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Suggestion Sunday
Being as brilliant as I am, it's not always easy. That's where you come in! Have you got a great idea that will benefit the guild? Well tell me! You can neomail me by clicking here, or you can mail me at (I'd prefer if you would mail it to me, but either way is fine :) I love doing new things for the guild, but I can't often think of new, fresh ideas! So if you have any, I'd love to hear them! You don't have to do it only on Sunday, but it's just a reminder than I need your input to run the best guild that I can! Plus, as an added bonus, any ideas that you submit to me and I use, you'll earn yourself a tidy 5k to spend as you please. So send me any ideas for new layouts, fun stuff that the guild can do together, contests, or anything else you can think of! Come on, it's easy! :D