~Where Gryffindors and Slytherins unite!~



My Journal

About Me



Welcome To Gryfferin!!!

~Where Gryffindors and Slytherins Unite!~

Hi!! Welcome to my site! My name's Desdemona and I sincerely hope you like my site and recommend it to others!! lol! I sounded so professional :: fake sob::

Anyway, feel free to look around, as long as you remember that the fanfictions aren't mine and if slash (which means yaoi, but of course, some stories have het pairings in them but they're not the main pairing.) offends you, well, you're on the wrong web! this web is one hundred percent slash!!

P.S. Sorry about the ads! I can't get rid of them!! well, I can but I would have to pay. Hate these darn ads! :: pouts and sulks in a corner::

Thanks for visiting! Come back soon! I promise I'll update!! :)