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The Sorting Hat Now it's time for your sorting! This wise old hat will definately know where you need to go, except the hat is here, and you're there, so give us this information and we'll be sure to ask the hat. Read the multiple choice quiz below. In the form at the bottom of the page, be sure to type an a,b,c,or d answer to the questions in the multiple choice quiz. Be sure to match the question answer to the slot in the form at the bottom of the page. (Example: If you're answer for Question 1 is B, find the Question 1 slot in the form and type in B) Be sure to answer every question with the right letter, click submit, and confirm your actions.You will then receive an owl (email) telling you what house you're in, and all the passwords you'll need to know. Question 1: A little muggle girl has fallen through the ice on a pond, and she obviously can't get out on her own. You: A. Use the new spell you learned in your extra credit book to make the water warm, then fish her out. *Note* Do not choose this if you never read extra credit books in the first place. B. Do what comes to your mind first which is run out to her and jump in after her. C. Pretend you didn't see her and keep on walking. You have business to take care of and can't be troubled by little girls. D. Aren't even there to see her. You're in a warm shop drinking hot cocoa with your friends. Question 2: Word's out that a dueling club is having their first practice Tuesday evening. You: A. Immediately make plans to be there. Dueling sounds like your cup of tea. B. Decide to stay in your common room and hang out with friends. Hurting people is unneccessary and dueling is probably full of that. C. Stay in and study even though you don't have a test for weeks, because studying is what you do every night! D. Plan to attend. Maybe you'll get paired up with one of your enemies and knock em out or something! Question 3: You stumble across a copy of Practical Magical Pranks in Flourish and Blotts, and you're dying to buy it, but you have no money with you. You: A. Glance around to make sure no one's looking, then pocket the book. B. Take a mental note of the book title and author, so you can buy it on your next visit, or possibly find it in a library. C. Quickly forget about it. There are far too many important things in your life to get mixed up with unimportant pranks. D. Ask a pal to borrow money and swear you won't play any of the pranks on them (with your fingers crossed behind your back). Question 4: It's common knowledge that Professor Flitwick uses the same exam every year. You: A. Ask your older sibling or friend for their old exam. Maybe this way, you won't get as many ulcers. B. Figure it's better to be safe than sorry so you study your little heart out. C. Who cares? You're just going to cheat off the person next to you anyway. D. Study for a few minutes. You usually pay attention enough in class to be safe on the exam anyway. Question 5: You spy your least favorite person breaking a major rule: roaming the halls after lights out. You: A. Pretend you never saw them. Likelyhood is, if you told, you'd get in trouble also. B. Don't even consider tattling. Getting the reputation of a tattle-tale is definately not worth seeing them get in trouble. C. Just forget about it. It's not worth the trouble. D. Tell on them. Seeing that hated person get chewed out by teachers is better than chocolate cake! Question 6: You have tickets to the Quidditch Championship! But you're grounded for disobeying your mother. You: A. Sneak out to the transport and go to the game. Only an idiot would pass up such an oppurtunity. B. Apologize profusely until your mother agrees to let you attend (you give the second ticket to your best friend), but only if you do the dishes for the next month. C. Respect your mom's grounding and spend the night watching the game on your Wizard TV. D. Offer her your second ticket, and even she won't pass that