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On the corner of Perry & Bently Streets leading up to the railway station is a premises carrying the signs "Photographer" and "Picture Framer". You will be pleasantly surprised however to find that this isn't the only thing that goes on amidst the walls of 117 Perry Street.

In Wairarapa, the name Nikolaison is synonymous with photography. With a long family history developed since 1949, Pete was born into a love of photography. "Photography has always been the great love of my life, it's a passion, a hobby, and my living". Nothing to big, nothing too small, he is a creative and innovative asset to the image world.

Pete covers all facets of photography, schools, kindies, aerial photography, properties, corporate, weddings, family portraits, and many many more. Basically, if you can dream it, he can bring it to reality for you!

It is this "thinking big" that has brought Pete to expand his business into other areas. He has a small but successful wing within 117 Perry Street that creates all types of print work, often stemming from his photographs. Brochures, Flyers, Buisness Cards, magazine & newspaper advertisements, and digitally manipulated prints are all born from the idea of taking the images to their final destiny, "the eye of the viewer".

In this day and age however, the word "digital" brings us to another important facet of getting these superb images out to the world, the internet. Pete's images are being used as graphics for web sites around the world, and being formed into web sites for clients at 117 Perry Street. Yes, we can do that too!!