Welcome to the Legolas Archers House Page!!!

Well, this is the all new and improved version of the legolas archers house page...lolz, hope you like it...the first layout had a lot of stuff on it so i just converted everything into a link instead to make it more convenient to you all :)
Please keep on checking back for more updates!
Special thanks to Dancergrl08 for helping me out...if i can't put on the updates, she will put them on for me, okay everyone? Also...remember to sign our legolas archers guest book! I encourage everyone to be active in our guild ad sign it!
~*~Very good news~*~ we have over 700 people coming in here...yea!


~*~Guild News~*~

~*~House News~*~

~*~The Two Towers Movie Script~*~

~*~Legolas Picz~*~

~*~House Guest Book~*~

~*~Pnyfreak88's Home Page~*~

Here is a ROTK countdown i found...if you want one, just click on it, and it will redirect you to the page where i got it from...you can also choose from 2 other options...

Please come back soon!
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