't want to look around and find out one day that you and your bloody plants have left me. I'm selfish enough to want you to stay. Is that what you want me to say?" snapped Snape.

Neville threw himself on top of Snape, enveloping him in his arms. Snape hit the bed with a grunt under Neville's weight.

"I love you, too, Sev," said Neville in a shaky voice.

Snape pulled and pushed Neville until he was lying by his side.

Neville's eyes were suspiciously bright.

"You do know that Albus will want to give you away?" Neville said in a cheery voice.

"Bloody buggering hell," said Snape.

Neville snuggled against Severus and fell asleep to the soothing sound of Severus' creative cursing.


Comments? E-mail Lillian