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Evil Man Eating Pizzas

By Abriana Ludwig

Just as a note from me this is really stupid so I don't reccomend reading it because you would be wasting your time.

Today in New York an evil pizza went on a rampage. It ate a total of fourteen muggles until it was stopped. The evil pizza was created by a muggle chef who accidentally stumbled across a recipe for magic pizza sauce. The man claims it was left to him by his great great great grandmother. When in fact it is said to have came from am island in the pacific that is rumored to have a secret society of evil pizzas. The man says he was putting the pizza into the oven when it attacked him. the pizza immediatly tried to devour the man but he was able to escape. the pizza broke out of the pizza parlor and started began it's path of distruction. Before being stopped by Raven Decraun, a young witch, it was able to devour fourteen people. All of which were later safely rescued from inside of the evil pizza. Raven Decraun told us that as the pizza ate more people it grew enormous. After attempting many spells she was able to save the innocent people with a simple freezing charm. Which when performed healed the pizza of it's burns from the oven which it was nearly baked in calming down enough so it could be subdued by the proper authorities. Soon afterwards members of the muggle rescue force were able to remove the people from inside the pizza and preform a large batch of memory charms. They explained the accident by saying a garbage truck had overturned on the street. So thanks to the help of a young with named Raven Decraun the tragedy was averted.

Please expect this section of the DP to change soon. Please 0-mail me with suggestions and stories for the Quibbler. As of now I am thinking of starting a different section of the DP but any ideas may help me to change my mind. Thanks to Becca C. for her help, also to Katie for her wonderful Daily Prophet, thanks to the readers of the Daiy Prohpet, and thansk to Professor Hawki for this wonderful school.


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