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Eeylops Owl Emporium
Come to buy an owl have you, but we now have cats, rats, toads, and owls!

Owl cost colors
Tawny Owl 1 galleon Brown
Brown Owl 1 galleon Brown
Scops Owl 3 galleons Brown,black,gray
Barn Owl 3 galleons Brown,speckled,gray
Snowy Owl 4 galleons White,Speckled black and white
Screech Owl 4 galleons Brown,black,gray,Mixture of colors
Eagle Owl 5 galleons Brown,gray,black,ash,tanish,mixture

Cat cost colours
Siamese 3 gallons grey, black, grey and black, white and grey
Chimera 5 gallons red, orange, grey, black, white
Tabby 7 gallons red, blonde, grey, black, white
Persian 2 gallons grey, white
Minx 1 gallon red orange blonde, black white grey

Normal 1 gallon black, white, grey
If you wish to buy one of these animals send an owl to the headmistriss