CAPstart Private Equity Market

The SME Interactive Data Base is primarily designed for use by Investors and Investors' Advisers. SMEs and Service Providers are welcome to view and use it provided they also complete the information below.

Please complete the details below. (those fields marked with an asterix are mandatory.)
Note where there are multiple boxes please select all options that are acceptable to you. (SMEs are asked to select the single most preferred or dominant option to them).

1. *First Name
2. *Last Name
3. Title
4. Position
5. *Organisation
6. *Address
7. ACN
8. *Email
9. *Telephone -     work
10. Telephone -     mobile
11. Fax


12. Type of Subscriber/Investor

Adviser to Investor
Service Provider- ie Accountant,Lawyer,Adviser etc
Other, please specify

NOTE. For each of the questions 13 to 17 mark the items in each question that are acceptable to you. If all items in a question are acceptable you can mark all items OR you can leave all items unmarked.

Do you wish to see the Interactive Data Base table containing all SMEs? Yes
If you have ticked YES go to Question 18

13. Industries of interest

Financial Services Infrastructure/Utilities
Software/Internet Manufacturing
IT/Hardware Property/Construction
Telecommunications Transport
Media Mining/Oil
Medical/Biotechnology Agriculture
Environment Retail

14. Amount to invest in a single investment

$100,000 to $500,000    
$500,000 to $1,000,000    
$1,000,000 to $2,000,000    
$2,000,000 to $5,000,000    

15. Business Stage

Seed/product development Acquisition
Startup of business Reconstruction
Expansion Management Buyout/Buyin

16. Location

Victoria Northern Territory
Tasmania Queensland
South Australia NZ
Western Australia Overseas

17. Desired Cumulative Sales since commencement

$0 to $100,000    
$100,000 to $500,000    
$500,000 to $2,000,000    
$2,000,000 to $10,000,000    

18. Investor Experience

To assist us to help identify suitable SME opportunities, could you please indicate the areas in which you or members of your team have had considerable experience.

Financial Services Infrastructure/Utilities
Software/Internet Manufacturing
IT Hardware Property/Construction
Telecommunications Transport
Media Mining
Medical/Biotechnology Agriculture
Environment Retail
Hospitality Other

19. Private Company Investment

Have you or your company previously invested in private business

Yes No

20. Type of Investor (If Applicable)

Please indicate:

Venture Capital Fund    
Private Company/Trust/Individual    
Investment Company    
Operating Company Seeking Synergistic Opportunities
Other - please specify

21. Do you wish to be advised by email when a new SME matches your last investment criteria.


22. Password

Please advise user name and password of no more than 8 letters.



Investor/Subscriber Agreement and Acknowledgement


and CAPstart Market are names owned by Pacific Capital Corporation Limited (ACN 001 944 850).


I/We understand and agree with Pacific Capital that:

1. CAPstart Market will, if requested, send the Investor an e-mail message to indicate SMEs which may be of interest

Use of information

2. The Investor/Subscriber will not rely solely on information in CAPstart Market for any purpose, but will make its own investigations regarding accuracy, reliability and completeness. Pacific Capital will not authorise or endorse the reliability, accuracy or completeness of any information or advertising in CAPstart Market.

Limits of liability

3. To the extent permitted by law, Pacific Capital and their officers, employees or agents are not liable to compensate the Investor or any other person for any loss, damage, cost or expense sustained or incurred in connection with the use of CAPstart Market. This limitation of liability extends to any computer or electronic mail system or, liability that might arise because of negligence of officers, employees or agents.

Ending the agreement

4. Pacific Capital may end this agreement at any time by contacting the User/Investor by fax or email.


5. I/we acknowledge that this Agreement is with Pacific Capital;

6. I/we have authority to enter and sign this agreement.

7. 'CAPstart 'is a trademark of Pacific Capital.

8. This agreement is governed by the laws of New South Wales, Australia. The Investor/Subscriber submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales.

9. Clauses 2, 3 and 8 survive the ending of this agreement.

10. The attached Acknowledgement forms part of this agreement.


1. Investment in new and existing businesses, including the use of information in CAPstart Market, carries high risks (including the possible loss of an entire investment) and may be speculative in nature.

2. The information in CAPstart Market about proposed business opportunities and securities:

    • is not intended to be, and is not necessarily, the only information available on which to make an investment decision. Other, detailed information (such as accounts, business plans, information about ownership of intellectual or industrial property, expert opinions including valuations or auditors' reports) may be needed and available from other sources.
    • is not a substitute for a prospectus, disclosure document or other notice that may be required under the Corporations Law.

3. The information in CAPstart Market is provided by or on behalf of the person who is proposing to issue or sell the securities and CAPstart Market is not expressing an opinion of the information contained in the Publication;

4. CAPstart Market is not a stockmarket and there is no established market for the trading of any securities that may be offered.

5. Pacific Capital and its related companies receive listing and/or success fees from SMEs listed on CAPstart Market. Where "CAPstart Management" is noted in the "CAPstart Market Product" it means that Pacific Capital are providing more extensive services to the SME and Pacific Capital would be receiving additional remuneration which may include a shareholding in the SME.

6. CAPstart Market operates under an exemption from provisions of the Corporations Law (Australian Securities and Investments Commission Class Order No. CO 00/192). In accordance with Section 3(j) of the First Exemption of the Class Order, CAPstart Market has not been endorsed or approved by the ASIC.

7.Prospective Investors especially those not experienced in investing in private companies are strongly advised to seek professional advise.

8. The potential investor acknowledges that they are aware of the limitations of the information contained in CAPstart Market in accordance of the clauses above.

By clicking on the SUBMIT button below I agree to the above Terms and Conditions.




If you wish to deregister at any time please advise giving your user name and password.


© 2001 Pacific Capital Corporation. All Rights Reserved - ACN: 001 944 850.