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Startled at the commotion in her Mistresses bedroom Dasi reached to wake her Mistress Morgana who seemed to be having a horrible nightmare. Mistress.. Pleaseeeee wake up as she shook her lightly and then a little firmer. Bolting up right knocking Dasi in the head and with the force sky rocking her to hit  the back of her head on the wall behind her.


Dasi dazed shaking her head slightly and then rubbing the knot on the back of her head where she hit the wall. OooOooo…Owie…


Glaring down at Dasi with her brilliant green eyes going darker, “What are you doing?” Rubbing her throbbing head. Mis..Mistress. you having bad dream again. Morgana’s eyes softing towards the ruffled house elf,. Dasi come here., poor Dasi. I am sorry as she reached to stroke her head. These dreams are getting worse Dasi and I don’t understand. Always that strange woman with those vibrant piercing green eyes.


Dasi looking upwards at her Mistress with wide brown eyes. Green eyes? Does she have black hair Mistress? Wel.. yes.. looking down at Dasi.. how would you know that?


Dasi trembling now and backing away.. No.. no Mistress. Dasi not know anything.. Dasiiii. What do you know?  You know this woman in my dreams don’t you?

Oh oh Dasi said as her face fell...Tears welling up ...pleaseee. Dasi can not say. Dasi trying to move further away but Morgana manages to leap off the bed and pulling Dasi up by her dress front to where she is nose to nose with Morgana. Dasi’s mouth grapes open slightly with a terrified look on her face. Now Dasi, I am only going to ask you one more time. How do you know this woman in my dreams. Dasi trembling severely. Mistress pleaseee he will kill me if I tell.


Morgana having a surprised look on her face asked “Dasi, what are you talking about? Who would kill you?”




At that moment a knock is heard on Morganas bedroom door. I will get back with you later on about this Dasi, be sure of that. Letting go of Dasi and Dasi dropping to the floor. “Yes, come in” Morgana said in a very irritated voice.


A dark figure appears in the room, As he reaches the end of Morganas bed he places his long fingers around the bed post  gripping it firmly as his