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Name: Fred and George Weasley (Twins)

Age/Year: 17/7

House: Gryffindor

Quidditch Postion: Beaters

One word to describe them: Trouble

Fred: Gabby (His love, his life)
George: Katie (His one and only)

Just a note: If we don't know you, don't act like we do.

Official Fred and George of the Common Room

Official Fred and George of the Burrow

**Official Fred and George of just about everything**

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These two trouble makers are up to no good. Watch your back! They know every secret passage way in Hogwarts and Loads of passwords. They want to make a joke shop when they are out of Hogwarts, which their mother doesn't approve of. They have an office in the boys toliet where you can buy or trade for basically anything and ask revenge tips from them.

I Solemly swear I am up to no good