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the planet

Genealogy| a new age| oceanography| geophysic| anatomy| rarecrystals earth science

Earth science


History is now set up for the return of the christ and the creation of the heavenly kingdom on earth,but before this can occur the earth has to suffer a series of wars natural disasters,and other apocalyptic events that where predicted in the biblical scriptures,and these prophets who are men of god knew about every one of these preditions so they spend their whole intire life time watching world events very closely waiting for the next event to occure on the timetable.Whats the next event,A peace treaty in the middle east that will allow the rebuilding of the temple in jerusalem sometime after that according to them a massive rapture will begin to take place among true believers whoever they are which will take place when the messiah returns and they will be snatched up from off the face of the earth and caught up into the heavens to meet with the lord, Maybe the reason for these catastrafys lie in past events when humantity became awakened in the past millenn

a new age

As humans gradually began to coalesce into groups followed by a natural drive to indentify with more of each other to move into a more complete social organization no doubt this move came by intuition to bring about a change that human destiny on earth was to become more advanced by economic condition and to evolve beyond the nomadic life of gathering and hunting and begin to cultivate the earth,by planting and harvesting then domesticating and breeding of animals to insure a constant presence of protien and other related products so that humanity could maintain a productive way of life.

And with this image of a world vision which came about by the gathering of humanity for a greater unification followed by intuition man began to envision a shift that would change humanity as it existed or bring about a dramatic transformation in human history the leap from a nomadic wandering to the establishment of large farming villages,as the farming communities grew more complex surpluses of food prompted trade and allowed humanity to divide into the first occupational groups such as shephards,builders,weavers then merchants and metal workers and soldiers then came the invention of writing and tabulation,along with scetchings of diagrams and blueprints.

But some how in there subconscious thinking they no doubt felt that they had to please this so called higher power this diety or god as they would call it that existed out side of themselves who ruled the weather the seasons and the stages of harvest,Then as time progressed farming became an industry then grew to a multi national network of farming communities from mesopatamia,eqypt,the indus valley,crete,to northern china and through out this period of time humanity

would somehow begin to grow restless with the routines they saw before them.But the vision grew on and these generations of souls began to develope a message that humanity was destined to progress by sharing and comparing there knowledge but when doing so fear and destruction came into view bringing about an unconscious need to conquer rule and dominate and to impose there way of life on others by force,

And because of this the struggle for power among empires and tyrants began as one great leader rose up after another uniting the strength of his people conquering as much as possible convincing others that the views of his culture should be adopted by all,and throughout this era these tyrants were always in turn conquering themselves always opressed by a stronger cultural view and because of this ,empires rose and fell due to more effective reality,economic planing and better war technology then as time progressed over a thousand years are so a vision for humanity occured where key truths where envisioned by all across the globe,

one Of These Truths Was A New Ethic Interaction,which Brought About A New Energy Into The Earths Dimension,these New Generations Of Souls Brought A Energy Into The World And A New Culture Based On The Message That The One God Was A Holy And Divine Spirit Or Energy Whose Existence Could Be Felt And Proven By Experience And Bringing One Into A Spiritual Awareness Which Meant More Than Practicing Rituals And Sacrifices And Public Prayer But A Reconciling An Inner Psychological Process Of Ones Ego's Addictions And A Transcending Which Would Insure The True Fruits Of The Spiritual Life.

And as this message this new energy began to spread people from all walks of life and countries embraced this new message the idea of the one inner true god,and because of that new energy a change came about in the west a new ara was unfolding where the earths people were becoming more conscious of each other the era of the great empires was coming to a close.And this change was brought about by the new birth vision,where humanitys destiny was to develope an empowered democratic practice of exploring and coming to understand the world in which we live in.

Shephards,builders,weavers then merchants and metal workers and soldiers then came the invention of writing and tabulation,But somehow in there subconscious thinking they no doubt felt that they had to please this so called higher power this diety or god as they would call it that existed out side of themselves who ruled the weather the seasons and the stages of harvest,Then as time progressed farming became an industry then grew to a multi national network of farming communities from Mesopotamia,eqypt,the Indus Valley,crete,to Northern China And Through Out This Period Of Time Humanity Would Some How Begin To Grow Restless With The Routines They Saw Before Them.

but The Vision Grew On And These Generations Of Souls Began To Develope A Message That Humanity Was Destined To Progress By Sharing And Comparing There Knowledge But When Doing So Fear And Destruction Came Into View Bringing About An Unconscious Need To Conquer Rule And Dominate And To Impose There Way Of Life On Others By Force,and Because Of This The Struggle For Power Among Empires And Tyrants Began As One Great Leader Rose Up After Another Until The Strength Of His People Conquering As Much As Possible,convincing Others That The Views Of His Culture Should Be Adopted By All.


The ocean is a great body of water that covers more than 70 percent of the Earth surface,and it contains 97 percent of all the water on the Earth water is a unique substance,not only is water the most abundant substance at the Earths surface,but it also has the most naturally occuring physical states of any Earth material or substance(solids,liquids,and gas)and the greatest capacity to do things with out being altered significantly.It is essential for sustaining life on Earth and effects the physical enviroment in a myriad of ways,as evidenced by the sculpting of landscape features by moving water,the maintaining of the Earths radiation balance by atmospheric water vapor transfer,and the transporting of inorganic and organic materials about the planets surface by the oceans,the addition of salt to water changes the behaviour of water only slightly.


This symbol represents one of the four elements of our planet as well an element that is part of our earth its color is red, its name is tetrahedron,it symbolizes fire.

This mineral represents a time of harvest and fulfillment a time of ripeness and its season is autum, its life cycle is youth to adulthood.

This symbol represents one of the four elements of our planet as well an element that is part of our earth its color is green, its name is hexahedron,it symbolizes earth.

This mineral represents a time of renewal silence and resting, its season is winter, its life cycle is elderhood.

This symbol represents one of the four elements of our planet as well an element that is part of our earth its color is yellow, its name is octahedron,it symbolizes air.

This mineral represents a time of begining origination and planting, its season is spring, its life cycle is birth to childhood

This symbol represents one of the four elements of our planet as well an element that is part of our earth its color is blue,its name is icosahedron,it symbolizes water.

This mineral represents a time of nurishment fulfillment and harvest, its season is autum, its life cycle is maturity.

tetrahedron hexahedron octahedron icosahedron
fire earth air water
hot surface wind liquid
heat soil cool ice
warmth ground breeze moisture