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Brought to you by your Friendly Neighborhood Majutsukai­™



Past Updates


Layout Surgery

So I finally fixed the ugly, ugly, UGLY background and header on this site. The header looks more professional and the background much less intrusive, in my opinion. Additionally, the new images are hosted off-site, so anyone that had problems with Angelfire-hosted images loading (I know there was at least one such person) will no longer have such problems. And even if you do, the background should now default to black if the image doesn't load, so you will at least be able to read the text.

I should also mention that I filled out the Games page with content on Project Oracle. I've got a full character list with information on almost all of the main players in the story, as well as a compilation of the videos I've made so far. A plot summary is forthcoming, and will be posted in the future.


Taking Back the Webshell

Oh hi there. So I kinda abandoned this site again because site upkeep is hard and I don't exactly have much to put on this thing. I think, though, that it could do with some much-needed TLC now.

First, news. I said that I abandoned Project Oracle, and I did. However, I've picked it back up now. I've matured a bit since I originally worked on the game, and so, I believe, have my skills in writing and my good sense in game design. I'm hammering this thing out into something I can be proud of, dammit.

I'm planning on putting info on the updated project on the Games page, which will no longer be a dead link at such a time.

Speaking of old things getting properly re-worked, I've finally reesigned the formatting on this page to get it to look good. And to think I was afraid of learning tables back then. They're really easy, and just look at the result! What small part of me cares about organization is greatly satisfied.

I'll probably be applying a similar working over to some of the other pages when I can get around to it.


Time Travel Theory 101

Like I said in my last update, not making any more excuses for slow updates. Here we have the addition of the Spotlight section (I actually added it quite a while ago, but forgot to make a notice), and a new addition to the Notebook section, with the fictional article/short story Time Travel Theory 101, which I REALLY REALLY REALLY want everyone to read and review. Please do, kthx.


New Page: The Notebook

Wow. Yeah, I pretty much suck ass at updating. I guess, like a lot of projects I undertake, this site only really recieves attention when the muse takes me. I do the same thing with my fanfiction, and my readers hate me for it. ><' But that's the only way I can put any feeling into it. So, yeah, I'm not going to continue pretending that this site or anything on it will be updated with anything resembling frequency. However, I don't believe it to be dead. It has some potential, and I hope to reach that potential someday. Till then, I'll continue with my sporadic updates.

The comic section might not receive an update for a while. Since I moved to my Laptop, and have been as yet unable to install Photoshop onto it, the very thought of making a new strip is silly. FFUS may be dead as well, since it was a group effort, and I think I'm the only one that still has any interest in it. :\

Anyways, the real update is an expansion of the Notebook section. I have one more fanfic, plus new sections with Short Stories and Poetry, with a total of five new articles. Hope you enjoy them.


Null Update

Ignore this.


New Page: Comics

Okay, the Comics page is up, with the premier comics, Megaman Next and Final Fantasy US. Episodes 1 through 16 are available on MMN, and episodes 1 through 10 are available on FFUS. Go check it out. And I know the browsing layout is weird, but I have an excuse; I'm REALLY not that good at HTML. Plus, the dates of most of the strips I have up are lost to the mists of time, so I can't use a date-based format like most. So, you'll have to stand the awkward layout I have for now.

Also, I'm looking into finding a different host. That may take a while, so the current Angelfire page will have to stand for a while longer. I know, I know, I don't like it either.


Introducing: Majutsu-soft, Ltd.

I don't suppose it needs pointing out that the Project Oracle site is pretty much DOA? It's been more than a year since I've updated, and even longer since I've updated with any real content. The main, but not the only, reason for this is that Project Oracle is pretty much dead itself. I say "pretty much" because I'll still probably tinker with it every now and then, and haven't yet ruled out the possibility of releasing a playable demo some day, but I've long acknowledged that the game will never reach completion. Kind of sad, really, but that's how it works sometimes.

The project's been dead for a while, but I'm updating now for a specific reason-- I just realized today that I have all this webspace to use, and for the past year it's just been sitting here as a shrine to a dead game. So, why not put some use to it? So, The Project Oracle website has now become Majutsu-Soft, Ltd, where I plan to release the sometimes-interesting, often-scary, and always-inventive workings and products of my mind.

In other words, it's a site for anything I want to put on it for the public to see.

The site's still under construction for the moment, but I have some pretty big visions for it. At the moment, this main page is the only completely functional page on the site, while some links will lead to old PO pages, and most to 404 errors. That will change soon as I prepare the content for the site-- within the next few days, if I can manage it.

Until then, check out the Photoshop-induced layout I've created for it! Well, yes, admittedly, it's only the old layout with a new skin on it, but I think it looks pretty good. But for now, that's all I have. Oh, and I'm leaving the old updates on the main page cuz I feel like it.

Pre-Majutsu-soft Updates
These updates are no longer relevant to the site. They are also embarrassingly written by a teenage me who actually thought talking like this was cool. They are-- reluctantly-- being kept on this page for archival purposes only.


No PO content for this update... however, I would like to bring attention to the fact that my Programming final, a game of my own design, is now complete. I say this here because I need a place to link to it. So, submitted for your dis/approval: Asteroid. Take note that, due to some issues with the code that I couldn't figure out, collisions will only register at the top left corner of the ship image. Instructions are provided in-game. Enjoy!


Shibaraku na... o_o That must be the longest update hiatus in PO history. Not a long history book, I know, but the point remains. Anyways, I have five new screens for you today. So... those might be worth a gander. Or a goose.


I wasn't kidding when I said the updates would be sporadic, ne? I don't even have a PO update this time, as such, but I would like to say that the Plot page is under way. When I can get up off my lazy backside and finish it. But, that's not the point of this update... I REALLY wanted to say here that I finally went and got myself a Livejournal ^^ You can find it here. I'll probably add a link to it into the body of this page sometime soon... But not right now. I dun feel like it right now.


Harpy Howloween, mina-san! This update brings the newly-added Characters page to the site. Take a look, and may your candy bags be filled to the brim! ^^ Come on, everybody! Let's go carve pumpkins and eat candy until we feel profoundly unwell!


Notice how I've only updated sporadically throughout the summer... That's mainly because I've spent my time purely on working on the game, so you can't blame me for that. However, with the new school year approaching, updates are probably going to become even more sporadic... working on the game takes precedence over keeping up the site, after all, and I'm going to have less time for even that. Anyways, I added 4 new screenshots to the screens section. Eat and forget! I mean, share and enjoy! I mean... ah, just go already!


School's coming soon... I am by no means happy about that. >_<... Except for the fact that that means I get to go back to Japanese class... But that's about it. Anyways, I added the Screenshots page, as well as a little message on the Music page. Enjoy.


*Looks down at previous update* Heh... Guess I didn't get to that next update as soon as I thought I would... at all. But, it's here, and that's what matters, right?... Right? Well, at any rate, I added the Concept page, and tried to add a custom 404 page to avoid all that surfing through Angelfire errors for the pages that are under construction... But, I'm having technical difficulties with that, so you'll have to live with it until I've figured it out. So, read up on the concept page, then, it's the first actual info about the game that I've released to the general public. Go, go, go! ^^


This update comes to you from a school computer (like you care). I just thought you ought to know, it's the last day of school for me! ^^ *Does a little jig* In celebration, I added the Links page and the music page to the website. Now you can see part of the soundtrack to the game, and the websites I visit! Aren't you the lucky one! ^^ I'll probably be updating some of the other pages in the next few days, so keep watch. And, happy summer! *shreds school papers* I'm FREEEEEEEE!!!!!! ^^ *runs off into the sunset*


Hello, all! This's my web page for my work-in-progress RPG, Project Oracle. This is the very first web page I've made, so you'll just have to bear with me and my bad html skillz. Anyways, this page is all about the game, plus a little about me, cuz I really have nothing better to do with the space. ^^

Sooo, if you actually care enough, once I get some of the files up, you'll be able to find just about anything about the game here, like multimedia, plot and character info, and even, eventually (eventually meaning maybe someday before the world ends) a playable demo. Hopefully. I don't really have any of said files up yet, but I probably will soon. Patience, my friends!


...Well, what are you waiting for? Take a look around! See which links work and which ones don't. Most of them don't at this point, but try them anyways!

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