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Is there going to be a shift in power in Moron Valley?? Perhaps!! For decades the city has been run by the developers and the pro-tax lickspittles. Perhaps, just perhaps, that is going to change.

A major FUBAR occured when the five stooges voted to go into competition with Southern California Edison. Already there is a ballot measure to severely restrict the Moval electric biz, and rumors abound regarding Edison's support for candidates in the coming council election! And who is going to run? Only the shadow knows :-)

The Riverside College bond passed, now they want to create two new levels of administration by making Moreno Valley and Norco separate colleges. Are we surprised??

The Utility Tax (click here for more info)

The beat goes on!! The in-crowd says we gotta have it. The out-crowd says we don't. It's on the November ballot thanks to Pete Bleckert, Victoria Baca and a bunch of other dedicated workers. You can bet there will be lots of money spent trying to keep the tax, and even more work put forth by those who want give it the heave ho!

1-12 03 The Libertarian Political Action Alliance announced that they support the repeal of the utility tax.


Yer Voting Guide

Every group publishes them. Unions, political action committees. The thing that makes mine different is that it is the correct way to vote!!

National Election

Gary Nolan, the Libertarian for president.

Judge Gray for U.S. Senator


The Council Election

The majority of the council members are up for reelection this year and all three are going to be tuff to beat!! They are all likable and it will take a miracle to unseat any one of them. Rumors circulate about three potential candidates considering a run in all three districts..... developing!!

Vote yes to repeal the utility tax

Vote yes to control the city electric venture

Old Stories, Cartoons And Other Fun stuff

Park Taxes (click here for more info)

There's a good probability this will be on the ballot. The present assessment is $87.50 per parcel. Is an increase really needed?

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Get the scoop straight from the horse's mouth. Go to the Moreno Valley City Web Site and check out the latest council agenda and e-mail your commentary to the city council. They can't wait to hear from you!

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