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Ravenclaw Common Room
-Draco Malfoy is requesting that more members take his class on spells
-Severus Snape would like members to take his potions class
-Trelawney would appreciate it if mebers took her class on Quidditch Theory
-Scyruse is teaching Charms stop by for a lesson. Also coming soon Transfiguration.
-Remember that the classes's lesson doesn't change until next month
-Stop by Gringotts to see how much money you have you gain more money and more house points on each class you take.
-Here is one thing Magic Phoenix Hogwarts is in desperate need of, MORE TEACHERS! Stop by Teacher's Applacations to choose a class and read the teacher responsibilities before ever signing up as a teacher.
-After recieving an e-mail on what house you are sorted in (by going to the link Sorting hat) and recieving what the password is to your common room, go there (the common rooms might experience some changes but do not be alarmed Dumbledore is doing the best he can for this site to be the best!
-Here is the last and one of my favorite links you can go to, Live Chat go by there and meet talk with some Harry Potter fans just like you!
Hello fellow Ravenclaws! My announcement is that I Scyruse, am your fellow Head of House. Please stop by the classes and click on charms where I will be giving the lesson. Also the Ravenclaw Common Room will be experiencing some changes.Do not, I repeat do not be alarmed if the site changes, Dumbledore is deciding what is best for the Magic Phoenix Hogwarts. Also another noteworthy teacher Professor Trelawney teaching Quidditch Theory ,please stop by to try her lesson. Now here is the other and most exciting announcement, our house has the most points so far we have 20 points and we're ahead this means I want each and every one of you ravenclaws to try your best to maintain being in the lead for house points

Head of House,
Scyruse Wreadler

Tell your head what should be done to make this common room better

What is your HP nickname?

What is your e-mail