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Delaney Skye's Insane Archive

take this to your grave.

Harry Potter Ficlet Index
Harry Potter Drabble Index
Cursed Chapter Index
The Legacy of Brynne Chapter Index
Random Harry Potter Facts & Theories

say it like you mean it.

NOTICE: THIS SITE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION-- I apologize if everything is not in working order.

Hi, everyone! Before anyone asks, no, my actual name is not "Delaney Skye", it's just a pen name.

Anyway- I'm an aspiring writer and this is my site to archive all my works (especially Harry Potter fanfiction, as I have an undying appreciation ::cough::obsession::cough:: for it)

Considering almost no one I know shares this deep "appreciation" with me, I am relying on the kindness of strangers! And in all likelihood that's you! So tell me what you think- please!

This is my obligatory disclaimer-- for my HP fanfics-- Harry Potter does not belong to me!

Visit my livejournal for fic updates!

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