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*~Hedwigs Hideout~* Guild Webbie

Guild News

July 03
The message board on here has been turned into a discussion.You can discuss rumors and "facts" or maybe your favorite scene from one of the movies or book.
July 02
New background added as you can see.I'm not sure how much I like it though.If anyone can find a background they think would look better then neomail me(bubba).

Not really guild news but I thought some people might be interested in this.It's 3 of the cast for the upcoming HP film.
Madam Maxime

Mad-Eye Moody

Fleur Delacour

Contests & Giveaways

Referral Contest
Refer 4 people to the guild and win a Random Item and 20 House Points. Make sure those 4 people Neomail the Headmistress and tell her that you referred them.
You must be an active guild member to qualify.This weeks prize is:
Race to Riches Scratchcard

Giveaway date July 2
Homework Due Dates
Make sure to get your homework done!If you don't you could lose your house points!
Care of Magical Creatures-None yet
Charms-None yet
Defense Against The Dark Arts- July 9th
Muggle Studies-None yet
Potions-None yet
Herbology-None yet
Arithmancy-None yet
Astrology-None yet
History of Magic-None yet
Divination-None yet

<bgsound src="" loop=infinite> Gaia Online anime roleplaying community
If you sign up make sure to tell them Krissy_Stalker_Anna sent you!

<bgsound src="">

Guild Links

Page 2
Guild Council Area
Discussion Forum
Back To Guild
