Name: Amy
Sex: Female
Nicknames: Cracker Jack, Nipples, Eby, Milenka
Height: 5'2"
Age/Birthdate: 20 3-1-84
Astrological Sign: Pisces
Funniest Horoscope you ever read: None I really thought was funny. Interesting, not funny.
Best friends offline: Travis, Amy, Danielle and of course Chrissy Puppy Chow
Who are your favorite people to spend time with: Travis, Amy, Danielle, Chrissy, and Jessie
Chat names: killer_klown_milenka , juggalette430, lvliss_lvlilenka
Favorite Color: Black
Best friends online:
I wouldn't really say he's my best friend online, but he's my favorite person online....ROBERT!
Favorite Song: Twiztid: Fuck Myself
Favorite Movies: Killer Klowns From Outter Space, Big Money Hustlas, KIDZ
Future sons name: Broadie Christopher
Future daughters name: Alisa Milenka
Are you a good friend: I'd like to think so
Are you closer with friends online or offline: Offline b/c they know everything about me
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal:
I don't sleep with stuffed animals but there's like.....50 in my bedroom. ~LOL~ Pick a prize off the bottom shelf!
Favorite brand of gum: Extra
Favorite candy: Tangy Taffy
Do you believe in yourself: Hardly ever
Favorite Board Game: I don't play board games b/c I get bored too easily
Do you have a crush right now:
Travis, but he's not a crush, he's a boyfriend.
Favorite type of shoe: Tennis shoes
Concerts you've been to: This is an interesting question. When I was really little, I went to see Alabama and I remember it like it was yesterday.
Last big event you attended: I went to see Al Snow wrestle. It was fun. I FUCKIN HATE RIPP AND RAGE!!! They really are assholes!
Hobbies: um...pool,watchin wrestling, chatting, working
What do you see yourself doing in 10 years: In 10 years I wanna be doing something I'm proud of. u know, something worth my time.
Favorite Store: Spencers cause they got that dog that humps ur leg....that thing is cool!
Favorite Cartoon: Um...that would be TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES...duh!
Who do you wanna marry (ideals):Someone with a job, and their own car. And also has nothing in their mother's name.
Favorite non-alcoholic drink: Pepsi
Favorite alcoholic drink: Tequila...straight.
Favorite Quote:
Life's too short to be stuck on stupid. Violent J
Favorite Place: My house
What is your outlook on life: Live ur life happily. No matter what u do, even if it makes other ppl upset or look at u like ur a freak, be happy and live it the way u want to, not the way ur expected to.
Greatest accomplishment so far: Not giving up on being independent. Most ppl in my situation woulda run back home to mom and dad and I can't do it...too much pride I suppose.I did ask for money, which they willingly gave, but I didn't move back. I wouldn't be able to handle changes again. And I did pay them back.
What color is your purse/wallet: My purse is black, my wallet is black and red and ICP one.
Words or phrases you use too much: Did I say u could be here?, yeah...ok, stupid piece of shit computer!, what bitch...what?
Are you serious or funny: Serious? pffft... I'm serious when I'm beating ur ass. Any other time, I'm funny.
Are you a witch: If I were, you'd all be in big trouble!
Favorite Band: Twiztid...ICP too. duh
Would you ever want to live on a farm: oh, I have, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
Would you ever go bungee jumping or skydiving: Hell yeah, who wants to go?
How many kids do you want to have: NOT THINKIN ABOUT KIDS ANYTIME SOON...I'M 20!
Do you have split personalities:
That's what they tell me.
Have you ever been in love:
I don't think so...I think I wanted to be in love so bad that I actually believed I really was.
How many fingers do you have: 8 fingers. Thumbs don't count
Do you like animals: Nope. PPL like to stick the animals in my face and I hate that I stopped liking them.
What's under your bed: Blankets and a bookbag.
What does your screen name mean: The main one is killer_klown_milenka....Killer Klowns From Outter Space is my fav. movie so that's where the first part came from and the second came from the first ICP record I heard so I just changed milenko to milenka and BAM! my name
Eye/Hair Color:
Green eyes and my hair is black at this particular moment in time.
Favorite Sound: A sexy voice. Those who matter know who this is. Everybody else doesn't matter.
Favorite Smell: I like the way Gravity cologne smells.
What do you remember most about last year:
Moving out on my own.
Worst feeling in the world: When u feel like a complete idiot b/c of what someone else did...which had very little truth behind it.
Best feeling in the world: Knowing u have ppl there to help u and....just be ur friend.
Have you ever smoked weed:
How about no Steve?
Saved your chat conversations:
Um....the purpose of yahoo archieves is......?
If you could do anything to the one person that you hated the most what would it be:
Honest answer is what u want I'm assuming? Well, I'd like to make the bitch hurt as bad as what she hurt me. Be it physical, emotional, or psychological pain.
Which do you prefer mud or jello wrestling: Mud....I like getting dirty *winks*
Thunderstorms cool or scary: Cool...I like thunderstorms.
IF you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be: I know yall are gonna think that I'm only sayin this cause I'm a lette but I'd seriously like to meet Violent J. I think that we have so much in common based on what I have read about him (his book) and I'd just be interested in discussion, not sex...FUCKIN PERVS!
How many rings before you answer phone:
pffft...I don't answer the phone. There's no point in it. Only special ppl get my cell phone # so if u call my house and I don't answer, they call my cell and I'll answer that cause then I'll know it's someone worth talkin to.
What's on the walls in your room:
Dreamcatchers and a pic of an Indian Girl. OH, and glow in the dark stars!
Would you ever ask a guy for the shirt off his back: NO. I'd go shirtless before askin someone else for what they have. They earned it,not me. U work for what u want and's not handed to you.
Do you eat the stems of brocoli:Well yeah, it's good
Rollercoasters, scary or fun:
If you could get a tattoo what would it be and where:
Well, I already have one but if I were to get another one....I want a huge tattoo (not sure of what yet) on my back. Lots of color and I want it to cover my entire back.
Pick a song that describes yourself or that you can relate to:
Beyonce - Me, Myself and I. I like that song b/c u'll find that out with time.
Do you wear a watch:
Most of the time.
When I die I want to come back as:
Someone who grew up without worries and nothing bad happening to them. I know this is impossible, but it's what I hope for..
One pillow or two:
How about 4
What's better e-mail or chat: Chatting
Cats or dogs:
Favorite person:
Um...Not really sure who my favorite person is...Don't really have ONE favorite.
Favorite Food: Lemon herb chicken.

What do you do to relax:
Sleep, run/walk, go to wrestling and talk shit. (sounds weird, but it helps relieve stress)
Can you close your eyes and picture yourself with kids: Definately not at this particular point in my life but in the future...way way future.
I can tell u I was born in America and my Dad's side of the family is from Switzerland. My mom's side is like....lots of stuff but I know some is Indian.
Do you get along with your parents:
Only on occasion. My stepdad is good at being a pain in the ass. I think he's mastered it!
Favorite Relative:
My Mom and my brother Chris cause they look after me and help when they can.
Ashlie 18, Christoper 17, Brandy 12, Allen Jr. 11
Favorite Flower:
Favorite Number: Seven
Favorite Tv Shows: Everwood, That 70's show, Will and Grace
Favorite Actor:
Adam Sandler is the GREATEST!
Favorite Actress:
Angelina Jolie
Favorite Magazine:
Favorite Author:
I kinda like what I'm reading now. It's "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown.
Favorite Book:
ICP Behind the, not just b/c it's an ICP book but b/c it really is good and I couldn't put it down.
Favorite Soundtrack: I don't listen to soundtracks...What the H?
Favorite Music Video:
Twiztid - We Don't Die
Favorite c.d.:
Twizitd- The Green Book, ICP- The Great Milenko
Favorite Villian:
Shredder from Ninja Turtles.
Favorite Salad Dressing:
I don't use salad dressing.
Chocolate or Vanilla cake:
Favorite Holiday:
Halloween Mother Fucker!
Have you ever broken the law:
Well hell yeah!
Have you ever thought you were going to die:
Actually, yes. Lots of times.
What's the most embarassing thing you've done recently:
Showed everybody at work the picture of me and the stripper at Pulsations. Not something u want EVERYONE to see.
Have you ever cheated on a test:
An important one like for a ppl always cheated off of me actually.
Have you ever lied:
um...maybe once or twice. Little white lies don't count.
Have you ever used swear words:
Hell yeah. If I didn't, it just wouldn't be me.
Have you ever had a medical emergency:
Yeah. My ear almost fell off and I sat in the waiting area at the hospital for 4 hours. Stupid Doctors. OH yeah, now I can't hear outta my left ear...Thanks!
Do you believe in love at first sight:
No. Not possible. Love is something real. First impressoins aren't real.
Do you believe in luck:
I definately do. I have bad luck.
Chevy or Ford:
I drive a Chevy. I don't really have a preference/
Nike or Adidas:
um..neither. I like New Balance.
Gay or straight:
Definately Straight!
Abortion; are you pro-life or pro-choice:
Pro- choice. With abortion as an option, there is a less chance of finding a child in a dumpster or having a new mother drowning their child or whatever the big thing is now. Basically what I'm saying is that with abortion, we have fewer problems with child endangerment and such.
Oranges or apples:
Tall or short:
Taller than me....that's all that matters cause if ur shorter than me, there's a problem.
Shampoo or conditioner:
Shampoo first, then conditioner
Tv or radio:
Don't watch much TV and don't listen to the radio....CD's an option?
Pen or pencil:
What do you notice first about the opposite sex...honestly:
Their teeth cause I don't like the toothless look
Do you consider yourself non-romantic, semi-romantic, hopeless romantic: about NON.
What do you hate most about the opposite sex: The fact that they think that just b/c they have one, they have to BE one also.
When was the last time you cried:
I dunno. That seems to be an everyday thing here lately.
When was the last time you watched Bambi: 15 years ago
When was the last time you ate pizza:
Last weekend.
When was the last time you punched something:
I honestly can't remember. I'm more of a glass thrower myself.
If you could streak in front of anyone's house whose would it be:
Um... I don't wanna streak in front of someones house. I want someone to streak in front of mine. I'm not tellin who though.
What's your favorite line from a movie:
"Well, you see, I lied about that." -Shaggy2Dope as Suga Bear in Big Money Hustlas
What are you obsessed with:
I'm not obsessed with anything but I do have a lot of addictions.
What do you collect:
Porcelain dolls, ICP stuff, dragons, dreamcatchers
What's your favorite Adam Sandler movie:
Billy Madison
What's your favorite Adam Sandler C.D.?:
What the hell happened to me?!
Guys with or without hats:
Depends on the guy I suppose.
Loudest people you know:
Amy Louise Welch, Shaylah ( the good for nothing but fuckin whore) Shephard
Expression you heard the most while you were in school:
Last 3 movies you saw in a theatre:
pffft...I don't go to theatres cause I get annoyed really easily.
Last movies you watched at home:
Chasing Amy, Sixth Sense, and Thirteen Ghosts
Do you have any piercings:
ahha...the good questions. My ears are done once on each side, my tongue, my nipples and the fringe on my upper lip. .
Do you eat chicken fingers with a fork:
No, ur fingers...that's what they're there for.
Most humiliating moment:
I woke up in class one time during someones presentation that was being videotaped and I was drooling and later found out snoring too!
When was the last time you got any real mail:
I get bills a lot.
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