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[ ] The Unwritten story that is my life
And so it begins with .....

Friday , April 25th

A new experience 4 me

well here i am this is the first entry into my online journal i hope all of u don't get bored lol well things went well today just got up and started my life as usual and i finally got this thing up i am so happy its been about 2 days since i first started the site and well it has come a long way i hope soon to branch off and get my own domain name that would be cool well i bid u farewell all my friends and i will try my best to write in this every day well later days

Saturday, April 26th

The first 24 hrs....

man 24 hrs man what can i say not mmuch has happened lol its a saturday thats about it i watched some tv yeah i am a party animal lol well i made supper some spagetti with freanc bread and such my family liked it ummm thats about it well i guess keeping a online journal isn;t as easy as it seems lol well all in all i hope i rememebr to do this 2 morrow well later days people

Sunday, April 27th


lol man i almost 4 got to write to everyone lol well 2 day lol well its sunday the end of a weekend and i start work 2 morrow i am really exicted cos it will get me one step closer to california ummm thats about it i woke up early and ran around the block 4 a while and when i got back i just moved around alot but then i just kinda fell asleep and time kinda disappeared i woke up at 10 om and thought it was 10 AM my aunt thought i was crazy lol well that about it so see ya laterz people

Tuesday, April 30th

I Guess I REALLY 4 got lol

I AM SO SORRY EVERYONE i got really side tracked my job has been great pretty tiring though lol i got my own van and a radio lol and i just been busy driving around all day and going place to place did u know attics r very hot lol well other than that i just been working and going to classes and i finally got here and wrote in my jouranl ther than work and such i just been playing some games and I FOUND MY CLASS RING stupid thing wants to kill me from going insane i swear i had looked on my book self i even took everything down from there am i going insane maybe i am or maybe not MYBE I AM aI DON"T KNOW IT owell its been cool so far well got to go now hope to rememeber this 2 morrow lol well later days