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Hobbit Holes and Elvish Paradise

Do not let your hearts be troubled. Go now and rest... Or not. Doesn't Matter. Or you could travel to pretty places. Yes. Go. Travel.

My Elfwood Gallery
My Livejournal
LotR Slashy Goodness (Homophobes Beware)
My friend Marisa's Elfwood Gallery.
A brilliant LotR cast image gallery
A site dedicated to the hobbits
An amazing LotR Site
The Official Lord of the Rings Site
A wonderful Return of the King Gallery

It's the ring. It's getting heavier.

I have borrowed these pictures and I really don't know from where, but where I did get them, I thank you very much for the use of them. Praise be to the hobbits, elves, men, ents, forests and the creator of all of this. J.R.R Tolkien. I would like to wish him a late 111th birthday. Happy 111th Birthday Elves are perfect. Beautiful. You could never look down upon them. Literally. They are really tall... In my opinion the best elvish pairing is Legolas/Haldir. Oh, and Elladan and Elrohir. I swear. Elijah and Dom have more going on then what they are telling us. LOOK AT THEM! I love the hobbits. Elijah, Billy, Dom and Sean. They are all sooo cute. Pippin and Merry are so hilarious. "Merry" "What" "Are we lost" "No" "I think we're lost. Merry" "What" "I'm hungry." Frodo and Sam would totally make an amazing couple! So would Aragorn and Legolas. Hurray for sexy men. And elves. And hobbits. And cave trolls! HAHA. just kidding.
