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Harry Potter Obsession
Welcome to Harry Potter Obsession: HPObsession for short. If you are somewhat obsessed with Harry Potter this is your ultimate website. Explore the wonderful world of being obsessed with HP. While you are in an obsesstion stage you must remember and never forget the following three things:
  1. You don't need medical attention if you are obsessed.
  2. You can never be too obsessed.
  3. Lord of the Rings is for losers. HARRY POTTER RULES!!

As long as you remember the three golden rules, you will succssesfully be HP Obsessed. [CAUTION: The following links are only for the most obsessed HP fans ever. If you are not obsessed with Harry Potter I highly reccomend you do not proceed to them. But you may choose for yourself.]

Most importantly: DON'T FORGET:::

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