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Welcome to Florish and Blotts!
             So you want to buy some books?Well you've come to just the place!Have a look around.Alot of Wizarding books are available here!Take a look around!

                        Books!                   Cost

The Standard Book Of Spells Grade 1              2 galleons
The Standard Book Of Spells Grade 2              2 galleons
The Standard Book Of Spells Grade 3              2 galleons
The Standard Book Of Spells Grade 4              2 galleons
The Standard Book Of Spells Grade 5              2 galleons
The Standard Book Of Spells Grade 6              2 galleons
The Standard Book Of Spells Grade 7              2 galleons
Unfogging The Future                             4 galleons
Quidditch Through The Ages                       3 galleons
Hogwarts, A History                              6 galleons
Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them          7 galleons
Magical Herbs And Fungi                          5 galleons
Defensive Spells And How To Learn Them           8 galleons
A Beginners Guid To Transfiguration              3 galleons
Magical History                                  2 galleons
Aritmancy:The Prophecy Of Numbers                4 galleons
1050 Great Pranks To Use On Your Friends Or Foes 6 galleons
Diaries(Blue,Red,Pink,Green)                     3 galleons
Herbology For Beginners                          4 galleons
Magical Me                                       9 galleons
The Stars:Astrology's Wonders                    5 galleons

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