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Love your neighbours as you love yourself.

Here’s something I would like to share…
Without LOVE, days are:


So, be in love everyday… with JESUS!

"Pain is a more terrible Lord than death itself." -Dr. Albert Schweitzer

>•       Love is not being irritable 
>•       Love is not boastful 
>•       Love is not arrogant 
>•       Love is not proud 
>•       Love is not rude 
>•       Love is not bragging about oneself 
>•       Love is not being bitter 
>•       Love is not being aggressive 
>•       Love is not doing heroic acts 
>•       Love is not doing extraordinary acts 
>•       Love is not speaking in tongues 
>•       Love is not prophesying 
>•       Love is not about knowing all mysteries and all science 
>•       Love is not even having extraordinary faith 
>•       Love is not even giving all one's goods to the poor 
>•       Love is not even being martyred 
>•       Love is not being jealous 
>•       Love is not searching for the evil in others 
>•       Love is not rejoicing in injustice 
>•       Love is not exaggerating one's own qualities 
>•       Love is doing nothing that can bruise others 
>•       Love does not insist on its own way 
>•       Love does not gossip 
>•       Love does not distort 
>•       Love does not condone injustice 
>•       Love does not incriminate 
>•       Love does not suspect 
>•       Love never divides 
>•       Love never sows seeds of dissensions 
>•       Love never judges 
>•       Love never condemns
BUT. . . . .
>• Love is giving the best we have >• Love is putting the interest of others above our own >• Love is being patient >• Love is kind >• Love is sharing >• Love is rending service >• Love is without servility >• Love is without arrogance >• Love is seeking the truth in all things >• Love is growth in joy and patience >• Love is growth in goodness >• Love is growth in generosity >• Love is growth in fidelity >• Love is growth in tenderness >• Love is growth in self-control >• Love is the opposite of all our tendencies to division---hatred, quarrelling, jealousy, rage, disputes, dissension, schism, >• Love promotes no discord >• Love unites >• Love overcomes >• Love purifies >• Love dignifies >• Love saves >• Love spreads joy >• Love brings happiness >• Love takes initiative >• Love bears all things >• Love believes all things >• Love hopes all things >• Love endures all things >• Love is communion, communion with God and with our brothers and sisters >• Love is manifested in all the little things of life that build community


How many times have I lifted my hands
And said, “I surrender all.”
Then how many times have I taken it back
And hardened my heart to God’s call.

Innumerable times have I promised the Lord
That never again would I fall.
Then barely arise from confession’s bench
And walk right into temptation’s hall.

This flesh of mine is a puzzle to me.
Why I try so hard to appease.
Why do I sin and then make excuse.
For this nature I’m trying to please.

The answer is there - right before my eyes.
In my flesh dwelleth no good thing. (Rom. 7:18)
If my soul is to live, I must crucify flesh. (Gal. 5:24)
Not once, but again and again. (I Cor. 15:31)

-Shanna Shuck

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Dedicated to Michael

Last updated: 3rd July 2004
Web page by Cindy E-mail me

URL: https://www.angelfire.com/wizard2/cyberjam/