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Welcome to Aluriana. Here, there are seven kingdoms and an eigth unmentionable one. Aluriana is a world governed by three gods and a deadly deity. Azuras god of light, is the social vision of truth and right, his mighty power glowing like the brightest of days. Gaoron, god of darkness is the embodiment of evil, his strength glowing like the pale moons on clear nights. Vintera, god of shade, lies in perfect balance. His power is much like the shade, a combination of both light and darkness. Finally, the deity whose name is unmentionable, Nalare`, goddess of the underworld. She controls the keys to life and death, in her hands lies your ultimate fate. The goods in truth are neither good nor evil, they just exist as forces of nature measures of the scales of life, waning and waxing in due season. Aluriana, is ruled by the awesome power of the royal family of house Targaryen. Here, you can become the strongest of warriors, gaining fame and glory whose armor is legendary and skill with a sword is fierce. If your heart leads you, you can become a mage of unspeakable power, your spells silencing all that oppose you, or become a renowned bounty hounter, a stealthy thief, let your mind run free and become anything you want to be. Thus, come and live in this mythic realm, and always remember to dream big!