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Lamara and Harp Singlestring's Wedding Pics

Harp and Lamra Singlestring were wed Sunday, May 19th, during a lovely ceremony held in the Park in Sanctus Seru, on the Tholuxe Paells server from Everquest.

I, Jitaan Ironblade, a Halfling Druid of Karana decided to take photos of the ceremony and party afterward, and present them here on this webpage.

Now, I'm not exactly a professional EQ photographer so I'm not guaranteeing these were the best poses or angles possible for each situation. In most cases the photos were simply candid shots, and the subjects were not asked to pose in any way.

My main job at the wedding was to provide alcoholic refreshment that I had brewed myself to the numerous wedding guests, and all partook with the exception of Dayleph and Caudex (even the bride, Lamara, sampled a Halfling Stout or two).

I apologize for any typos or broken pictures on this site, as I compiled it sometime around 1 AM. :)

Thank you for visiting, and congratulations to Harp and Lamara.

-Jitaan Ironblade

The Pictures

Pre-Wedding and Wedding Pics
Post Wedding Pics 1
Post Wedding Pics 2
The Avengers Federation Guild Website