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Loves Toll

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ One night Draco was up in the Astronomy tower looking at the sky.

It had reminded him of that one night a few days ago that he had been up there with the girl of his dreams. She was kind, courageous, gorgeous, sweet, funny, adventurous, and brave. She had been the one that always stood out from the crowd. The moment he noticed her, (which had taken him 4 years, 4 pitiful years of just longing to die) he knew, she was key for living. His girl, his love, his friend, His Angel.

He remembered the day. One day, while walking down the corridors one evening, just before he would had to go back to the common room, he saw her, laughing and smiling beside that Granger girl. Oh well, she maybe friends with Granger, but she sure is beautiful. She had long, curly, deep red hair, and bright hazel eyes that sparkled.

After a few moments of watching her, she told Hermione that she had to return the book she was holding, to the library. She told Hermione to just go back up to the common room, she did not want Hermione to get in trouble if she was late getting back to the common room.

"But, Rhia, what about you? What if you're late?" asked Hermione.

"Well, then, I will have one night's detention, so what?" answered Rhia.

"Okay, well, hurry back!" Hermione told her.

"Okay, I will, now, go!" Rhia told her laughing has Hermione ran off in the direction they had just came from. God, did Draco love that laugh.

What are you thinking? You only know the girls name is Rhia, well, that's probably her nickname, but, so what? Draco thought to himself. Well, talk to her, fast! He commanded himself. She was only a few meters away from him.

She was so close, she saw him and stopped, "Hi, umm, could you tell me where the library is? I can't seem to remember where it is." She asked him.

"Umm, sure, just follow me," Draco had said, with out even thinking.

They walked a little ways down the corridor when the girl spoke again, "Umm, I'm Rhiannon, my friends call me Rhia. Umm, whats your name?" she asked, uncertainly.

"I'm Draco. I'm from Slytherin house." Draco told her.

"Oh, I'm from Gryffindor," replied Rhiannon.

Oh well, we can over come those differences! What am I thinking!? I barely even know the girl!

They reached the library without anymore talking; Rhiannon dropped the book off. She came out and was about to thank Draco when he suddenly spoke, "Are you doing anything tomorrow night?" he asked.

"Umm, actually, I'm not, why?" Rhiannon answered, Draco was shocked.

"Well, I was thinking, maybe we could take a walk or something, you know, get to know each other." Draco almost blushed has he said this.

"Uh, sure, why not? When should I meet you?" Rhiannon asked. Damn! Rhiannon, you're doing good, you just got asked out by a hot boy you, like, just meet! Damn, when he talks, his mouth forms the cutest shapes! Okay, girl calm down, don't giggle, don't giggle! Darn it! I told you, or me, whatever, or is it whoever? Whatever, don't giggle! Rhiannon told herself.

"Just meet me after dinner, in the Great Hall. Is that okay with you?" Draco asked. Damn, she's cute when she giggles!

"Sure that's fine with me! After dinner it is," she told him.

"Yeah, after dinner. Well, see ya." Draco answered.

"Yeah see ya, oh, and thanks for showing me to the library." Rhiannon blushed as she spoke.

"Oh, sure, anytime." She's also cute when she blushes!

Rhiannon made her way back to the common room, just in time, too. She went straight to sleep so that tomorrow's dinner would come faster.


The date was great. They each longed to kiss each other, but thought the other one would not like it.

Now, we don't need to know about the first date, it is the one they went on 5 days ago that is important.

They had been going out for about 6 months now. The two of them being together had ended the Gryffindor and Slytherin "war".

Draco had asked Rhiannon to meet him up in the astronomy tower that night, nothing new, they had always gone there, just never used it for what everyone else used it for. They had never kissed, yet.

Tonight Draco decided to tell her what he really felt, Love. Draco loved her, longed to see her every night, to hold her in his arms when a bitter breeze came their way. Tonight he would tell her, and hope for his feelings to be returned.

Rhiannon waited up there for him. He came up the stairs and smiled at her just to see her smile back. Damn, he loved that smile.

"Hello Rhiannon." He whispered.

"Hello Draco." She whispered back.

"Well, I think I should tell you this first. Well, you see that night we met, I had been on my way to the highest balcony, and I was going to jump off. I felt no reason to live at all. And now, as corny as this may sound, when I saw you, I knew I had to get to know you before I took my own life. So, I did, and my will to live became stronger, and stronger, until I began to think, 'Why did I ever want to kill myself?' Well, Rhiannon, what I guess I'm trying to tell you, other then 'Thank You', is that, well, I love you Rhiannon, I really love you." Draco told her, and looked up at her and saw silent tears streaming down her face.

"Draco, I love you too, but you have to promise me one thing," she told him, he had told her the words she had wanted to hear and she had told him the ones he wanted to hear.

"What's that?" he asked her, brushing her tears away. Oh God, his hands felt so good on her face, she wanted to live in this moment forever.

"Promise me that, if I die before you, you will not kill yourself," she told him.

"What do you mean? Rhiannon, you're not making any sense!" Draco was confused.
"I don't know, I just have this feeling, a bad one, but, I don't want to ruin this, just forget about it," she told him as she moved closer, she leaned in, closing her eyes, and Draco did the same. They went into their first kiss, a blissful, sweet kiss they had both longed for.

They slowly opened their mouths, welcoming one another in.


That was their last time together. The next day, her feeling came true, she had been found murdered in her bed, all the other people in the Gryffindor tower had been put under a sleeping spell, Rhiannon, Draco's only true love, was killed. Most likely by a Slytherin that didn’t like a Gryffindor with someone from Slytherin house. If it had been a Gryffindor murderer, they would have killed Draco, not Draco's love.

Draco sighed, if only he had not promised Rhiannon that last promise, then he could end his pain, and meet up with his true love one again.

Rhiannon had been Draco's Angel, now she was His Angel.

If only I could hear you say "I love you" one more time, just to end my suffering, I could know that you don't blame me. Draco thought, suddenly, a small piece of parchment came fluttering in through the open window of the astronomy tower, and landed in his lap.

The parchment, which had been folded, had three words on the front, "Draco, My love". It was written in Rhiannon's writing.

Tears threatened to fall out of his eyes as he opened it up. In there, in Rhiannon’s writing, was:

Stop blaming yourself. It was no ones fault, It was my time to go.
I still love you, I always will. I truly love you. Draco, you were my first love. In the Beginging, I never thought we could pull it off, but we did, and I don't regret it! I never will.
Draco, I love you. Remember that there's holes in the floor of Heaven, and I'm watching over you, always.


The tears that had been threatening Draco spilled forth. He calmed himself down and quietly said, "I love you too, Rhiannon."

He got up, and went to his dorm, and put the letter in a safe place where no one would ever find it.

"I love you too, Rhiannon" he said once more.

He could have sworn as he unwillingly slipped under sleeps spell for the first time in what seemed liked ages, he heard Rhiannon's voice,

"I'll always be with you Draco, I love you."

