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Welcome to Hogwarts!

SITE UDATE: We are no longer joining on the site. There is now a join forum on the boards.

Darkness Returns, a Role Playing Board based in Harry's last three years at Hogwarts, tells of the rise of the Dark Lord Voldemort to power once again, in which he will attemt to dominate all the muggle and wizard communities of the world. You can play Quidditch as a player, attend balls, attend classes, or teach classes as a teacher, create your own non canon class and non canon teacher, (you will get your own forum)or even create your own student, or join as a first year and be sorted! At the end of the year, you will recieve the year book free, a compilation of all posts on thisboard into a book, then you will recieve a free PC Game exclusive to our board, past on the plot line of our board. You will get one every year. Check the calender to find out where we currently are.




©2003 Harry Potter Darkness Returns RPG is by


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