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Monday, January 3, 2005
First entry
Mood:  chatty
Topic: Journal
We'll, I decided to start a journal that wasn't related to the site directly and post it in my blog. I'm going to try to be much more routine in updating this than the others but at the same time I'm not sure I can do that. As it is I have only a little time every other week or so to do anything on the site.

To get off that depressing subject, I wish I could remember when the Star Wars movie is going to come out. Star Wars is my favorite series, both the books and the movies.

Speaking of books, my library isn't getting the Sword of Truth books as they come out any longer. Most unfortunate.

Posted by wizard2/dashbarlow at 12:45 PM EST
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Stubborn Images
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Trials and Rigors
The majority of the site still doesn't load images, at least for my comp. It's been a while since I was able to be on, been busy, but I'm working on it.

Posted by wizard2/dashbarlow at 12:39 PM EST
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Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Gotta get back on track...
I've just realized I've neglected the site for about a week. Apologies, and I'll get back on immediately.

Posted by wizard2/dashbarlow at 9:57 AM EST
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Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Another snippet of writing
Topic: Journals, Writings, etc.
This is one of my favorite type of pieces of my own.

His sword's tip keening it's wail of death as he sang his own warcry, the sword whistling through the air to decapitate the first, then swinging around to cleave another in half, taking two of his numerous opponents down. He should have been lucky to scratch one, considering there numbers, but the spirits in the blade, the warriors who had gone before him wielding this blade, their knowledge was as his, and use it he did. Fighting ferouciously, strategically, he elimanated another with a thrust in his heart, then he planted his boot on the man's chest to free the blade. That thrust, that mistake almost got him killed. But he freed one hand and a knife materialized in his hand, was gone, having materialized in the man-behind-him's throat. Retrieving his blade, he soon dispatched the rest.

Posted by wizard2/dashbarlow at 10:03 AM EST
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Just a short story
Topic: Journals, Writings, etc.
A Short Story: A Dinosaur's Last Run.

'OOOOOhhhhhhh NNNNOOOO,' thought old one fifteen (not a name, no names yet. a label for identification purposes. (: ) as he ran, feet pounding into the hard, rough surface, as the carnotosaur gained on him.
'Ohnoohnoohnoohno!' He thought. The only sound he was making was a sort of panicked bellow/danger signal.
Suddenly out of the trees to the right a ceratopsian charged the carnivore, shattering it's leg below the knee. O.O.#15 sank to his haunches in relief.
Immediately the tinys were on him, there bite making him sleepy. He shook them off though and started running again.
He was suddenly very happy. He noticed in a very detached clinical manner that his joints were hurting horribly, and then, he felt every bone in his feet shattering, the his ankles; up and up this went, for what seemed like days(it was really millenia: booby trapped time warp (; ) He kept running. After what seemed like weeks, his skull began to disintegrate....
His body still runs through the continuum, they say, this mass of jello, never to stop or to even die, for it is conscious still......

Posted by wizard2/dashbarlow at 10:00 AM EST
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it's tuesday
Well ok, almost all up. A lot of adding to be done, and tweaking.

Posted by wizard2/dashbarlow at 9:55 AM EST
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Getting easier
Topic: Trials and Rigors
This is actually getting easier. More of the site is going up, almost faster than I can believe.

Posted by wizard2/dashbarlow at 8:56 AM EST
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Monday, December 13, 2004
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Trials and Rigors
Well. It's nowhere near as bad as geocities. I almost killed something before my friend told me here was better.

Posted by wizard2/dashbarlow at 5:51 PM EST
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