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Wizards, Warlocks, Witches..oh..and A Million reasons why you should kill those GNOMES!!!!!

Welcome to my website


IF YOU WANT TO GET A MIDI FROM ME, E-MAIL ME!!!! And I will happily send anything you want in a ZIP File!!

The Art and form of GNOME KILLING HAS been practiced for many years. From the dawn of time, someone has always believed in something different from the Norm. Chances are, if your here, you too, believe in something from the Norm. Or maybe you are just here to piss off those idiotic bastards that would dare say we need to get rid of our concrete gnomes!!! What kinda damn communist actually thinks that a concrete Gnome is considered slavery?? wtf...damn morons..anyway...

My e-mail address is at the bottom of the page, if it's full, go to the about me section, and i have a list of other e-mail address's you can reach me at.

You'd really be surprised at how many bastards actually e-mail telling me i'm mean for Gnomes...and that they are little people?? wtf..they are concrete, you inconsiderate, incoherent, obviously blind jackass's....

This site is drawings, and other things, of wizards, warlocks, etc...and Gnomes..and how we should keep them enslaved from the bastards that want them free'd....

Click here for links to my other pages

Why we should kill Gnomes pt1
List of sites to e-mail, over this Gnome Shit
About myself
My Beautiful Fiance and I.....*MWAS!!*
Reasons why gnome free'r's can kiss my ass.. Any questions?
Drawings, Dragons, Warlocks...And Pictures too.
