National Life Organization

The sole purpose of this web site is to publicly yet anonymously speak my mind of how many fellow christians seem to 'have it all wrong'. Here are a few of my points.

The Holy Scripture speaks about reaching out to believers and non-believers alike and show them that there is a Creator who loves them and wants to be in a close relationship with them.

The Holy Scripture speaks against all forms of hate, with the exception of righteous anger. Quite a few people have the idea that righteous anger is something that makes you angry and you have a verse that backs you up. Not true. Righteous anger is anger that is against something that defiles God's name/ God's temple/ or God's people.

Companies like AFA spend quite a large amount of their time making sure that discrimination laws are kept. For instance, they are calling for a Procter and Gamble boycott because P&G are supporting an amendment that would make sure that homosexuals and all other people are not refused a job just because they have an alternate lifestyle. Instead of spending more time being a missionary, they are spending more time making sure that gay people cannot work in Cincinnati.

Companies like AFA are grouping their following to write to the FCC to change the laws of what can and cannot be aired on television so that they don't 'have to watch it', instead of 1) Changing the channel 2) Creating more wholesome television.

"Guess? also markets sex on their website. Dozens of photos depict strong, independent, sensuous men and women and provide provocative imagery." Is the cry for a boycott of Guess? I personally have been to the webs ite and have found Paris Hilton, and some other guy. Thats it. Of course she just so happens to be marketing certain revealing clothing. But thats it. Not to mention, I haven't found anywhere in the bible where strength, independance, and sensuousness were all too bad. Now, being provocative is, but then again, name me one store that has an ad on television that doesnt have something provocative? Of course if you buy this car then the girl will follow you. or If you buy this pool then the girls in bikinis will show up and sun bathe. maybe If you get this fast, reliable internet service, you will be able to learn greek fast enough to impress that hottie at work. . America is full of being provocative. It makes a lot of people feel special, stupid, and inferior all the time. It's inherant. Whether or not you have the queen of porn or not, its all the same. Singling out helps nothing.