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Gryffindor Common Room

Welcome to the Gryffindor Commonroom! This is the place where you can meet an talk to other Gryffindors. Also, some guild information will be posted here like House Points and Gryffindor information like contests just for Gryffindors. New things are always being added so check in when your not busy.

House Points

The House Points go as followed:

Gryffindor is in the lead for House Points!

Gryffindor Contests

Please remember these contests are only for Gryffindors so, if you talk to your friends in other houses about them they won't have a clue what your talking about.

We will be starting 1 contest, GOTW (Gryffindor of the Week). GOTW will be rewarded every week to the Gryffindor who was most active, nice to other students, and got good grades for that week. Each GOTW will recieve a prize. The Head of Gryffindor will choose the top 3 Gryffindors and place a post here with their names. Gryffindors will then place their vote and who ever gets the most votes will win. You can find who the GOTW is by checking the Gryffindor Status.

Congrats to diggy_dawg96 for becoming the GOTW this week!!!

Gryffindor Status

  • Head of Gryffindor - japanese_chicka
  • GOTW - diggy_dawg96
  • Prefect Boy - None
  • Prefect Girl - haloangel_111


Quidditch Positions go as followed:

  • Captain: None
  • Keeper: None
  • Chaser: diggy_dawg96
  • Chaser: None
  • Chaser: None
  • Beater: kouj0
  • Beater: None
  • Seeker: haloangel_111

Chat Room

This is the gryffindor chat room. Please remember this chat room is constanly being checked so do not use unappropriate langauge or treat people with dis-respect or you will be suspended from the guild, please view the chat room rules before entering, thank you.

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Chat room rules