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In My Dreams

At night I go to sleep and see
Children running around the school just as they please
Hanging from the ceiling climbing up a wall
Doing every thing a teacher would appall
Screaming and yelling running amuck
The teachers weren’t there, oh what luck
We wrote on the boards and imported real food
Some kids did things quite rude
They left their mark for all to notice
They spelled their names in their new language Otice
They wrote in Otice all of the boards and wrote so many notes
Then we made forts with chairs and coats
The erasers and markers as our weapons, we fought the good fight
This was a day that was out of sight
Just as we were about to climb on the roof
The whole school disappeared in a poof
I was in bed it was only a dream
Well I guess things just aren’t always what they seem

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By Britni Phelps

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