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This website is not affiliated with a medical agency.  Our webmasters do not necessarily have licenses as paramedics or EMTs.  We just know first aid and a lot about emergency medical care.


Rochester Medical

Welcome to Rochester Medical

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Welcome to Rochester Medical!

What is Rochester Medical?
Rochester Medical is simply an unofficial non-profit organization that teaches people, on-line, first aid techniques and 'how-to's.

Is Rochester Medical affiliated with Rochester or a private agency?
No, Rochester Medical is not affiliated with any emergency medical agencies and our webmasters and instructors do not necessarily have degrees in medicine or are necessarily involved or certified as emergency medical technicians.  We simply provide the world with information on quick thinking, success stories, and techniques and skills for learning and using useful first aid skills.

Is Rochester Medical accepting donations?
Rochester Medical is not currently accepting donations.  Thanks for the thought though!  We are trying to set-up a donations page on the website.

I want a some people to learn first aid.  Can an instructor from Rochester Medical come to teach them?
It depends on your location.  If you are located specifically near the Greece town area, yes.  If you are located nearby Greece, maybe.  If you live in Alaska, Hawaii, or Moscow, no.  Since we are a non-profit organization, we do not currently own a private jet.


How does Rochester Medical's navigation system work?  (How do I get to different pages within the website?)
Our navigation system is definitely unique.  If you have ever visited AOL's website, you will understand it.  We have a series of keywords that you type in.  You then it enter and it will direct you to the page of the keyword you typed in.  A list of our keywords can be found below.

  • To read about the latest news associated with Rochester Medical, type news.

  • To read about success stories that people from around the world have sent in, type stories.

  • On every page, you will want to return home.  Type home.

  • For contact information, type contact.

  • For a form where you can provide feedback on the site, type feedback.

  • For more FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), type faq.