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Music Videos by and for the Fans

I must warn you now, if you hate Harry Potter, you should leave now. This is a site in which you will find all my oh-so-wonderful Harry Potter related music videos. (YAY!) I only got the resources to use actual moving video very recently so the first ones are just using still muggle pictures. But the last one moves! (Woohoo!) Also being the Beatle freak I am, all of them have Beatles music so if you hate them you should also leave, and get your brain checked while you're at it. Oh, and so I don't get sued, I don't own Harry Potter or any of the music I used. There. ENJOY!!

P.S. These are in Quicktime....

P.P.S. If the links don't work right, it's probably a bandwidth problem, just check back in a few hours if you still are interested. :)

P.P.P.S. Sign my guestbook! I wouldn't be suprised if it's empty.... but it would be great if it wasn't. :-)

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The Videos

This one might make you cry....
This one might make you laugh....
Real video!
